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Machamp deck


Aspiring Trainer
Here is my newest deck.
Stantler x3
Machop x3 -stead punch
Machoke x3
Machamp Prime x2
Riolu x3 -double chop
Lucario -Dimension sphere
Lucario x2

Energy Search x3
Pokemon Circulator x3
Judge x3
Burned Tower x2
Pokemon Communication x3
Pokeball x3
Life Herb x3

17 Fighting Energy

strategy: start with Stantler and build up bench. Lucario can come out swinging til Machamp (reg or Prime) is ready to come out and clean up. What I am wondering is:
1. Is there a better partner for Machamp then Lucario?
2. What changes should be made to T/S/S line?
thanks in advance for any input.
1. Yes, for example Donphan, Reuniclus, Magnezone Prime, and so on.
2. Take out Energy Search, Life Herb, Poke Ball and Burned Tower (they're not useful in a deck like this); then add Collector and maybe Elm (a MUST in every deck).

Bye :D
I would personally take out the stantlers for cleffa's. Otherwise the deck is fine if you went along with the idea of Balboa's.