Lvl X pokemon per box?

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Legendsneverdie said:
secretsof2113 said:
Legendsneverdie said:
secretsof2113 said:
Legendsneverdie said:
depends where u bought it from.. ODD ARE that your getting scammed. most online companies are a scam... for instance that place toad suttin .com they sell "new box of cards.." but in reality they are scaming u. they open the box, open all the 36 packages.. pull whatever is worth anything, replace it with cr@p, and reaseal all the packages an re seal the box an sell it to u for full price. I d say about 95% of boxes of cards are like this.. its kinda a black market operation... unless ur buyin from target or someshit ur really just gettin scammed


u were pwnt buy whoever u bought the box from

/end thread

You really don't know what you are talking about do you? Anyhow, in an english box, it's rare to pull more than one level x. 1 is totally normal. Japanese boxes are the ones that you get more level x cards. If you are buying boxes from a legit seller, and they are still shrinkwrapped, odds are, you are getting a legit box. And you can tell Pokemon's shrink wrap pretty easily. There is white printing on it with Pokemon and a pokeball. If you're getting a non shrinkwrapped box, or one that has clear shrinkwrap, I'd steer clear.

ding ding ding can you say WRONG. YOU OBVIOUSLY KNOW CLOSE TO NOTHING. my freind an I used to re seal packages and wrap boxes with "legit" shrinkwrap. do you know what a black market is KID??. obviously not. its people who dedicate their LIVES to mimic "legit things". LOL shrink wrap means the box is legit lmao.. all u do is get a razor blade carefully slit part of the shrink wrap, take the box out, do ur stuff, and remelt the shrink wrap shut with a sodding iron. its not hard to fool people, LIKE YOU, into thinking ur buyin a legit box of cards off ebay,, etc.... ITS ALL BLACK MARKET.

I KNOW WHY YOUR DISAGREEING WITH ME, its cause ur upset cause u ve wasted money on boxes, or anyone who argues with me for that matter, but the FACT AND OR TRUTH is, resealing a box and opening a packet carefully takin the good cards out and puttin is lesser cards then re sealing that packet with a adhesive (carefully) is ez money for BLACKMARKETERS. stop being a matrix sheep, AND UNDERSTAND THE FACTS I M TELLING YOU.

I win you lose

when u buy boxes, your being scamed

end thread/.

So this means every box I've ever gotten from judging a tournament has been a lie? ZOMG! I HAS NO IDEA THAT I WAS BEING SCAMMED BY PUI! I CAN'TS BELIEVES IT! The boxes that I get from judging have almost always had one lv. x only in them. It's how english DP boxes work. It's how they've always worked. Get over yourself and realize some of us are getting our product direct, and not through a middleman.

Have you ever figured that some of us Ebay sellers aren't dirty scamming cheats like you? Some of us like to be honest in our business with who we deal with. This is how we get customers back. By selling authentic cards, and not trying to scam people.

Calling me kid? You are joking right? Mr. "I'm 21 and can beat up anyone on the site." Obviously my maturity and selling tactics greatly overpower yours.

I'm glad you think you're always right about everything. Have fun on that day you get caught for what you're doing. And the fact that you just admitted it here. LMAO!

Oh yeah, and it's also quite easy to tell when packs have been resealed.

you arent to smart at all.. about 90% of the things u replied to me have nothing to do with my post..

goodbye sir, have fun being scamed when u buy online... I said nothing about winnin boxes from

Sir? XD
scamed? What's that?
winnin? I don't know what that is either.
and it's "too," not "to"

that is.....if we want to get into the who is smart and who is not debate. I'll be glad to jump in on that one.

Every single thing you've said on this site so far has been a laugh. What was your point of joining if all you're going to do is start arguments with people? You argued with people in the "How old are you?" topic you created, namely with my boyfriend....which sort of negates the sir part....don't you think? The OP was asking the number of Lv. X pokemon per box, and I answered their question as it is. Which is anywhere from 0-2 per box, with most boxes containing 1.

