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Lv63:: H :: BIG UPDATE! Everything you Need!!! W:: Leafeon X!!

What is your favorite set?

  • Legends Awakened

    Votes: 8 25.0%
  • Rising Rivals

    Votes: 21 65.6%
  • Power Keepers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Holo Phantoms

    Votes: 4 12.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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RE: LV63:: New Wants, Better Haves!

I have Promo Lucario Xs, and maybe a rypherior dp, and rypherior 4. if u have that poketurn for trade I'd love it.
RE: LV63:: New Wants, Better Haves!

Azelf Master said:
I have Promo Lucario Xs, and maybe a rypherior dp, and rypherior 4. if u have that poketurn for trade I'd love it.

didnt i just send u a poketurn and i just seaed a deal for a lucarios promo X.

festizzio said:

Snorlax Lv. X


Shaymin Land Lv. X


or CML

just traded it for a mespirit X and a lucario promo X with throw ins, sry, anything else for the snorlax X?
RE: LV63:: New Wants, Better Haves!

Do you still have the RH Poke Turn and Spiritomb AR? I could do something like my

Snorlax Lv. X

for your

RH Poke Turn
Spiritomb AR

RE: LV63:: New Wants, Better Haves!

festizzio said:
Do you still have the RH Poke Turn and Spiritomb AR? I could do something like my

Snorlax Lv. X

for your

RH Poke Turn
Spiritomb AR


um ok that sounds good, pm me
RE: LV63:: New Wants, Better Haves!

Azelf Master said:
My: Gallade 4 X
Your: RH Poketurn

i already got a gallade and i just sealed a deal my RH poketurn and spiritomb Ar his snorlax X sry

it has been updated guys!!!

updated with new wants!!
RE: LV63:: New Wants, Better Haves!

PokemonLv63X said:
hey i have the sprays, the energy gain radars, luxray RH and dialga g holo,
Can u just check my wants beacuse i don't have the time rihgt now, thanks!

CML when you have time thanks.
RE: LV63:: New Wants, Better Haves!

Aphotic said:
CML when you have time thanks.
i like the uxie x
entei suicune top legend
metagross UL holo,
Lanturn Prime
Blastoise UL line,
LMK wat u caan do thanks!!
RE: LV63:: INSANE Thread!!! IT'S ENDLESS! (everything you need)

intrested in
spiritomb pa
kingdra la
RE: LV63:: INSANE Thread!!! IT'S ENDLESS! (everything you need)

Javier8100 said:
intrested in
spiritomb pa
kingdra la

i dont have kingdra, but i can do this
x2 Spiritombs AR
Lanturn Prime

x1 Spiritomb Ar
Play Dusknoir X

RE: LV63:: INSANE Thread!!! IT'S ENDLESS! (everything you need)

PokemonLv63X said:
i don't have kingdra, but i can do this
x2 Spiritombs AR
Lanturn Prime

x1 Spiritomb Ar
Play Dusknoir X

ill do the lanturn deal.pm me to confirmise
RE: LV63:: INSANE Thread!!! IT'S ENDLESS! (everything you need)

azelf master i wish i had another poketurn to trade u but i dont sry!
RE: LV63:: INSANE Thread!!! IT'S ENDLESS! (everything you need)

What'd you want for the

Energy Gain
SP Radar x4

Luxray GL RH
Dialga G Holo

I'll do the metagross UL and blastoise line but others are too much for the cards. LMK thanks
RE: LV63:: INSANE Thread!!! IT'S ENDLESS! (everything you need)

do u want to trade:
Spiritonmb AR x2

with my:
1 lanturn prime?

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