Lvl X pokemon per box?

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This conversation makes no sense at all.......Can I join in?? I'll be on uchuhablood's team!!! LOL!!!

At least 1 LVX per box!!
Legendsneverdie said:
I m not gonna waste my time arguing with you anymore. for 1 spelling doesnt reflect how intelligent sum1 is. and two, all you did was praise how bad I am in ur arguement. can u go back to the second post of this thread an read it "almost every box u buy online is rigged". not "every" like u claimed in ur provious post. guess u like to pull stuff outta ur butt. some of us must have short term memories. To many drugs in the past? I don't think I m losing a fite to a 12 year old pokemon collecter anytime soon btw. and anyways if u ask me u prolly work for toads and don't want to lose customers. this arguement is worthless.. some places scam, an some places don't. it will not go anywhere at this rate judgin by ur thick skull... I refuse to waste a calorie slappin keys on my keyboard anymore. I presented my facts to u about pokemon blackmarket. I am not the only one who does or had done it. end of story.

As a matter of fact, your ability to form even one coherent sentence does reflect your intelligence (unless the grammar section on the ACT is just there for kicks).

*Removed for potentially being to truthful/offensive w/o bad language*

Who knows, maybe the person didn't know the giant discolored spot on their booster box was a reseal mark. Maybe they were simply trusting people (which you likely ruined if your stories are true). Maybe the person at the Target return counter didn't feel like arguing with you. Assuming it's true, no matter how you cheated someone, I don't know why you would go around calling other lies are cheaters when you have admitted to being one yourself.

Legendsneverdie said:
t4phage said:
If the argument is 10 to 1 that might tell you something...

yah it tells me that I am sparta and you all are persians.this is where I stand and fite. this is sparta!! *as I kick u all into a hole*

That tells me you are just as immature as you sounded in your previous posts.

I have a stack of 26 booster boxes (24 of which have been opened and the packs have been sold or opened, two are unopened) sitting in my basement, all of which were bought off eBay, sites similar to toadandtroll (I wouldn't dream of buying of there for entirely different reasons... namely their rediculous condition grading scale), and even one at Target (I know the manager there who just charged me for 36 packs)... I never had more than 2 Lv. X cards in a box, and none were ever resealed (I check very closely to make sure some dishonest kid, like you, hasn't messed with it).
Legendsneverdie, stop it. And everyone, forget about it, this is pointless because he won't admit to anyone even to a Respectable Trade Council Member plus 6 or more members and never will; no need for explanation.

BTW, The Japanese boxes are really fair compaired to PUSA since they care for the players, not money.
Legendsneverdie said:
wow looks like I m being tagged teamed by a bunch of raged internet police. what is this arguement a 10 vs 1? wow is that how you people fight in real life. what strong people as individuals. lmao. she is not smarter than me.. I am a engineering major with a 3.82 gpa...

Hehehe...I want to be apart of the internet police...:D

ignore this classless troll everyone. for someone with an engineering degree, they must have forgot how to write proper english.
Don't start fights with troublemakers. Report their posts. If we don't get to it, just ignore them until we do. Nobody is going to think less of you because you did not respond to someone bashing you. Don't try to "prove yourself" to them.

And it's okay to have a differing/radical opinion, Legendsneverdie, but you should go about it next time a little more maturely.

As for the rest of you, don't go posting things like someone deserves to be banned or whatever. It's not your decision, and such posts are only spammy.

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