You say EVERY box you buy online is a scam. Sites like Troll and Toad, etc have been around for years, and have very good reputations for the products they sell. According to you, they've been scamming us all this time? And no one has caught on to this? It's kind of crazy because I bought a box of Great Encounters when it came out, and the box had some great cards in it. And to think, I pulled the one Level X that wasn't printed in the tins that time.....the only one that has kept its value. Wow, they must have scammed me.

And yes, most of what I said was relevant to what you were saying. I'm an Ebay merchant myself, but in my practices, I actually take pride in giving my customers the best service possible, which keeps them coming back because they trust me, and trust the fact that I'm not selling fake cards, or resealed boosters.

Perhaps you should study morals my friend. God only knows you need them at this point.
This is a super person argument and we all know who is right.

I just finished opening my MD box I got from trollandtoad and if they scammed me they did a horrible job of taking out all the good cards.

When I was little my parents would say, "BE QUIET! You just talk because you can!" Now I know what they mean.

Do you realize where you are trying to be a badass? You're on the INTERNET, on a FORUM, about POKEMON.
secretsof2113 said:
Legendsneverdie said:
secretsof2113 said:
Legendsneverdie said:
secretsof2113 said:
Legendsneverdie said:
depends where u bought it from.. ODD ARE that your getting scammed. most online companies are a scam... for instance that place toad suttin .com they sell "new box of cards.." but in reality they are scaming u. they open the box, open all the 36 packages.. pull whatever is worth anything, replace it with cr@p, and reaseal all the packages an re seal the box an sell it to u for full price. I d say about 95% of boxes of cards are like this.. its kinda a black market operation... unless ur buyin from target or someshit ur really just gettin scammed


u were pwnt buy whoever u bought the box from

/end thread

You really don't know what you are talking about do you? Anyhow, in an english box, it's rare to pull more than one level x. 1 is totally normal. Japanese boxes are the ones that you get more level x cards. If you are buying boxes from a legit seller, and they are still shrinkwrapped, odds are, you are getting a legit box. And you can tell Pokemon's shrink wrap pretty easily. There is white printing on it with Pokemon and a pokeball. If you're getting a non shrinkwrapped box, or one that has clear shrinkwrap, I'd steer clear.

ding ding ding can you say WRONG. YOU OBVIOUSLY KNOW CLOSE TO NOTHING. my freind an I used to re seal packages and wrap boxes with "legit" shrinkwrap. do you know what a black market is KID??. obviously not. its people who dedicate their LIVES to mimic "legit things". LOL shrink wrap means the box is legit lmao.. all u do is get a razor blade carefully slit part of the shrink wrap, take the box out, do ur stuff, and remelt the shrink wrap shut with a sodding iron. its not hard to fool people, LIKE YOU, into thinking ur buyin a legit box of cards off ebay,, etc.... ITS ALL BLACK MARKET.

I KNOW WHY YOUR DISAGREEING WITH ME, its cause ur upset cause u ve wasted money on boxes, or anyone who argues with me for that matter, but the FACT AND OR TRUTH is, resealing a box and opening a packet carefully takin the good cards out and puttin is lesser cards then re sealing that packet with a adhesive (carefully) is ez money for BLACKMARKETERS. stop being a matrix sheep, AND UNDERSTAND THE FACTS I M TELLING YOU.

I win you lose

when u buy boxes, your being scamed

end thread/.

So this means every box I've ever gotten from judging a tournament has been a lie? ZOMG! I HAS NO IDEA THAT I WAS BEING SCAMMED BY PUI! I CAN'TS BELIEVES IT! The boxes that I get from judging have almost always had one lv. x only in them. It's how english DP boxes work. It's how they've always worked. Get over yourself and realize some of us are getting our product direct, and not through a middleman.

