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LuxChomp (Luxray GL X & Garchomp C X) Seniors Cities(Miami, FL)


TDL is a God Type.

2-1 Luxray GL X (RR)
2-2 Garchomp C X (SV)
1-1 Dialga G X (PL)
2-1 Uxie X (LA)
1 Azelf (LA)
1 Froslass GL
1 Toxicroak G (DP Promo)
1 Ambipom G (PL)
1 Dragonite FB (SV)
1 Lucario GL (RR)
1 Bronzong G (PL)
1 Crobat G (PL)

4 Cyrus's Conspiracy
4 Energy Gain
4 Power Spray
3 Poke Turn
3 SP Radar
2 Aaron's Collection
1 Luxury Ball
2 Pokemon Communication
1 Junk Arm
2 Bebe's Search
3 Pokemon Collector
1 Copycat

2 Lightning Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
2 Metal Energy
2 Warp Energy
1 Psychic Energy

Pretty simple,
Bright Look Pokemon for cheap prizes with luxray. Snipe the bench/Heal with Garchomp. Body/Trainer Lock with Dialga, if necessary tank with him too. And use tech pokemon when they are needed.
You deffinatly need more Energy, because Decks are really really horrible if you only have 11 Energy and can only use half of it for attacking. So:

-1 Cynthia's
-1 Judge
-2 Energy Exchange (Worth less if you are adding Energy)
-3 Power Spray

+5 Lightning
+1 SP Metal
+2 Psychic

Maybe if you come to any of Heidi Craig's State Champs you might see me, and I am in Seniors so that would be cool, and maybe we could battle. :D
@tcg...no, the basic is fine..although he needs 2-4 calls so he can power spray turn 1 though and take out the special metals for 1-2 basic
I run a heavy collector line to avoid having to use call energy.
And I could take out a special metal and add a regular metal, I'll have to think about that one.

And TCG, you're asking me to run 7 lightning, 4 DCE, 3 Special metals, and 3 psychic!(17 energy)
I find that a little too much, if anything, I'll add one or two energy.
If I do go for 2 call, what can I take out?
I'd suggest trying 3-1 Garchomp instead of 2-2. It's up to you, but in mirror match, it helps you out, since it's mostly garchomp exchange. Having 3 will help win it, but it's all preference. I found 3-1 better imo.
I keep the third Garchomp C in my side deck, I will browse at the decks during regrestion and decide which one I should play.
I edited it, I could remove one judge, and what else,(i want at least one hand refresh)
@TCG i though you became better,Almost all GOOD decks play less then 14 Energy and Luxchomp doesn't need a heavy Lighting energy line, just 2 or 3 is fine.
4 SP radar is overkill
-1 Sp radar
I hardly recommend to add more Stadiums for the toxitank.
+1 Sunyshore City Gym ( Removes fighting weakness and resistance to lighting)
I think you need more space for stuff so:
-2 Pokemon Communication
-2 Judge
+1 Aarons ( Recovery )
+1 Bebe's Search ( Searchable with cyrus and in a trainer lock you want these to get DGX out)
+1 Unown Q ( Free retreat Uxie Lv.X)
+1 PONT/Copycat/Cynthia's feelings (Since you want at least one hand refresh)
I removed;
SP Radar for a Bebe's Search
A Judge for a Copycat
And another judge for Sunnyshore City Gym.

EDIT: Should I run special metals?

Edit: wait did you hardly recommend the stadium?or highly recommend it?
3-1 Chomp is a way to help the mirror match. I don't see why you would run stadiums in this, comepletely useless imo. Call is too great not to run it. 3 Call is the lowest to go on Call. By dropping a Metal Energy, and the stadiums you have 3 Call, by dropping the Toxitank, you have room for a 4th Collector and 3rd Spray.

BTW, do I know you two Florida guys? I'm a Florida Senior too.
TCG, chill, I run 4 cards that allow me to search for energies(cyrus), energy gains which in my head count as colorless energy, and most of the deck needs 1 energy to attack(with the E-gain).
I edited the list a bit, I took out toxitank and stadiums, added power spray, SP radar, and an Ambipom G for help in the mirror, Should I use that forurth slot for an Aaron's or flower Shop?
Or should I add an energy exchanger?

And I play at Heidi's events(did I spell it wrong)not all of them though.
With trainer lock running rabid (aka VileGar), you should replace a Pokemon Communication with another Bebe's Search. You also don't need 4 SP Radars (as someone told you earlier). Take one out and add a Lightning Energy. Then take out a Metal Energy and both Warps for 3 Call. I wouldn't be attacking much with DGX anyway. It's beneficial to just have sitting on your bench.
Energy Exchanger or Junk Arm is a good play here. A second Aaron's is good too. If you want a recovery like Flower Shop (which I don't suggest) go Palmer if that's what you want. I'd say run 2 Bebe for the search under a lock, drop an SP Radar for that.

I played at Coral Springs and Lauderhill events. Maybe you were there?
the toxitank is outclased by sheer power/synergy/disruption also it takes up much needed bench space that you could be using to set up garchomp c #2 etc..


I run 2 call, 2 sp energy in my luxc..along with one basic metal. (then 4 dce 2 electric and 1 psychic for(promocroak) I've won/helped to win numerous games using DGX as an attacker (vilegar especially because of resistance) and Remove Lost is amazing (granted it's flippy but you have 50% for 2 energy lz'd..which is deadly in mirror/machamp and donphan matchups, and hurtful in vilegar. I won a gigas matchup because I removed lost for Four energies (and then power sprayed his attempted sacrifice on his next turn) to net me the game (Yes I know i got SUPER lucky, but still it's useful)
Nah, my deck wasn't finished for those, and they where too far away.

Anyways back on topic I took an SP for another bebe's.
And took the empty slot for aaron's.
I took out a luxray X for a power spray (i couldn't get one), and a poketurn for a junk arm.
I couldn't get the poketurn before cities, so unless a miracle happens this is what I will be taking to the rest of cities.