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LuxChomp, Seniors, States


Aspiring Trainer
2 Luxray GL Lv.X RR
2 Luxray GL RR
2 Garchomp C Lv.X SV
2 Garchomp C SV
1 Dialga G Lv.X PL
1 Dialga G PL
1 Ambipom G RR
1 Toxicroak G PL
1 Skuntank G PL
1 Bronzong G PL
1 Crobat G PL
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA
1 Unown Q MD
1 Promocroak

4 Poke Turn
3 SP Radar
2 Power Spray
2 Junk Arm
1 Warp Point
1 Luxury Ball
1 Pokemon Communication
4 Energy Gain
1 Expert Belt
4 Cyrus's Conspiracy
2 Pokemon Collector
2 Aaron's Collection
1 Bebe's Search
1 Pokemon Contest Hall

2 Lightning
2 Warp
1 Psychic

Strategy: Snipe with Garchomp C, get easy KOs with Luxray GL, get rid of poke bodies with Dialga G, and Promocroak and Ambipom for mirror matchup or other possible match ups.
Nice list, you might want to try playing Dragonite FB over Ambipom IDK. Anyways I don't think that you are going to always have two cards available to discard for Junk Arm so I'd do this.
-2 Junk Arm
+2 Power Spray (I think 4 is a must, very disrupting, especially T1)
-1 Expert Belt
+1 PONT (it will make the list more consistent)
I hope these suggestions help.
Also, I think you need more energy. What with the constant discarding of it from Dragon Rush, you could end up with none left if you can't draw into those DCE's.
I like those suggestions, thanks, and for those who say I need more energy, what should I take out for that?
I would drop your Toxicroak/Skuntank. It really doesnt fit, and Promocroak is great for revenge KO's. It would be too slow, not to mention a waste of bench space.
Okay, what energy's should I put in? I got room for 3 if take out the Skuntank, ToxiTank, and stadium, maybe 3 Call?
i would also switch the dialga g x with blaziken. its much more effective attacker since its great against dialge chmps, tangrowth tanks, and leafeons. another reason to swicth is that right now, there are no enegy for dialga to attack. unless you see alot of lostgar decks around your area, this is a helpfuo switch.
qith this, you could put in fire energy instead of warp.
Oh. Whoops. Yeah, I guess. The Expert Bet isn't necessary either, because most SP's will have Energy Gain on it. So you could take that out for one electric energy.