Have you ever figured that some of us Ebay sellers aren't dirty scamming cheats like you? Some of us like to be honest in our business with who we deal with. This is how we get customers back. By selling authentic cards, and not trying to scam people.

Calling me kid? You are joking right? Mr. "I'm 21 and can beat up anyone on the site." Obviously my maturity and selling tactics greatly overpower yours.

I'm glad you think you're always right about everything. Have fun on that day you get caught for what you're doing. And the fact that you just admitted it here. LMAO!

Oh yeah, and it's also quite easy to tell when packs have been resealed.

you arent to smart at all.. about 90% of the things u replied to me have nothing to do with my post..

goodbye sir, have fun being scamed when u buy online... I said nothing about winnin boxes from

Sir? XD
scamed? What's that?
winnin? I don't know what that is either.
and it's "too," not "to"

that is.....if we want to get into the who is smart and who is not debate. I'll be glad to jump in on that one.

Every single thing you've said on this site so far has been a laugh. What was your point of joining if all you're going to do is start arguments with people? You argued with people in the "How old are you?" topic you created, namely with my boyfriend....which sort of negates the sir part....don't you think? The OP was asking the number of Lv. X pokemon per box, and I answered their question as it is. Which is anywhere from 0-2 per box, with most boxes containing 1.

You say EVERY box you buy online is a scam. Sites like Troll and Toad, etc have been around for years, and have very good reputations for the products they sell. According to you, they've been scamming us all this time? And no one has caught on to this? It's kind of crazy because I bought a box of Great Encounters when it came out, and the box had some great cards in it. And to think, I pulled the one Level X that wasn't printed in the tins that time.....the only one that has kept its value. Wow, they must have scammed me.

And yes, most of what I said was relevant to what you were saying. I'm an Ebay merchant myself, but in my practices, I actually take pride in giving my customers the best service possible, which keeps them coming back because they trust me, and trust the fact that I'm not selling fake cards, or resealed boosters.

Perhaps you should study morals my friend. God only knows you need them at this point.

i m not gonna waste my time arguing with you anymore. for 1 spelling doesnt reflect how intelligent sum1 is. and two, all you did was praise how bad i am in ur arguement. can u go back to the second post of this thread an read it "almost every box u buy online is rigged". not "every" like u claimed in ur provious post. guess u like to pull stuff outta ur butt. some of us must have short term memories. To many drugs in the past? i dont think i m losing a fite to a 12 year old pokemon collecter anytime soon btw. and anyways if u ask me u prolly work for toads and dont want to lose customers. this arguement is worthless.. some places scam, an some places dont. it will not go anywhere at this rate judgin by ur thick skull... i refuse to waste a calorie slappin keys on my keyboard anymore. i presented my facts to u about pokemon blackmarket. i am not the only one who does or had done it. end of story.
Try growing up first, and then come back. Having intelligent conversations is the direction I take. And I never knew 12 year olds could work for Troll and Toad.
Thanks for giving me a reason to report you!

Having to resort to images to get your point across? You win at the interwebz.
Legendsneverdie said:
secretsof2113 said:
Legendsneverdie said:
depends where u bought it from.. ODD ARE that your getting scammed. most online companies are a scam... for instance that place toad suttin .com they sell "new box of cards.." but in reality they are scaming u. they open the box, open all the 36 packages.. pull whatever is worth anything, replace it with cr@p, and reaseal all the packages an re seal the box an sell it to u for full price. I d say about 95% of boxes of cards are like this.. its kinda a black market operation... unless ur buyin from target or someshit ur really just gettin scammed


u were pwnt buy whoever u bought the box from

/end thread

You really don't know what you are talking about do you? Anyhow, in an english box, it's rare to pull more than one level x. 1 is totally normal. Japanese boxes are the ones that you get more level x cards. If you are buying boxes from a legit seller, and they are still shrinkwrapped, odds are, you are getting a legit box. And you can tell Pokemon's shrink wrap pretty easily. There is white printing on it with Pokemon and a pokeball. If you're getting a non shrinkwrapped box, or one that has clear shrinkwrap, I'd steer clear.

