Pokemon: 17
Base Strategy is to setup Bronzongs in the bench with Aggron-EX/M Aggron-EX and use Metal Link to provide them the energy needed to then Attack with Megaton Slam for Massive Damage. Shrine of Memories is just in case M Aggron gets too much damage on him he can use Aggron's Attack Raging Hammer, which deals Base 60 damage plus 10 damage for every damage counter it has on him.
The deck really needs some help...
3 Aggron-EX
2 M Aggron-EX
4 Bronzor
3 Bronzong
2 Aegislash-EX
1 Cobalion-EX
1 Jirachi-EX
1 Keldeo-EX
2 Lysandre
1 Lysandre's Trump Card
1 AZ
3 VS Seeker
2 Battle Compressor
4 Ultra Ball
2 Aggron Spirit Link
1 Float stone
1 Switch
1 Tool Retriever
2 Shrine of Memories
1 Mountain Ring
4 N
4 Professor Juniper
2 Colress
8 Metal Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
Base Strategy is to setup Bronzongs in the bench with Aggron-EX/M Aggron-EX and use Metal Link to provide them the energy needed to then Attack with Megaton Slam for Massive Damage. Shrine of Memories is just in case M Aggron gets too much damage on him he can use Aggron's Attack Raging Hammer, which deals Base 60 damage plus 10 damage for every damage counter it has on him.
The deck really needs some help...