Luxray X....i dont get it.


Aspiring Trainer
So ive seen Luxray decks on here and I traded a Tyranitar for one. I might have gottin the better end of the deal there. LOL. I dont see how he is good. Maybe someone could explain it to me. Thanks.
RE: Luxray X...I don't get it.

Well you play luxray lv X and bam you can choose any bench to pick to bring out as active. Such as uxie or claydol. Then due to free retreat you bring your main attacker and bam K.O them. Then you can repeat this 4 times with poketurn and this also is a good counter to legos/dialga G
RE: Luxray X...I don't get it.

hmmmm. i didnt even think of him as an SP. I should pay more attention. Well.....I'm glad I got him for a simple tyranitar. I was gonna just sell him, but perhaps i shouldnt. thank you very much. now the deck list i see make sense. i was really confused about choosing him. sweet deal.
RE: Luxray X...I don't get it.

Yes it was a sweet deal and you shouldn't trade him away as he has a couple of combos for the next set coming up
RE: Luxray X...I don't get it.

kashmaster said:
Well you play luxray lv X and bam you can choose any bench to pick to bring out as active. Such as uxie or claydol. Then due to free retreat you bring your main attacker and bam K.O them. Then you can repeat this 4 times with poketurn and this also is a good counter to legos/dialga G

make sure you always say "bam!" when using bright look or when you free retreat for your main attacker to KO them. It's pretty much the best part of the card. it's why everyone plays it.