ding ding ding can you say WRONG. YOU OBVIOUSLY KNOW CLOSE TO NOTHING. my freind an I used to re seal packages and wrap boxes with "legit" shrinkwrap. do you know what a black market is KID??. obviously not. its people who dedicate their LIVES to mimic "legit things". LOL shrink wrap means the box is legit lmao.. all u do is get a razor blade carefully slit part of the shrink wrap, take the box out, do ur stuff, and remelt the shrink wrap shut with a sodding iron. its not hard to fool people, LIKE YOU, into thinking ur buyin a legit box of cards off ebay,, etc.... ITS ALL BLACK MARKET.

I KNOW WHY YOUR DISAGREEING WITH ME, its cause ur upset cause u ve wasted money on boxes, or anyone who argues with me for that matter, but the FACT AND OR TRUTH is, resealing a box and opening a packet carefully takin the good cards out and puttin is lesser cards then re sealing that packet with a adhesive (carefully) is ez money for BLACKMARKETERS. stop being a matrix sheep, AND UNDERSTAND THE FACTS I M TELLING YOU.

I win you lose

when u buy boxes, your being scamed

end thread/.

HaI tHaR! r U hAvInG fUn On ThIs SiTe?!?!?! WeLl, I hOpE u R, bCuZ iN aN hOuR oR sO, tHeRe WiLl Be A lInE tHrEw Ur NaMe!

Its fun talking and typing like a n00b isn't it? Well, why don't you have a look and find out for yourself. You type and talk like one. Quite frankily, you are one! Who would've guessed.
Legendsneverdie said:
secretsof2113 said:
Legendsneverdie said:
secretsof2113 said:
Legendsneverdie said:
secretsof2113 said:
Legendsneverdie said:
depends where u bought it from.. ODD ARE that your getting scammed. most online companies are a scam... for instance that place toad suttin .com they sell "new box of cards.." but in reality they are scaming u. they open the box, open all the 36 packages.. pull whatever is worth anything, replace it with cr@p, and reaseal all the packages an re seal the box an sell it to u for full price. I d say about 95% of boxes of cards are like this.. its kinda a black market operation... unless ur buyin from target or someshit ur really just gettin scammed


u were pwnt buy whoever u bought the box from

/end thread

You really don't know what you are talking about do you? Anyhow, in an english box, it's rare to pull more than one level x. 1 is totally normal. Japanese boxes are the ones that you get more level x cards. If you are buying boxes from a legit seller, and they are still shrinkwrapped, odds are, you are getting a legit box. And you can tell Pokemon's shrink wrap pretty easily. There is white printing on it with Pokemon and a pokeball. If you're getting a non shrinkwrapped box, or one that has clear shrinkwrap, I'd steer clear.

ding ding ding can you say WRONG. YOU OBVIOUSLY KNOW CLOSE TO NOTHING. my freind an I used to re seal packages and wrap boxes with "legit" shrinkwrap. do you know what a black market is KID??. obviously not. its people who dedicate their LIVES to mimic "legit things". LOL shrink wrap means the box is legit lmao.. all u do is get a razor blade carefully slit part of the shrink wrap, take the box out, do ur stuff, and remelt the shrink wrap shut with a sodding iron. its not hard to fool people, LIKE YOU, into thinking ur buyin a legit box of cards off ebay,, etc.... ITS ALL BLACK MARKET.

I KNOW WHY YOUR DISAGREEING WITH ME, its cause ur upset cause u ve wasted money on boxes, or anyone who argues with me for that matter, but the FACT AND OR TRUTH is, resealing a box and opening a packet carefully takin the good cards out and puttin is lesser cards then re sealing that packet with a adhesive (carefully) is ez money for BLACKMARKETERS. stop being a matrix sheep, AND UNDERSTAND THE FACTS I M TELLING YOU.

