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M Aggron-EX / Aegislash EX / Bronzong


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 17

  • 3 Aggron-EX
    2 M Aggron-EX
    4 Bronzor
    3 Bronzong
    2 Aegislash-EX
    1 Cobalion-EX
    1 Jirachi-EX
    1 Keldeo-EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 31

  • 2 Lysandre
    1 Lysandre's Trump Card
    1 AZ
    3 VS Seeker
    2 Battle Compressor
    4 Ultra Ball
    2 Aggron Spirit Link
    1 Float stone
    1 Switch
    1 Tool Retriever
    2 Shrine of Memories
    1 Mountain Ring
    4 N
    4 Professor Juniper
    2 Colress
Energy: 12

  • 8 Metal Energy
    4 Double Colorless Energy


Base Strategy is to setup Bronzongs in the bench with Aggron-EX/M Aggron-EX and use Metal Link to provide them the energy needed to then Attack with Megaton Slam for Massive Damage. Shrine of Memories is just in case M Aggron gets too much damage on him he can use Aggron's Attack Raging Hammer, which deals Base 60 damage plus 10 damage for every damage counter it has on him.

The deck really needs some help...
RE: M Aggoron-EX / Aegislash EX / Bronzong

Yea, I don't think this deck will work out. But if you really really want mega Aggoron to work then I guess you can boost the consistency of your attacks by using Victini LTR 23 in order to flip the coin for megaton slam again, and Mr. Mime PLF 47 so you can protect your bench from any damage if the coin flip fails.
RE: M Aggoron-EX / Aegislash EX / Bronzong

appleatingoat said:
Yea, I don't think this deck will work out. But if you really really want mega Aggoron to work then I guess you can boost the consistency of your attacks by using Victini LTR 23 in order to flip the coin for megaton slam again, and Mr. Mime PLF 47 so you can protect your bench from any damage if the coin flip fails.

Any other suggestions? I really want to make it work and I don't mind pokemon changes or trainer changes. I want to use this deck at State Championships this saturday and would love to at least have a decent match-up with the meta.
Revised decklist -

Pokemon: 16

3 Aggron-EX
2 M Aggron-EX
3 Bronzor
3 Bronzong
1 Aegislash-EX
1 Cobalion-EX
2 Keldeo-EX
1 Victini LTR

Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 32

2 Lysandre
1 Lysandre's Trump Card
4 N
4 Professor Juniper
2 Colress
3 VS Seeker
1 Battle Compressor
4 Ultra Ball
2 Aggron Spirit Link
1 Float stone
2 Switch
2 Max Potion
2 Shrine of Memories
1 Mountain Ring

1 Scoop Up Cyclone
1 Dowsing Machine

Energy: 12

8 Metal Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy

-1 Bronzor (from playing a similar deck, a 3-3 is all you'll really need with 8 energy to move around)
-1 Aegislash EX (a great wall, however only 1 is really required to achieve the desired effect)
-1 Jirachi EX (personally I don't see a use for this little scamp in this type of deck - too frail for a deck that tanks like no other)
+1 Keldeo EX (for how powerful Keldeo/Float Stone is, you want to make sure prizes don't mess with your strategy, so an extra pony helps out with that)
+1 Victini (for maximising the chance to hit that sweet 240 damage; KO-ing everything that isn't Wailord EX - and who really runs that in a deck?)

-1 AZ (AZ just isn't worth your supporter for the turn for the sake of prize denial - run Super Scoop Up/Scoop Up Cyclone)
-1 Battle Compressor (again, from personal experience, you only need 1 to get the job done)
+1 Switch (helps to have more than one incase of prizes)
-1 Tool Retriever (yet again, from experience, this clunks the deck up something awful; I want it to work, but it just doesn't)
+2 Max Potion (nothing beats the look on your opponent's face when you drop a Max Potion on a M Aggron EX with 230 damage -> Metal Links the discarded energy onto a second M Aggron on the bench -> attach a DCE from hand -> drop a Switch -> gg)

+1 SSU/Dowsing Machine (either one is a great inclusion: SSU for prize denial/Dowsing Machine for that clutch VS Seeker/Lysandre/Switch etc.)
Don't forget to add Mr. mime... or mountain ring, because if your double coin flip fails then You don't want your bench taking damage.
appleatingoat said:
Don't forget to add Mr. mime... or mountain ring, because if your double coin flip fails then You don't want your bench taking damage.

That's why Max Potion & Super Scoop Up are recommended. I've played a version with Mr Mime online and it's honestly just a dead card so often for the 25% chance you have of ever needing to use it. What I've found is that your opponent doesn't care about Bronzong on the bench, especially when you have a 240HP behemoth out front one-shotting everything!

Plus, he has a copy of Mountain Ring if things look shaky :)