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luxchomp(senior br)


Aspiring Trainer
luxray gl 2-2
garchomp c 2-2
uxie la 2-1
crobat g 2
toxicroag g 1 promo
azelf la 1
bronzong g 1
lucario gl 1
drifblim fb 1
aimbipom g 1

sp radar 3
luxry ball 1
pokemon comunication 2
profesor oaks new theory 2
arons collection 1
pokemon collector 2
bebe"s search 2
energy gain 3
poke turn 4
power spray 4
cyrus conspiracy 4

bouble colorless 4
lightning energy 3
psychick energy 2
call energy 4
You should make the deck list more easy to read. It would help others to help you.
I would take out 1 pokemon collector for 1 palmer's contribution for more recovery. You don't need 3 collector since you have 4 call energy to get your pokemon.

Thanks for getting some space between the lines.
I would take out an energy gain for a power spray. You will never use all 4 energy gains, but I almost always use 4 power spray, especially against dialga for their heals.
-1 plamer's (2 arrons way better)
-1 lucario GL (with out driftlim he's not needed unless you think a lot of people are going to beplaying G-dos with out felicities drawing)
-1 bebe's
-2 psychic
-1 promocroak (prizes are hardly taken by luxray in a mirror match a counter to garchomp is much better as nearly all the prizes will be taken by him, unless you have him in there for t-tar that is worth it)

+1 aarons
+1 unown q (for being able to level up uxie and not waste your energy attachment you need towards your next dragon rush)
+1 lighting
+1 dragonite FB/Ambipom G (you can decide a personaly like dragonite it always gets the KO but is useless v non SP)
+1 collector (three collector two bebes seems better)
+1 e-gain (four is best so you can draw into it and not worry if one gets prized or knocked out)

you might want to change the luxury ball to a vs seeker. With three collector, two bebe's, three sp radar, four call, two communication and no stage 1 tech you should have enough ways to get your Pokémon out. VS seeker is always nice.

it's late and im rambling hope this helps and let me know what you think.
i think the idea with +arons -palmers is good but i dont wont to take away drifblim fb and lucario gl
so i"ll change those things but not take away lucario gl and drifbli fb
You don't have drifblim fb in the list. If you have it in the deck then update the list with the changes you have made and the drifblim fb you have forgotten.
Radical144 makes some good points so go with that. except the lucario gl if you play drifblim fb.

I counted your list and i got it to 58 cards. Have i counted right? 18 pokemon, 29 T/S/S, 11 energy.

If i counted right you need 2 more cards to make it a whole deck. So you don't need to take out anything for drifblim fb.

if you want to play drifblim FB to counter jumpluff late game (which is all he is really good for) he's how i'd build this deck.

Pokémon 21

2-2 lux (duh)

2-2 chomp (duh)

1 dragonite FB/ambipom G (needed for mirror match)

1 promocroak (good play if you think your going to play alot of t-tar or regigigas and dose help in the mirror some)

1 crobat G (two is nice but, one should cut it)

1 brongzong G (needed)

1 Lucario GL (only really needed if you're going to play drifblim)

1 Drifblim FB (really only needed if you think you are going to play alot of jumpluff/regigigas as your luxs/chomps should be able to KO pixies)

1-1 drifblim UD (since you run the psychic energy and lucario GL you might as well, so you dont auto loss to mewtwo. It also helps with t-tar,steelix, regigigas and machamp; which are all unfavorable match ups.)

2-1 uxie (duh)

1 azelf (duh)

T/S/S 7

2 bebe's (with only two collector its worth it, you have a stage one tech and so your one bebe's dosent get prized when you need to break a cyrus chain to bright look out of a 'tomb lock)

2 collector (can't have any less)

1 Luxball (more Pokémon and a stage one tech could also be a communication since you have more Pokémon)

2 Lookers (i'd change the PONT to lookers it's one less card but, you can see you oppoents hand when you need to refresh yours or you can disrupt your opponent, which is great in a lot of match ups especially the mirror or VS any other SP deck)

SP engine 21

2 Aaron's (staple in this format with out night maintainence)

4 Cyrus's (duh)

4 e-gain (worth the space)

4 poketurn (needed)

4 spray (so good with no claydol. spraying a set up could pretty much win you the match. having it early is when it counts. it also helps the mirror)

3 sp radar (nice to have)

energy 12

4 call (good call avoid the donk)
4 DCE (makes dragon rush nearly broken)
2 Lightning
2 Psychic (could go three lightning one psychic but with two arrons to get your dragon rushed lighting energies I think it's better to lessen the chance of having your psychic prized when you need it)

This list turns match ups that are usually bad for luxchomp into better ones. I would try to gauge your meta-game and decide which decks you are going to see the most at you BRs and take out unnecessary techs to add more consistency cards such as VS Seeker, premier ball communications ect and an unown Q. Having uxie X out early and using trade of every turn is so good and makes you cringe less when your opponent plays a judge and hand disruption hurts luxchomp alot so having anything to help with that is a good play.
1- call
1+ pokemon communication
you dont need more call energy's and with pokemon communication you can take quik luxray X ore Garchomp X
actually this is the first time i try to build a luxchomp so i need someone to explain the strategy for me(hehe...)i have made the deck(around 30-35 prox :p)so i kan see how it goes with your idea!
(can you explain the strategy i"me not 100% sure of it XD :p)
The strategy of LuxChomp is pretty simple, it is KO 6 weak Pokémon ASAP. Vs stage one and two decks this is fairly easy as they generally have more low HP pokemon in play and take longer to set up. When facing Stage one/two decks you want to use luxray and garchomp evenly (or which ever is quick to set up at the time) by flash impacting and dragon rushing basics as much as possible. Spraying their uxie drops is important to decreases their chance of drawing into cards that will turn their 1HKO-able basics into 2-3HKO monsters. Vs. SP decks it's a little different it's usually a battle between your garchomps (which is why two Aaron's is needed to keep the stream of dragon rushes coming). You really only use Luxray to disrupt with bright look and get late game KOs on Uxies Sableyes etc. Uxie Lv. X can get you some good KOs Vs. SP too especially on a promocroak who just KO'ed your active Luxray. LuxChomp is pretty overpowered but, contrary to popular belief, it's not that easy to play. It is extremely versatile and has an answer to all most anything and that is why it is so difficult to play because, choosing the right option is not always easy. My best advice to you is to build (out of proxies w/e) any and all decks you think you'll play find someone to play test with (preferably someone you know is a good player) and learn what you need to do to beat each deck. A friend of mine put it the best, SP decks are like an oracle only through going through the trails of playing with them 100s of time do they guide you to the answers. LOL

In short disrupt your opponent's set-up by 1HKOing all their basics and deny them prizes through poketurns/healing breathing.