Mabey SP


This is the ultimate showdown.
I was thinking since they are going to remake EXes, do you think we see another future of SP Pokemon?
I doubt it. SP Pokemon were a one-time thing for the sinnoh region in the trading card games, like the Team Magma and Team Aqua Pokemon were a one time thing for the hoenn region. One thing I'm sure of, though, is that eventually the TCG creators will create another Pokemon type exclusive to the Unova region, which is probably not going to be anything like SP Pokemon.
I personally doubt it. EXes are widely considered to be the best format, while SP is considering one of the worst. It makes sense that they would remake EXes in hopes of recapturing the glory the originals had, but SPs weren't widely enough liked that it would gte them as much money.
SP's were a mistake and they know it. I personally like SP (because I ran it, of course) but with Luxchomp, for example, games where so one-sided it was terrible.
Though I would argue that playing SP decks did take some skill, but they are not coming back.

EXs were a really good format, and by returning them to the format, they hope to back the format better. Though SP decks would probably not do as well, but there is still no way they could return.
SP decks DID take skill. I didn't like the SP format because they were great without any drawbacks, unlike EXes wich get KOed for 2 prizes.
Dark Void said:
I personally doubt it. EXes are widely considered to be the best format, while SP is considering one of the worst. It makes sense that they would remake EXes in hopes of recapturing the glory the originals had, but SPs weren't widely enough liked that it would gte them as much money.
ex's didn't make the ex formats amazing. Having a billion viable combos to choose from, having more than half the cards printed be printed with a competitive purpose in mind, less top-down card design, HP cap, evolved ex's, power check on these cards (less searchable, can't accelerate energy as easily, less access to tools), Pow! Hand Extention, Scramble Energy, lack of big basics, more Poke-Powers and Poke-Bodies, the ability to lock Powers and Bodies, arguably Pidgeot, Nidoqueen Delta, and the Holon engine made the ex formats great. We have none of these things in the current format. The only thing both formats have is N. The only thing this format has over the ex formats is Twins. Anything they did right in the ex formats has been removed from the game.

That being said, I wouldn't be at all surprised if they did make at the very least a spiritual successor to SP. However, I don't think it's very likely we will get SP again any time in the near future. I'd rather see Delta cards back, since it allows them to balance typing more.

Would the OP care to elaborate on his viewpoint at all? EX's and SPs aren't related, so it seems like there's very little argument for SPs getting reprinted that can be backed up with fact. Also, it would be nice if you at least checked the title's spelling. :p
I wouldn't be surprised if Japan got SPs in the future, they've had plenty of VS-style promo sets for movies (though none recently as far as I'm aware), and the last of them were actually SPs. But I doubt we will get any. If anything, I'd more expect a return to owners' Pokemon (including evolutions).
Movie promos are often Ash's _______________ or Bad Guy's _____________________. I doubt we'll be seeing any more of these cards in competitive play for a while. If you notice, near the end of a generation of sets, we've seen a gimmick. Near the end of 3rd gen, we got delta (which I loved). Near the end of 4th gen, we got SP. Perhaps we'll see something cool near the end of 5th gen... idk :3 Can't wait to see what they come up with.
Nope. SPs were If you didn't play SP, you definitely had a harder time winning. You had access to PokeTurn, which essentially auto-heals your Pokemon, keeping tanks like Dialga G LV.X in play forEVER, Power Spray, which said, "NO," to a vital Uxie drop, and all of the others which I do not need to bother typing out.

I would like to see the Delta Species return, however. Those were interesting in a very interesting format. See Celebi23's post. I <3 old ex format.
I only got one thing to say. People may complain about the power creep from the new EXs, but at least you get two prizes from them for all the crap you go through killing them. For SPs you got nothin'.
^You got pride. In the SP format, you knew that if you won, you were the better player (90% of the time.)

I don't feel that in this format as much.
Ehhhhh I don't buy it. MD-on had Sabledonk, and before that you could Garchomp donk a non SP deck. Gengar SF had fainting spell, which was fairly luck based, mind you, if it was triggered. Most of the issues that make this format less skill based arguably fall to things like the first turn rule, absolutely needing T1 collector or otherwise filling your bench, etc (maybe x2 weakness making the matchup very rock/paper/scissors, depends on who you ask).

Now don't get me wrong, I get what you're saying and why, but I think MD-on had too many shenanigans to really call it a game of skill, or fun, back then.
It wasn't so much MD-on that was skill-based. But LuxChomp was the easily dominant deck and the LuxChomp mirror was very skill-based.
SP mirror = Continuous revenge killing. Not only did you have to tech for decks, but you had to tech for techs in decks. For instance:
Opponent's Luxray KO's something.
Revenge KO with Promocroak
Revenge KO with Uxie Lv. X
Revenge KO with Uxie Lv. X
And then if you didn't have anything to revenge KO the uxie with you could be in serious trouble.
Although I must admit comebacks still weren't all that possible, especially since Luxchomp could easily snipe a pixie off your bench for the last couple prizes. But think in comparison to this format, now with Catcher. Now it's not just one deck that can ensure a victory off of a prize lead, but any deck running Catcher. So basically any non-trainer locking deck.
Now, I didn't play during the original ex format, but I have heard great things about it. I know everyone on this site has heard someone complaining about the basic power creep, but it really is kind of true.

This isn't to say that the only good decks out there are based around basics, but a fair number of them are. Reshiram/Zekrom variants take up a huge amount of the metagame, because of their speed, high HP, and because they are basic. Just about the only really good, Tier 1/2 decks built around Stage 2's have either Magnezone or Vileplume in them (I guess one could include Chandelure, but it's almost always played with Vileplume anyway.)

With EX's coming in less than a month, and in time for states, we can expect an even larger amount of basic-centric decks, especially the big one, Mewtwo EX. Players are expecting it to be played so much, it's expected to become a staple, because it's the best Mewtwo EX counter, OHKOing it for 1-2 Energy (with a DCE). Plus the Dragons will definitely have their own decks mixed in with the non-EX dragons, and those will be Tier 1.5 at worst.

TL;DR: ND=EX's=Basic dominant format.
^I would say that makes the new EX's essencially SP Pokémon... the only difference is the 2 prize rule...