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Standard M Manectric EX / Raikou


Pokédex #475
Here's the deck list, strategy at the bottom:

  • 4 Manectric EX- Phantom Forces 23
  • 3 M Manectric EX- Phantom Forces 24
  • 3 Raikou- BREAKthrough 55
  • 2 Shaymin EX- Roaring Skies 77
  • 2 Lugia EX- Ancient Origins 68
  • 1 Hoopa EX- Ancient Origins 36
  • 1 Switch
  • 3 Rough Seas
  • 3 Manectric Spirit Link
  • 4 VS Seeker
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 3 Professor Sycamore
  • 2 Lysandre
  • 4 Shauna
  • 3 Trainer's Mail
  • 2 Battle Compresser
  • 1 AZ
  • 1 Prof's Letter
  • 2 DCE
  • 9 Lightning Energy
  • 3 Flash Energy

Get Mega Manectric as fast as possible and hit for 110 damage from turn two onward. When you run out of hp on Manectric 1, switch to Manectric 2, who you've been attaching energy to with Manectric 1's attack. If that is not possible, use Raikou.

I would like to make this deck as good as it can be, so any suggestions are welcome! Thanks for helping!
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A few thoughts for your consideration:
  • I run a variety of M Manectric EX decks, and I've yet to need more than 3, especially since I (and you) have alternate attackers.
  • Running a maximum count of Ultra Balls helps you get more energy into your discard pile (which will help the subsequent Turbo Shot attacks later) faster, as well as make your Repeat Balls more effective, IMO.
  • The 4 Professor Sycamores are woefully insufficient for smooth, efficient card-draw support. Note: your opponents could have a Silent Lab, an active Wobbufet (Bide Barricade), or Hex Maniac in effect; so, you may not get the benefits of Shaymin EX's Setup at critical times.
  • Your main attackers are all weak to Fighting Pokemon attacks; so, incorporating a few Flash energy could be quite useful.
A few suggested deck changes for your consideration:

-1 M Manectric EX
-1 Manectric Spirit Link
-2 Lugia EX - not a great starter and 2 should be sufficient, IMO
-3 Lightning

+1 AZ - to recover wounded Pokemon or Shaymin EX (in order to reuse again)
+2 Professor Birch's Observations and/or Shauna
+2 Ultra Ball
+2 Flash

I hope you find these comments helpful.
Deck looks much better. However, I'd replace 1 Repeat Ball with another Professor Sycamore.

Another option you might want to test for increased setup speed is replacing your 4 Repeat Ball with either 4 Acro Bike or 2 Trainer's Mail and 2 Acro Bike.
I agree with @TuxedoBlack .

Acro Bike is great in this deck, allowing you to have an easier access to your Manectric Spirit Link or Rough Seas, and often discarding an energy for a future Turbo Bolt.

I think that a small count of Battle Compressor would really help. Discarding some Energies for Turbo Bolt will help you to draw your main cards each turn.
Of course, VS Seeker loves that card too :)

Lugia is a very good EX for this deck, much better against Fighting decks than M-Manectric EX. Playing 2 copies seems to be the best option.

Hoopa EX would be a nice addition to this deck, to search for Shaymin EX + Lugia EX + M-Manectric EX/Manectric EX.

I don't think that 4 copies of Rouch Seas are necessary. You can porbably save 1 slot here ;)

Here is my suggestion :

Pokemon : 15
  • 4 Manectric EX
  • 3 M Manectric EX
  • 3 Raikou
  • 2 Lugia EX
  • 2 Shaymin EX
  • 1 Hoopa EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums : 34
  • 4 Professor Sycamore
  • 2 Professor Birch's Observations
  • 2 AZ
  • 1 Hex Maniac
  • 1 Lysandre
  • 4 VS Seeker
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 4 Battle Compressor
  • 4 Acro Bike
  • 3 Manectric Spirit Link
  • 3 Rough Seas
  • 2 Switch
Energy : 11
  • 8 Lightning Energy
  • 3 Flash Energy
@PizzaIsAwesom What is your current list now? Please update your original post (OP) when you can. Thanks.

Pokemon : 15
4 Manectric EX
3 M Manectric EX
3 Raikou
2 Lugia EX
2 Shaymin EX
1 Hoopa EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums : 34
4 Professor Sycamore
2 Professor Birch's Observations
2 AZ
1 Hex Maniac
1 Lysandre
4 VS Seeker
4 Ultra Ball
4 Battle Compressor
4 Acro Bike
3 Manectric Spirit Link
3 Rough Seas
2 Switch
Energy : 11
8 Lightning Energy
3 Flash Energy
@bidou No Trainer's Mail?? I'd suggest:

-2 Battle Compressor
-2 Acro Bike

+3 Trainer's Mail
+1 Lightning

- - or - -

+2 Trainer's Mail
+2 DC
I agree with @TuxedoBlack .

Acro Bike is great in this deck, allowing you to have an easier access to your Manectric Spirit Link or Rough Seas, and often discarding an energy for a future Turbo Bolt.

