Lv X


Aspiring Trainer
So... I'm super new. I'm terrible, and I'm just looking for what is already common knowledge for you guys. Basically, over the last couple of months, I have been buying some of the more popular Lv X cards so that I could build a competitive deck and start practicing. But with HGSS coming out, all of them are useless, right? I mean... what's the point of that?!?!
My suggestion, wait a week or two for the Heart Gold Soul Silver pre-release.

The game will change a bit with this new set. That is the best place to start.
So... yes, the LV X cards are useless now??? I mean, what's the point of completely eradicating all of those cards? For that matter, why keep releasing Lv X tins (I've never bought one, but frustrating none the less) if the cards in them are pointless; why do they still sell for so much on ebay? It just seems sort of... funny... for them to completely eradicate the cards that have been competitive staples in tournaments lately for a new set (HGSS) that, don't get me wrong- I don't know anything, doesn't look that great.
threeday4cast said:
So... yes, the LV X cards are useless now??? I mean, what's the point of completely eradicating all of those cards? For that matter, why keep releasing Lv X tins (I've never bought one, but frustrating none the less) if the cards in them are pointless; why do they still sell for so much on ebay? It just seems sort of... funny... for them to completely eradicate the cards that have been competitive staples in tournaments lately for a new set (HGSS) that, don't get me wrong- I don't know anything, doesn't look that great.

It all depends on what gets rotated out. At the earliest, the next rotation wont be until after worlds (August) so whatever you bought you will be able to use until then. Even when the rotation happens they may not rotate out all of Diamond and Pearl and Platinum. If Platinum stays in, you will be able to use Level Xs for a whole year after August until next August 2011.
Platinum is staying in, no way they could only have 4 sets in the format at once.
Lv.X's won't be useless at all, when Lv.X's first came out most of the world winning decks were ex still that year. (Next year alot of new sets came out with good Lv.X's and ex's were banned though)
Ditto. Most people predict a platinum and up format.

Some level X's might even become more powerful next year because anti level X techs will become less common.
Pretty much, yeah. It's gonna be PL-On. Kind of sad considering they're handing out Claydol and Uxie at leagues.

Anyway, your Level X's won't be useless if they're from Platinum on. You can still use them in decks and they can synergize well with a lot of the Primes that will join the game in February.

One of the more interesting things that happens with them is that at the moment, it seems if you have an active Prime, you can level it up as there's nothing that marks them as a different pokemon other than card art and strength. This would only matter in Unlimted format, as they have (Conveniently) not released any Prime with a Level X available, except for Raichu (Who's Lv. X would be rotated out at Worlds anyway, plus he's not in our first HGSS as far as I know.)

As to building a deck, take the route my group has: We're holding off on serious purchase of cards until HGSS releases. Then we'll go bonkers.