I win you lose

when u buy boxes, your being scamed

end thread/.

So this means every box I've ever gotten from judging a tournament has been a lie? ZOMG! I HAS NO IDEA THAT I WAS BEING SCAMMED BY PUI! I CAN'TS BELIEVES IT! The boxes that I get from judging have almost always had one lv. x only in them. It's how english DP boxes work. It's how they've always worked. Get over yourself and realize some of us are getting our product direct, and not through a middleman.

Have you ever figured that some of us Ebay sellers aren't dirty scamming cheats like you? Some of us like to be honest in our business with who we deal with. This is how we get customers back. By selling authentic cards, and not trying to scam people.

Calling me kid? You are joking right? Mr. "I'm 21 and can beat up anyone on the site." Obviously my maturity and selling tactics greatly overpower yours.

I'm glad you think you're always right about everything. Have fun on that day you get caught for what you're doing. And the fact that you just admitted it here. LMAO!

Oh yeah, and it's also quite easy to tell when packs have been resealed.

you arent to smart at all.. about 90% of the things u replied to me have nothing to do with my post..

goodbye sir, have fun being scamed when u buy online... I said nothing about winnin boxes from

Sir? XD
scamed? What's that?
winnin? I don't know what that is either.
and it's "too," not "to"

that is.....if we want to get into the who is smart and who is not debate. I'll be glad to jump in on that one.

Every single thing you've said on this site so far has been a laugh. What was your point of joining if all you're going to do is start arguments with people? You argued with people in the "How old are you?" topic you created, namely with my boyfriend....which sort of negates the sir part....don't you think? The OP was asking the number of Lv. X pokemon per box, and I answered their question as it is. Which is anywhere from 0-2 per box, with most boxes containing 1.

You say EVERY box you buy online is a scam. Sites like Troll and Toad, etc have been around for years, and have very good reputations for the products they sell. According to you, they've been scamming us all this time? And no one has caught on to this? It's kind of crazy because I bought a box of Great Encounters when it came out, and the box had some great cards in it. And to think, I pulled the one Level X that wasn't printed in the tins that time.....the only one that has kept its value. Wow, they must have scammed me.

And yes, most of what I said was relevant to what you were saying. I'm an Ebay merchant myself, but in my practices, I actually take pride in giving my customers the best service possible, which keeps them coming back because they trust me, and trust the fact that I'm not selling fake cards, or resealed boosters.

Perhaps you should study morals my friend. God only knows you need them at this point.

I m not gonna waste my time arguing with you anymore. for 1 spelling doesnt reflect how intelligent sum1 is. and two, all you did was praise how bad I am in ur arguement. can u go back to the second post of this thread an read it "almost every box u buy online is rigged". not "every" like u claimed in ur provious post. guess u like to pull stuff outta ur butt. some of us must have short term memories. To many drugs in the past? I don't think I m losing a fite to a 12 year old pokemon collecter anytime soon btw. and anyways if u ask me u prolly work for toads and don't want to lose customers. this arguement is worthless.. some places scam, an some places don't. it will not go anywhere at this rate judgin by ur thick skull... I refuse to waste a calorie slappin keys on my keyboard anymore. I presented my facts to u about pokemon blackmarket. I am not the only one who does or had done it. end of story.

why did u bother to register on this web, if ur not even ganna follow the rules n00b
UchihaBlood said:
A Big Slash through your name would be nice on you....

why because i decide to shed light on a area that nobody wants to agree with.. thats extremly unfair.. i get in trouble for letting u people be aware of the black market
So you could have just said, "Make sure not to buy booster boxes from shady websites that aren't generally trusted." You don't need to assert yourself so aggressively and impolitely to make a basic point.
Thank you t4phage. Alleluia.

Legends, my Lord. Your calling us 12? Pshhh.....