I think that a small count of Battle Compressor would really help. Discarding some Energies for Turbo Bolt will help you to draw your main cards each turn.
Of course, VS Seeker loves that card too :)

Lugia is a very good EX for this deck, much better against Fighting decks than M-Manectric EX. Playing 2 copies seems to be the best option.

Hoopa EX would be a nice addition to this deck, to search for Shaymin EX + Lugia EX + M-Manectric EX/Manectric EX.

I don't think that 4 copies of Rouch Seas are necessary. You can porbably save 1 slot here ;)

Here is my suggestion :

Pokemon : 15

    • 4 Manectric EX
    • 3 M Manectric EX
    • 3 Raikou
    • 2 Lugia EX
    • 2 Shaymin EX
    • 1 Hoopa EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums : 34

    • 4 Professor Sycamore
    • 2 Professor Birch's Observations
    • 2 AZ
    • 1 Hex Maniac
    • 1 Lysandre
    • 4 VS Seeker
    • 4 Ultra Ball
    • 4 Battle Compressor
    • 4 Acro Bike
    • 3 Manectric Spirit Link
    • 3 Rough Seas
    • 2 Switch
Energy : 11

    • 8 Lightning Energy
    • 3 Flash Energy

Starting from this list I would make these modifications:

- 1 Raikou (two should suffice in this deck on usual)
- 1 AZ (you can search for it and retrieve it with Vs Seeker)
- 1 Switch (wanted a more diverse switch engine in this deck)
- 1 Battle Compressor (three are sufficient with three Acro Bike and three Trainer's Mail)
- 1 Acro Bike (three should suffice with three Battle Compressor and three Trainer's Mail)

+ 1 Giovanni's Scheme (real versatile and can be the extra draw or extra damage needed for a ohko on non-Ex attackers)
+ 3 Trainer's Mail (nice search card that helps to speed the deck up and get the spirit links out fast)
+ 1 Escape Rope (nice double switch effect that can come in hand from time to time)

Hope this provides some initial assistance.

Thank you for these advices, I do understand the benefits from adding Trainer's Mail in this deck.

However, it seems difficult to me to cut 2 copies of Acro Bike since its synergy with M-Manectric EX is very good.
1 copy, perhaps. I'll test that ! :)

Battle Compressor is the main provider of énergies fro the discard pile, playing only 2 copies might be a disservice to Turbo Bolt & VS Seeker.
Once again, I can try to test with 1 less copy and add a Trainer's Mail instead.

What is the point in playing DCE in this deck ?
This deck isn't reliant in energy acceleration and Turbo Bolt only requires 1 colorless.
Raikou doesn't need a DCE neither.
Only Lugia EX does, but it seems a little limited to add it in this deck.

@Dark Espeon

Thanks for the advices too :)

Even if I will stick with my 2 copies of AZ (personnal choice, I love this Supporter... I always need him to bring back a Shaymin EX/Hoopa EX or to change my active Pokémon), I will try some changes you have suggested :

- 1 Switch
- 1 Battle Compressor
- 1 Acro Bike
- 1 Battle Compressor as suggested by @TuxedoBlack
- 1 Something else... don't know what, but Raikou is precious :)

+ 1 Giovanni's Scheme
+ 3 Trainer's Mail
+ 1 Escape Rope


Are Repeat Ball that good ?
I haven't tested this card, but I'm puzzled about it :)

If I were you, I would play more Sycamore, and less Shauna.
The chance to have an entire hand with the first one has no price, and it can also contribute to your next Turbo Bolt by adding an energy or two in the discard. :)
  • 4 Manectric EX- Phantom Forces 23
  • 3 M Manectric EX- Phantom Forces 24
  • 3 Raikou- BREAKthrough 55
  • 2 Shaymin EX- Roaring Skies 77
  • 2 Lugia EX- Ancient Origins 68
  • 1 Hoopa EX- Ancient Origins 36
  • 2 Switch
  • 3 Rough Seas
  • 3 Manectric Spirit Link
  • 4 VS Seeker
  • 3 Repeat Ball
  • 3 Ultra Ball
  • 3 Professor Sycamore
  • 2 Lysandre
  • 4 Shauna
  • 2 Trainer's Mail
  • 2 Battle Compresser
  • 3 DCE
  • 9 Lightning Energy
  • 3 Flash Energy
First of all, your list now contains 61 cards, not 60.

IMO, the Repeat Ball count should not equal nor exceed the (Dive + Level + Ultra) Ball count since Dive, Level and Ultra Balls are the primary way to search and get a needed Pokémon.

Further, consider including an AZ to recover a wounded Pokémon (prize denial) or Shaymin EX that can be played again for supplemental card-draw.

IMO, Ultra Balls should be maxed-out to maximize your chances of accessing 1 to search and get a needed Pokémon, as well as discard resources that can be recovered later.

Suggested deck changes for your consideration:

-3 Repeat Ball - not critical given other deck priorities
-1 Switch - with inclusion of AZ, 1 should be sufficient

+1 AZ
+ Professor's Letter - to help get needed asic energy
+1 Trainer's Mail
+1 Ultra Ball

(-1 DCE - 61st card)

I hope you find these further comments helpful.
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