Ruling Machamp vs Basic Lv X


Aspiring Trainer
If I use Machamp's Take Out on a basic(unevolve) Lv X,will it KO that pokemon or just do 40 damage as stated?
One more question.Heatran's poke-power,heat wave says that i can attach 2 energy if i use an attack that discard energy.I need to attach those energy from the discard pile or from my hand or either?
skunk007 said:
One more question.Heatran's poke-power,heat wave says that I can attach 2 energy if I use an attack that discard energy.I need to attach those energy from the discard pile or from my hand or either?
It says,(not exact words) "If you discard energy, you may attach 2 of those energy.) So attach 2 of what you discarded.
Glad I helped!