Secrets is 22. You just don't seem to get it do you? You are in such denial it is not even funny. She is 3 times as smart as you will ever be. Anyways, could you stop being so rude and impolite? You are making a complete fool out of yourself. So, get it through your thick skull you n00b.
UchihaBlood said:
Legendsneverdie said:
secretsof2113 said:
Legendsneverdie said:
depends where u bought it from.. ODD ARE that your getting scammed. most online companies are a scam... for instance that place toad suttin .com they sell "new box of cards.." but in reality they are scaming u. they open the box, open all the 36 packages.. pull whatever is worth anything, replace it with cr@p, and reaseal all the packages an re seal the box an sell it to u for full price. I d say about 95% of boxes of cards are like this.. its kinda a black market operation... unless ur buyin from target or someshit ur really just gettin scammed


u were pwnt buy whoever u bought the box from

/end thread

You really don't know what you are talking about do you? Anyhow, in an english box, it's rare to pull more than one level x. 1 is totally normal. Japanese boxes are the ones that you get more level x cards. If you are buying boxes from a legit seller, and they are still shrinkwrapped, odds are, you are getting a legit box. And you can tell Pokemon's shrink wrap pretty easily. There is white printing on it with Pokemon and a pokeball. If you're getting a non shrinkwrapped box, or one that has clear shrinkwrap, I'd steer clear.

ding ding ding can you say WRONG. YOU OBVIOUSLY KNOW CLOSE TO NOTHING. my freind an I used to re seal packages and wrap boxes with "legit" shrinkwrap. do you know what a black market is KID??. obviously not. its people who dedicate their LIVES to mimic "legit things". LOL shrink wrap means the box is legit lmao.. all u do is get a razor blade carefully slit part of the shrink wrap, take the box out, do ur stuff, and remelt the shrink wrap shut with a sodding iron. its not hard to fool people, LIKE YOU, into thinking ur buyin a legit box of cards off ebay,, etc.... ITS ALL BLACK MARKET.

I KNOW WHY YOUR DISAGREEING WITH ME, its cause ur upset cause u ve wasted money on boxes, or anyone who argues with me for that matter, but the FACT AND OR TRUTH is, resealing a box and opening a packet carefully takin the good cards out and puttin is lesser cards then re sealing that packet with a adhesive (carefully) is ez money for BLACKMARKETERS. stop being a matrix sheep, AND UNDERSTAND THE FACTS I M TELLING YOU.

I win you lose

when u buy boxes, your being scamed

end thread/.

HaI tHaR! r U hAvInG fUn On ThIs SiTe?!?!?! WeLl, I hOpE u R, bCuZ iN aN hOuR oR sO, tHeRe WiLl Be A lInE tHrEw Ur NaMe!

Its fun talking and typing like a n00b isn't it? Well, why don't you have a look and find out for yourself. You type and talk like one. Quite frankily, you are one! Who would've guessed.

I couldn't have said it better myself......oh wait! I did. And so did t4phage, Full Cresseliation, and Secretsof2113.
wow looks like i m being tagged teamed by a bunch of raged internet police. what is this arguement a 10 vs 1? wow is that how you people fight in real life. what strong people as individuals. lmao. she is not smarter than me.. i am a engineering major with a 3.82 gpa...

How do you know she isn't smarter than you? Are you saying that because she is female? Are you sexist?

By the way, When you said most boxes and packs from online are rigged, that is completely wrong. I've never been scammed when buying online, and many others have not either. I bet it happened to people maybe once, but if it happens to you most of the time, then its either your lying or your just choosing to buy at the wrong places. Most boxes or packs are not rigged. That is completely false information.
t4phage said:
If the argument is 10 to 1 that might tell you something...

yah it tells me that i am sparta and you all are persians.this is where i stand and fite. this is sparta!! *as i kick u all into a hole*
secretsof2113 said:
No, it just tells us that you won't admit defeat.

lol i won this arguement. i cann prove it by how its between u an me and ur sidekicks chimed in an u still lost.. gg 1-0
You don't make any sense. Please go somewhere else and make no sense.
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