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Luxchomp (Seniors, Battle Roads)


uhhh idk
Pokemon: 20
3-1 Luxray GL Lv.X
2-2 Garchomp C Lv.X
2-1 Uxie Lv.X
1x Toxicroak G (Promo)
1x Toxicroak G
1x Stuntank G
1x Ambipom G
1x Azelf LA
1x Bronzong G
2x Crobat G
1x Lucario GL

T/S/S: 27
4x TGI Poketurn
4x Cyrus's Conspiricy
4x TGI Energy Gain
4x TGI Power Spray
2x TGI SP Radar
1x Aaron's Collection
1x Expert Belt
2x Pokemon Collector
1x Bebe's Search
1x Galactic HQ
1x Snowpoint Temple
1x Sunyshore Gym

Energy: 13
4x Call
4x DCE
3x Lightning Energy
2x Psychic Energy

Same as any other luxchomp except I use Toxitank.
do you have another luxray? if so put it in and take out a base luxray. otherwise replace the ambipom g w/ a dragonite fb.
Vileplume will be a big promble for this deck so you will need DGX, drop 1 Toxicroak G (non promo), 1 Stuntank G (drifblim and Uxie X should be a good enough Machamp couter), 1 Galactic HQ, 1 Sunyshore Gym, and add in a 1-1 Dialga G X and 2 warp energy. Drop a Call energy for a Pokemon Collector.
Hey, do you use ToxiTank for Machamp match-up? Too bad!
Drifblim hasn't only his second attack, the first with Lucario GL and a Flash Bite can knock out a Machamp!
Bye ^^
I would say that having 2 Call Energy generally makes it so you will not start with one which essentially makes them useless.... So, I would suggest...

-2 Call Energy
+2 Energy Exchanger (Good for searching out any energy you may need at the time)


-1 Power Spray (I find that I usually don't use all in my Luxchomp)
+1 Call Energy
I almost always use 4 power spray, especially against DialgaChomp for their heals, forcing the poke turn. Do you really need both drifblim and uxie X? I could see one, but IDK about both, especially when you could put in like 2 more calls.