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Luxchomp for Battle Roads (Masters Division)


Retired Mod
Luxray GL LV.X 2-2
Garchomp C LV.X 2-2
Dialga G LV.X 1-1
Uxie LV.X 2-1
Azelf 1
Toxicroak G 1
Crobat G 2
Bronzong G 1
Dragonite FB 1

Lightning 3
Psychic 1
Metal 1
Warp Energy 2

Cyrus 4
Collector 4
Bebe's 2
Energy Gain 4
Poke Turn 4
Power Spray 3
Luxury Ball 1
SP Radar 3
Aaron's 1
Energy Exchange 3

Get cheap KO's with Luxray and Garchomp. Dialga is my Mewtwo, Donphan, and trainer lock counter.
@masterzach3001: DCE=Double Colorless Energy, Aaron's=Aaron's Collection, PONT=Professor Oak's New Theory.

Your list looks super solid the only thing you might want to do is, take out a Warp Energy for a Power Spray, but again your list looks very good.:)
- 1 Warp Energy
+ 1 Energy Exchanger

For get fast your Warp Energies or your DCEs if you need them.
wow. a modified yutachomp deck...that have like 6 card changes :p

nice list, James. I see nothing wrong with it.
Drop PONT for a 4th power spray, other that that It's one of the best luxchomp list i've seen in a while, a very solid list.
Having 4 collector is a great way to stay consistant under trainer lock.

PONT is a great card under trainer lock, during bad starts, and after you are done with your cyrus engine. I think having 1 is more important than a 4th power spray.
I see what you mean with the PONT, but you do need the 4th spray to stop uxie drops, but I'm not sure what you should drop.
- 1 Luxury Ball
+ 1 Power Spray

IMHO Luxury Ball isn't a must in SP decks. In my LuxChomp I don't play it.
@masterzach: He's using Cyrus's Conspiracy from Platinum. The card that lets you search your deck for a Supporter, basic Energy card, and a card with Team Galactic's Invention in its name.
may i ask why a 3rd energy exchanger? is that a bit overkill imo, james? thought 2 would be enough mate... If i were to switch out that 3rd energy exchanger, it would be either a 2nd PONT or unown q.