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M Rayquaza / Virizion EX / Shaymin EX

King of Dragons

I just hang around for reasons
Pokemon: 13

  • 3 Rayquaza EX
    3 M Rayquaza EX
    2 Virizion EX
    2 Shaymin EX
    1 Kyurem / Genescet EX / Mr. Mime
    1 Swablu
    1 Ataria
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 37

  • 3 Ultra Ball
    4 Mega Turbo
    2 Robo Substitute
    3 Rayquaza Spirt Link
    3 VS Seeker
    2 Acro Bike
    2 Bicycle
    1 Escape Rope
    3 Skyfield
    3 Professor Juniper
    3 N
    2 Skyla
    3 Colress
    2 Lysandre
    1 Wioanna / Xerosic / Lysandre's Trump Card
Energy: 10

  • 4 Double Coloress Energy
    6 Grass Energy


This deck acts like the normal M Rayquaza Deck but with cards to counter threats.

Virizion EX: This card is a direct counter to Siesmotoad Decks. It blocks LaserBank and can get more energy onto your Pokemon. It also has low retreat cost and can 2HKO Siesmotoads
Kyurem/Genescet EX/Mr. Mime It depends on your area. Kyurem can be very good against Fire Decks, Donphan, and Landerous EX. Genescet EX can be a decent option as it can OHKO Siesmotoads and can be a threat to Primal Groundon and Kyorgre. Mr. Mime would be good if your area is "a card that attacks bench" heavy
I think you already know what the rest of the techs are for
I chose Robo Sub. over eggs because the oppenent doesn't get a prize card and you or your oppenent can use Trump Card to get it out again

Overall I think this might be the deck I'll use at Spring Regionals but it could still be changed (good thing I got time to think).
Hi King of Dragons,

The deck has no more than nine basics at the moment which is ways too little for a deck focused on Emerald Break. Even with two Robo Substitutes it does not seem to be sufficient to be stable and unlike eggs it does not revive from the discard itself. Be sure to run between twelve to fourtheen basics in this deck and cut down on the supporters. Shaymin Ex can be a real nice draw engine with Ultra Ball and Winona. The latter can even be used to obtain evolutions. notice that all Pokémon and most trainers can be readily used when in hand. This allows Shaymin to make up for the lower draw supporter count in this deck.

Pokémon (18):

3 M Rayquaza Ex
4 Rayquaza Ex
3 Shaymin Ex
1 Virizion Ex
2 Skarmory
1 Tropius
2 Altaria
2 Swablu

Trainer (32):

1 Lysandre's Last Resort
4 Professor Sycamore
1 Lysandre
1 Colress
3 Winona
2 N
3 Rayquaza Spirt Link
1 Computer Search
1 Escape Rope
3 Mega Turbo
3 Vs Seeker
2 Acro Bike
3 Ultra Ball
4 Skyfield

Energy (10):

4 Double Colorless Energy
6 Grass Energy
I'm finding that this deck has been giving a "bajillion" amount of variants.
The only successful way to play this deck is with Ninetales. If your opponent is able to play another stadium, you have to discard three Pokemon, but only if you have a full bench.
This can hurt a lot, as Rayquaza needs that bench.
Sorry m8. I love the idea, but Ninetales is just better.
Dark Espeon said:
Hi King of Dragons,

The deck has no more than nine basics at the moment which is ways too little for a deck focused on Emerald Break. Even with two Robo Substitutes it does not seem to be sufficient to be stable and unlike eggs it does not revive from the discard itself. Be sure to run between twelve to fourtheen basics in this deck and cut down on the supporters. Shaymin Ex can be a real nice draw engine with Ultra Ball and Winona. The latter can even be used to obtain evolutions. notice that all Pokémon and most trainers can be readily used when in hand. This allows Shaymin to make up for the lower draw supporter count in this deck.

Pokémon (18):

3 M Rayquaza Ex
4 Rayquaza Ex
3 Shaymin Ex
1 Virizion Ex
2 Skarmory
1 Tropius
2 Altaria
2 Swablu

Trainer (32):

1 Lysandre's Last Resort
4 Professor Sycamore
1 Lysandre
1 Colress
3 Winona
2 N
3 Rayquaza Spirt Link
1 Computer Search
1 Escape Rope
3 Mega Turbo
3 Vs Seeker
2 Acro Bike
3 Ultra Ball
4 Skyfield

Energy (10):

4 Double Colorless Energy
6 Grass Energy

Greetings Dark Epseon
Thanks for the Advice :). I do relaize that 9 basics is low so I will probably change the list and add more basics.