Luxpluff's worst match-up?

X_empoleon_X said:
....Where have you been the last month....

Luxpluff = Jumpluff w/Luxray GL lvX tech

No that's definitely still Jumpluff, considering Luxray is not a main attacking line. It's a TECH.

We don't call Luxray/Garchomp Luxray/Garchomp/Toxicroak G/UxieX/derp.

We don't call Sablock Sableye/Honchcrow/Garchomp/Toxicroak G/derp.

Plus I'm fairly certain the dude that pioneered the deck called it mcplufferpants.

GHJamesGH said:
I'm fairly certain there is, considering everybody in this thread is talking about it.

No I'm definitely sure the deck is called Jumpluff, not Luxpluff.

you guys are just really dumb. :)
It doesn't matter what the name is. It could be called 'Idk' for deck's sake. Anyway, get on track of the topic people.

dmaster out.
Mew Jadester said:

The decklist of delta.dec

The autoloss of Jumpluff :)

So this super secret deck is just Luxchomp with a Raitei and a Cleafable tech? Whats secret about that? Its the same darn deck we've been seeing since before HGSS came out.
E/R takes out their whole Bench of Claydol/Uxie/Crobat G/Azelf to win the game.

dmaster out.
It is super secret coz none of you knew about it...:p.As for the topic,jumpluff pretty much loses to anything which has 150 Hp and has the ability to oneshot pluff's....EG: Gyarados if it sets up Ok.
^Meh, anything that has 150 HP are really slow to set-up. Luxpluffs worst matchup is Luxchomp with ERL tech. Charizard is decent, but helps pluff because its hard to beat a deck with zard without full bench. I would say its 60-40 to zard cause to weakness.
Delta.dec is the way to go
at the german nats i went against 4 Jumpluff and i won every match.

U just pwn Jumpluff with it.
Ummmm. If the Jumpluff player plays luxray and AMU the entai/raiku legend is just a free 2 prizes
TDA said:
It is super secret coz none of you knew about it...:p.As for the topic,jumpluff pretty much loses to anything which has 150 Hp and has the ability to oneshot pluff's...EG: Gyarados if it sets up Ok.

But its not secret at all. Its luxchomp with a somewhat useless metwo tech a Raitei tech. And it can't even fully utilize the raitei because it can't protect your own bench. So its limited to a late game surprise. Two techs a secret deck does not make.