Luxray GL LV.X from Rising Rivals (#109), 3/25/2010


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Guiding questions:
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential?
2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
5. How's the artwork?

Posts MUST be several sentences long with proper grammar and spelling or they will be deleted - this forum is to discuss specific cards so other people can learn about their potential in the current metagame.

1. It's extremely good right now due to it's ability to use the old gust of wind with its pokepower. It can also attack and fits in nicely with all the support that Sps' are getting right now. Its possibly the best Lv. X in the format right now.
2. It can be used in so many decks it's not even funny, almost all Sp variants, and it has gained its own small galactic engine in so many decks as a tech.
3. It can be used in Luxchomp to drag up something and then retreat it and send out Garchomp to snipe something, it is used in most decks just to drag something up and poketurn or retreat Luxray and KO their pokemon, usually a tech like Claydol.
4. 5/5 for being so easily used in decks and being able to drag out pokemon your opponent doesn't want out.
5. I guess it's Ok, but it isn't really nothing special IMO.
OK, really? We could type paragraphs upon paragraphs for the use of this guy...ugh.

I'll make it simple.

-The Power. It's a Gust of Wind that brings up a Claydol that you can Flash Impact and destroy your opponent's draw power.
-The speed. It's fast, because the SP engine brings him back with PokeTurn and you can Energy Gain and attack for a single Energy. He has no Retreat Cost, therefore making him easy to switch up and out.
-The versatility. LuxChomp, Gyarados, BlazeRay, LuxApe, RayBees...GYARADOS?! That's right. Almost every deck can pack a 1-1 line of Luxray because of its free Retreat and a Power that can bring up a card that can be KO'd and switch back immediately.
-The...the Resistance? OK. You take 20 less damage from Dialga G. Congrats.

That really sums it up. GREAT card, so that deserves a 9.9/10. You may have trouble playing Gyarados, even though he has a Weakness to Lightning-types. The artwork isn't as great, but it's the card that counts itself, right?
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? well it can stand alone (from time to time), it's ability bright look give's various tech option's, as it is a heavy part of the current sp metagame, I would say its a good card.
2. What popular metagame decks is it used in? sp variant deck's luxchomp, lady gaga, and even as a tech in daichomp.
3. What combos can you use it with? How so? bright look can be worked as a combo to avoid heavy hitter's like gyarados, mewtwo lv. X and the sort.
4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars). 3/5, it maybe a good card but does have it's down's as well (power spray, plox, mismagius pt, relicantsv, just to name a few)
5. How's the artwork? i dun care for the art work that much

To me, this card just shows how desperate we've become for that power.

I still think in the base set mindset. To me, this card is nothing special.

First off, 60 is almost nothing in this era of the TCG, but you have to crush one of your own pokemon for 30 as well? How is that GOOD in any way?

His power is nothing more than a rehash of an old trainer card. Why was Gust of Wind never reprinted? And what makes this card suddenly so special when Gust wasn't THAT remarkable to begin with?

Sorry, but I'm not hurting my bench for 30 just to deal out a pathetic 60 damage.

I give this card a 1 out of 5
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or has potential?

It is possible for Luxray GL Lv.X to be good on its own. Just look at the deck, Luxbox, and you can see why. Luxray acts like the soul attacker, and it'll use lots of SP support (and others like Uxies and Azelfs) to aid it in its process to take down the opponent. Thus, this shows Luxray can be good on its own. Right now, however, many are not doing this and are bringing another attacker along with Luxray. A good example is Luxchomp. Luxray GL Lv.X is an attacker that is used, but there's also Garchomp C Lv.X that is also attacking a lot. Either way, on its own or not, Luxray is a great card and has potential.

2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?

There are lots of SP decks that will use Luxray. Luxchomp is currently the one that shines with its Luxray usage. Blazeray, Dialga/Garchomp, and Luxbox are other decks that will use it a lot. There have been times Luxray has been played in regular decks too. Look at Speedrill and you'll see what I mean. It isn't an attacker here, but a tech in order to bring out a desired Pokemon to be KOed. Speedrill, Jumpluff, and Gyarados are namely the decks that are well-known for using Luxray as a tech, not an attacker compared to SP decks. Indeed, Luxray GL Lv.X is just one popular card in this metagame.

3. What comboes can you use this card with? How so?

As mentioned, we know Luxray is one beastly attacker, but it is a great tech too. How? Well, it's quite simple? We'll take Gyarados as a good example. Your opponent has a Claydol on the bench. You have a fully ready to attack Gyarados on the bench, and you have a regular Luxray GL as your active. You think, "How do I get this Claydol?" You look at your hand, and you see Luxray GL Lv.X there. You play it onto your active, use Bright Look on their Claydol, and then you retreat, pull out Gyarados, and then you KO it. That's a way I can use it. Its basically using it like a Gust of Wind. Use Luxray's Bright Look to have your main hitter KO something you want KOed.

