RE: Lv63 ~ H:: 1x Pokemon Communication! Hurry Up! Azelf LA, Gyarados SF, Luxray GL
haha ya Xander, I guess I will hold on to the promos then pokemonlv63x
haha ya Xander, I guess I will hold on to the promos then pokemonlv63x
pm me, i like the jumpluff, magnemite ND Golduck. fighting energies.XanderPitz1010 said:At pokefan1234:
You're lucky I just sent you those WoTC promos.
I have holos:
Magneton (Fossil) x1
Misty's Golduck (GC) x1
Jumpluff (NG) x1
Magnemite (ND) x1
Unown A (ND) x1
36 Fighting Energies from various sets
I really need the Charizard ex or the Raikou/Suicune Legend piece.
pokefan1234 said:haha ya Xander, I guess I will hold on to the promos then pokemonlv63x
pokefan1234 said:What else do you what? (code for "please CML")
sry, i just got a great deal on the azelf and espeon and they are gone, so i can do the tyranitar ex for my 1x uxie, 5x darkness?pokefan1234 said:How about
Palkia X
Tyranitar EX
x2 Uxie LP
x1 Azelf LA
x1 Espeon EX
x5 HGSS Darkness Energies
pokefan1234 said:sorry no, not trading T-tar unless Azelf is involved or you give me a super good offer
pokefan1234 said:do you have any of my wants?
(CML to know which ones I want)
pokefan1234 said:I am already getting those, maybe we just shouldn't do this deal, I did see x2 Jumpluff on your video, would you trade them (1 must be RH) + Uxie LA + 5 HGSS Energies for Palkia X and Tyranitar EX.
pokefan1234 said:do you still have that Glace X?
Lavitz said:Check my list, please.
pokefan1234 said:which of these can you trade?
x1 Azelf X
x2 Spiritomb AR
x1 Jirachi UL (RH)
x1 Mew Holo (9)
PokemonLv63X said:Lavitz said:Check my list, please.
for wat?
Lavitz said:for wat?