LuxChomp [ Luxray GL Lv.X / Garchomp C Lv.X ]

Gengar, the thing is, in a trainer-lock, it's unnescary. And if you want Uxies, run another Collector. It's near impossible to lock a supporter, while many, many things lock trainers. Plus, you need to have a pokemon in your hand to use it. What if you have none? Or if you have no hand, and topdeck it? A collector would be much, much more useful in this situation.

EDIT: Also, Eleki, the trick is to build up Scizor on the bench. Yes, yes, there is Bright Look/Dragon Rush, I know. Also, you can't OHKO it with extra Defenders, while they can, given enough time, OHKO everything in your deck.
There will be extra Pokemon in the hand, you play quite a few. Comm is great because its a trainer and you can still use a Cyrus or something.
@ Shoryu, communication > luxury ball because its so versatile in this deck. You will almost always have a junk tech in your hand and just use it as communication bait for all important lv x/ azelf/ uxie/ unown Q etc.

Also you shouldnt lose under a trainer lock. Just bright look the plume when you have the chance and just pick away at it. You will lose some prizes but eventually once the trainer lock is finished you can just get rid of all the trainers in your hand and set your self up.

Anyway I dont quite understand why we are discussing scizor. It loses to luxchomp. A good list will be running at least 4 basic energy. You should easily beat scizor.
^Eleki, your spelling is attrocious. Okay, say you do that they say. Then they use a Blissey and a Nidoqueen. They now have 30 damage on them. And what if they use Special Metals, or perhaps Defenders?

MJ note: Thanks for informing me, I missed it.
Against scizor, either crobat poison it, or use promocroak to poison. Chances are they won't be able to retreat/get rid of the poison, so it can slowly die.
Crobat G's Toxic Fang attack works wonders against Scizor in the same manner as Donphan.

I personally prefer Blaziken FB because it is strong against opposing Dialga Gs, Scizor and annoying pokemon like Vileplume. If you run Communcations (like I do in my list) being able to use them in a timely fashion would be difficult without a way to address the problem directly. Luring Flame and a Jet Shoot later, you have access to your SP engine again and they're SOL.
elekid you do realise that its 2 for 70 and 3 for 90 on scizor prime, so 3 plud ebelt can sweep luxchomp and is easily set up with skamory
Ive played the matchup, and luxchomp snipes the scythers easily. Plus, alot of them play ERL with a fire, Blaze, or DGX. And luxray has resistance to scizor.
The Pain: He was factoring Luxray GL's {M} resistance.

The fact that Skarmory is OHKOed by a Dragon Rush is a deciding factor against Scizor. If you Rush their Skarmory early game, how are they going to set up?

That's not even taking into account how fast Luxchomp sets up compared to Scizor, btw. A Luxray GL Lv.X+Gain+Lightning Energy compared to Scizor+4 Metal Energies? Luxray WILL kill Scizor before it has enough Metal Energies attached to OHKO Luxray, and the Luxchomp player can simply Poke-turn the Luxray to re-use Bright Look AND heal any residual damage sustained.
Just wondering: How would you play this deck if you couldn't afford a second Luxray Lv. X? And how would you tech up this deck in a fairly Vilegar-heavy format?
If you don't have the second Luxray GL Lv.X, then go for 3-1 Luxray GL. It gives you some extra Trash Bolts against Gyarados, but you lose Bright Look a bit. If you want to tech against Vilegar, I'd go for trying to find room for a 1-1 Dialga G Lv.X and two Warps, or a 1-1 (or 2-1) Blaziken FB Lv.X and two Fire Energy. Dialga G locks Vileplume, and Blaziken brings up Vileplume. Roserade GL works too, after Bright Looking the Vileplume.

Another option that I haven't tried out yet, but might work, is Froslass GL. Sleep Inducer brings up one of your opponent's Benched Pokemon and puts that Pokemon to sleep. If Vilegar misses the flip, then Vileplume can't retreat if Unown Q is attached to it.
I've played against Vilegar quite a bit, and honestly, if you bring it up and don't kill it, you will lose every time. They will most likely have a Warp Energy ready (holding it in their hand the whole time) so Sleep/Burn is basically moot unless you can keep 0 T/S/St in your hand (hard under Trainer Lock). It's either Bright Look and Zen Blade to kill (which is like 95% hard under Trainer Lock and Level Down), or play Dialga G Lv.X with a lot of Spray (letting you pull off the first combo which becomes a lot easier).

dmaster out.
This is probably what I would change in an extremely heavy Vilegar meta:

-1 Drifblim UD
-1 Drifloon UD
-1 Pokemon Communication
-1 Premier Ball
-1 Psychic

+1 Dialga G
+1 Dialga G Lv.X
+1 TGI Power Spray
+2 Warp or +1 Warp/+1 Lightning/Metal

Seems pretty simple to me...most of your dead weight Trainers will be useless early game until you can set up Dialga. Then you hoard your Sprays so you can take control of the game.

dmaster out.
OK, but mine has a couple bells and whistles (Chatot G, Smeargle UD, only 1 Crobat G, a VS Seeker) and only 2 Collector. Not sure how to fit an extra Power Spray and Warp Energy therein.
Necessary techs usually make their way into the deck by taking out other cards that don't help. If you don't fit them in, I guess they aren't that necessary, no?

dmaster out.
I tried this idea at states the other day. I teched in 1 interview's questions. Even with all the funny looks I got playing the card It still netted me at least 1 double colorless and won me some close matchups and increased the donkability.(is that even a word? o_o)