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating.

Overall, I would give it a 5/5 for the modified. This card is just one insane card. It brings back Gust of Wind through a Poke-Power, and it can attack with it too, so its just one killer attacker. At the same time, Luxray has been used as a tech because of its power in order to have your main hitters take something down that you want KOed. This card is just the best SP out there.

5. How's the artwork?

I just love it. It really shows Luxray's great power. The artwork looks almost like its going to jump on you. Indeed, Mitsuhiro Arita did quite a nice job making the Luxray GL Lv.X artwork.
this is without a doubt the BCIF hands down no matter what people say

A.stand on its own? well kind of obvious (unless your a newbie:p) yes it have tones of potential and it is extremely good (AKA BCIF)

B. according to my sources this card has been part of almost 50% (or more) of the SPT's winning decks and is the one of the most popular cards in my area New England

C. i dont have enough time to name every combo i can think of that it could be used with so ill name the most popular ones put it with jumpluff. gyrados. garchomp C. flygon. dialga and garchomp C. gengar switch. those are the most common combos around my area

D. (*****) 5 stars why because it is the most used card in format the BCIF it has the ability to drag up any pokemon it wants it has a very strong attack IMO stable HP for a basic level X free retreat (wouldn't be half as good if it didn't) and is just the most corruptive card in the format

E. i dont care for the artwork to much it looks kind of boring to me a card so good should have better artwork IMO the one part about the artwork i like is the background the balls of electricity are cool to me

so BCIF used in the BDIF and allover a amazing card
(and if you dot agree your a total newb cake) naw lol JK
What is "BCIF"? And what's so strong about an attack that only does 60 and damages your own bench? That's pretty weak if you ask me.
It has very good artwork also cool color.
The attack isn't very good.
Its very rare to get and many people have it in there decks.

Please follow the guidelines for writing card reviews. ~Gale
Luxray GL X definatly stands on it's own because of it's, "Bright Look" Poke-power witch lets you switch you opponents active with a bench Pokemon of your choice! Also because or it's, "Flash Impact" attack witch is also good, between his Poke-power and his attack he has complete versatility, he can be used as a tech (Jumpluff) or a quick but yet heavy hitter (Luxape, Blazeray, Lady Ga Ga, ect.)! This is probably one of the most played cards in our current meta and has probably been popular since it's release. This card was origionally played in Luxape to take out Dialga G and Palkia G variances, then it moved on to being played in Blazeray (or Luxikin) after the release or Blazikin FB because of it's ability to hit higher for less energy, plus it could one hit Dialga G X even with 4 special metal energy attached. Finally Luxray GL has moved on and now has his very own deck Luchomp (better know as Lady Ga Ga)! As I said before Luxray GL can also be used as a tech such as in Jumpluff, he is played specifically for it's, "Bright Look" Poke-power because it can pus away Mr.Mime so that Jumpluff is free to attack then they just Poke Turn the Luxray GL right back to there hand and do it all over again next turn! My rating for the card would be 4.5 out of 5 stars because it is good and it can find it's way into just about any deck in our meta an my advise to you is if you have this card keep a hold of it! Finally to the artwork it is great in my opinion as it is in most Lx.X's I like they way they make it almost 3-D looking and the way it pops out of the card, well hope I could of been some help to somebody!
1. It's pretty good. But it needs to be with something else to make it good.
2. Way too many. People sure make good use out of a so-so card.
3. I think Luxchomp is the best out of the bunch. Has lots of staying power. Just use Garchomp to heal the damage Flash Impact gave.
4. I say a 4/5. I don't see the point of Poketurning to Bright Look so much. Why not just use something else to snipe, such as Gengar?
5. I really like it. But I think it'd be better if it looked like it was actually using Flash Impact.
dmaster said:

Guiding questions:
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential?
2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
5. How's the artwork?

Posts MUST be several sentences long with proper grammar and spelling or they will be deleted - this forum is to discuss specific cards so other people can learn about their potential in the current metagame.
Being a lv. X, this card has quite a potential. Its good for that reason. But it is somewhat weak for a lv. X.
Its goes well with epoleon lv. X. Cuz everyone totaly has both of these!
Bright Look is USELESS!
Flash Impact is bad. It does 60 damage but recoil 30?! What kinda attack is that? Strange...
The artwork is cool, but its ears are like... dumb...
For that reason, 2/5. Its only not 1/5 because it has reasonable HP.
@Arceusmaster; If it's so bad why is it played in almost every deck in the meta? The card is amazing, recoil damage isn't always a negative thing beside for what it does it is good. This card was played in Speedrill, witch if I recall won worlds. Also how do you figure Bright Look is useless it is the main reason for being played in Jumpluff so you can force Mr.Mime away to attack.
why yall bashing luxray gL X? HUH? dont any of you know that 50% of the SPT's were one with LuxChomp AKA this guy? this seems odd to ask but dont you guys even play the TCG or just talk about it cuase dude's 50%! is alot like thats half BTW so he is the BCIF = best card in format and he is used in the BDIF = best deck in format

just thought id let yall know that this card is the most used and card ever so dont bash him if half the SPT's were won using this guy dun bash him guys you should know he is the BCIF

and like i said if you dont your a newb CAKE JK tho LOL:D thats right he is the best

Please follow the guidelines for rating a card. ~Gale
uxie said:
why yall bashing luxray gL X? HUH? don't any of you know that 50% of the SPT's were one with LuxChomp AKA this guy? this seems odd to ask but don't you guys even play the TCG or just talk about it cuase dude's 50%! is alot like thats half BTW so he is the BCIF = best card in format and he is used in the BDIF = best deck in format

just thought id let yall know that this card is the most used and card ever so don't bash him if half the SPT's were won using this guy dun bash him guys you should know he is the BCIF

and like i said if you don't your a newb CAKE JK tho LOL:D thats right he is the best

Please follow the guidelines for rating a card. ~Gale

Dude I play it and I wasn't bashing it I was trying to tell him that it is a good card and probably more than 50% of the STP's were won with the card.
Okay, I'll write one. And what better for my first card review than an electric type?

This is a popular little card, and it's plain to see why; it's disruptive all over the place, attacks for cheap, has all the benefits of being an SP, and with no retreat cost, it can practically vanish from harm's way once it's done it's job, allowing something like Beedrill to smash up the new active pokemon in it's place.

It's one of the most touted cards in the Modified Format, though I believe it's a little overrated. Machamp, Donphan Prime, and Toxicroak DP41 kill it once it's had it's fun, it can be Power Sprayed, and it has trouble KOing things on it's own. To remedy the first and last of these problems, it benefits from the assistance of Sunnyshore Gym, Unown G, and Crobat G.

Having said that, there's no shortage of uses for this card. Bright Look and a free retreat cost allows you to set up a revenge kill with any pokemon on your bench, or to simply destroy a Claydol or whatever. Having strong attacks for one or two energy is a possibility with Energy Gain, PokeTurn can save it's butt (or Garchomp c LV X), and Flash Impact does no damage to your benched pokemon if the pokemon you choose is either a Quagsire GL or is holding a Bench Shield.

I give Luxray GL LV X a score of 4 out of 5.

It's a fun, disruptive little card, and I think we're going to be seeing it in top-tier decks for a long time to come.
Now we are looking at a lv.x card so it’s power and potential are already off the charts, but since it requires the Luxray gl for it’s pokepower, that makes it a little bit clunky. To much effort must be put in for this card to work and the results are few, for only just 60 power in an attack, even do his pokepepower is an unusual one for the game.
I think a energy hunt one since normal luxray's power is for this purpose, by discarding energy. Many decks i should say. Supporter value high.
Retreat and lifeguard, a real tide turner in a pinch.
{C}{C}{C}{C}out five i should say
since it is real useful, but has the it's limitations.
Not that extreme as others but it puts in center stage the bright look and its lion pounce move.
Now we are looking at a lv.x card so it’s power and potential are already off the charts, but since it requires the Luxray gl for it’s pokepower, that makes it a little bit clunky. To much effort must be put in for this card to work and the results are few, for only just 60 power in an attack, even do his pokepepower is an unusual one for the game.
I think a energy hunt one since normal luxray's power is for this purpose, by discarding energy. Many decks i should say. Supporter value high.
Retreat and lifeguard, a real tide turner in a pinch.
{C}{C}{C}{C} out five i should say
since it is real useful, but has the it's limitations.
Not that extreme as others but it puts in center stage the bright look and its lion pounce move.
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential?
Good. It's Pokepower makes it the best Lv.X in the format right now as CM stated but his attack is extremely horrible.

2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
Lol so much decks use it.

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
LuxChomp, LuxApe, BlazeRay. Bright Look brings in a Pokemon Luxray GL can KO and then you can retreat for 0. :D

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
3.7/5. I like the card, it works great in many decks. Bright Look is the thing that makes this card popular.

5. How's the artwork?
It's ok. 2.5/10.