Postgame Part 1: General Thoughts
This part of the postgame will go a lot more theoretical and general, while the more individual and concrete opinions will be given in the second part. (
Mandatory Disclaimer: these opinions may end up being asserted in a way where they come off as trying to be facts. My way of thinking of things is by no means the only correct way to play mafia, and me asserting things that way is not intentional. Please don't take anything here as personal because it's 100% about this game and never you as a person.).
So, first things first, I think it's worth stating that the setup may have appeared pro-town, but as you'll soon see, when the bastard mechanics are revealed, the majority of town roles were useless (Lisa, Jaime, Madison), close to it (Thomas, Manny), or fairly easy to neutralize (Alexis). This made the overall balance basically: 2-shot (though worse than this) Neighborizer+Near Useless Mechanics Seer+Disruptive JOAT+Future Vote Thing+Even Day QT Wiretap vs randomized 1-shot Vig+Misinformation+Event/Speech Disruption without quite free reign of kill choices (which was tried out because I thought reducing the potency of Strong Player Kills would lead to a higher quality endgame, which I suppose did in fact pan out in a way). Which I honestly think is just about right (maybe a bit townsided but this site tends to be scumsided in general), considering the fact that the game was nightless, which gives town less time to think, and bastard, which leads town to trust roles much less than typically.
The philosophy for specific roles was twofold. First, the far majority of roles here were designed to be stuff that I would never include in a non-bastard game, since it's not everyday that one gets to host a bastard game. Second, the philosophy of role inclusion was first and foremost in the spirit of fun, not really competition (since who signs up for bastard mafia to be hypercompetitive?), with the general idea of town's niche, semi-useful at best powers vs scum's misinformation built in the mold of Mario Party 10's Bowser Party, where the real advantages are to be gained in events, and stuff is allowed to be at least somewhat subjective (e.g. who wins competitions, what words are allowed and what aren't for the word censor, etc.). I think this idea panned out fairly well. The town didn't focus really at all on mechanical scumhunting, with the exception of the public event tracker and QT Wiretap being leads towards the scum, while the scum countered that boost in discussion with the haiku day (and Agent X chaos).
That being said, for those who weren't aware, this game was designed in very little time. This led to a fair amount of behind the scenes problems in terms of role ambiguity and conflict, which I should have fixed in the pre-game. Some of this stuff will go into my notes for hosting, but there's some stuff that's more setup related and worth noting. I forgot to update the setup for when eevee joined the game and I could only use Discord and not QT, so Michael was originally given a role where the chat partner wouldn't know who was speaking to them, which needed to later be corrected. Additionally, very little was balanced around the idea that town would be so miserable with the word censor, and I should have accounted for that swing in designing Game Updates. I also thought other roles, such as Cheryl's, were quite frankly bad and uninspired, which is mainly due to me writing them in very little time, while others, such as Charles's, may have worked but needed some refining.
While roles weren't designed to be the real game changers, a new thing rose in their place: Game Updates. These had different powers they could give, with some centered around the concept of the Community Map, an idea that would have been potentially nice if I had actually done anything special with it, but with the exception of a tiny bit in Cheryl's role, basically did nothing at all because allowing people to choose between advantages. The general competitions I felt were pretty varied, with different options for different people, though the word censor prevented a lot of people from competing in a lot of things and probably significantly lowered the fun level. Overall, I thought a good deal of the events and prizes were fun and could be included, but it was overall very hit-or-miss, and a fair amount of them certainly missed (I'll talk more in terms of specific in Part 2). I think me placing caps on the advantages that could be won from Game Updates, with the exception of stopping overly huge game winning things, probably hurt people's creativity in wishes and questions and was worse in terms of fun than it could probably be. Secondary objectives were also a decent idea, but in execution needed to change the way that players played in a much more direct way, instead of just being there and having occasional influence.
I think the shining element of changing up the game was less the events than changes to methods of voting/lynches, which, despite them being flawed at times and not always fully working, added a lot of variety and provided a good attempt at changing up mechanics and testing out a lot of ideas on site, which we could potentially try in the future. Some ideas worked and some didn't, but I think they all added something to this game, different content to analyze, and the Game Updates associated with them contributed something to make them a bit more interesting.
The Nightless mechanic of this game I think was quite good in preserving people's memory of the game, as the action never particularly stopped, though it also gave town less time to spend simply analyzing (though I doubt they would have used it, judging by the fact people wanted to end days early instead of use time for that) and I suspect caused some people to neglect the submission of their actions (or make less educated ones) or be confused regarding how they would work. Not sure if I would recommend it or not for future hosts.
The game being bastard really wasn't that in your face, with only a couple roles being truly bastard ones, some roles never being ones you'd want in your typical game, and with fairly few moderator lies. This was more to adjust for the fact that this site has never seen any bastard games, so I went pretty light. It worked fine; I'm not sure how well it would have worked if I had increased the bastardness, but I didn't really see any advantages to this versus a normal game besides a bit more of a focus on fun and strange roles.
Hosting, I'm afraid, is the section of the game I think I really messed up on the most. I really didn't have enough time to run a game with my typical precision, and I think it really showed. Updates couldn't be punctual, I had issues with being able to read everything and check the word censor and see everything that was a vote, and while errors were more in the setup than true host errors (with a couple of exceptions being me sometimes forgetting to send Agent X messages (which most importantly happened in EoD 3 with messages to FK and led to me needing to give FK a couple of compensation messages to Math because I forgot to transmit some pretty crucial ones) and forgetting to give Jplap mechanics seer messages, which I mostly blame on my busyness).
I also think I made a fair amount of blunders with how I handled subjective situations and mid-game player feedback due to how difficult life was being for me at times. I can't really get into more details than that, but for the first two (maybe three) in-game days at least, I really wasn't in the right mindset and temperament to be a good host instead of simply an adequate one and I didn't lay out good enough guidelines before the game on what I would do in ambiguous situations to correct for that. You guys ended up seeing pretty little of it, but I feel pretty bad myself on what did happen, because I really don't like making errors of any sort as a host.
Honestly, I still can't come to the conclusion if town play this game was really bad or scum play was just super good, but there was a combination of those factors certainly that led to a very dominant game from the Hackers.
I'm going to start off with everything the Hackers did well. First up, communication in the team was superb. Even after I edited down the scumchat when I released it to everybody (which I finally did btw), there was over double the number of posts on there (which admittedly is inflated because those numbers are on Discord) than in the thread. Scum always knew what they were doing, always had a plan, and had great morale and teamwork throughout the game, leading the environment to be one of fun and positivity that led to much success. As individual players, they all did very well too. Eevee was always in control and his posts always were advancing scum's agenda while keeping him, the largest PR, alive, FK's outside communication was executed perfectly to manipulate town (and his posting was super good too when looked at as individual posts), and Math was a super great team player who did what he needed to advance his team and far as he could, even if he was outed. This would have been a difficult team to beat even if the town was playing well.
Which unfortunately, I can not say occurred very much. The town I felt rarely was digging into motivation. They frequently just decided stuff was townie, and let bad play be seen as scummy even when it was devoid of specific motivation from the scum to actually do it. The fact that town decided that the inactive players were scum for mainly their activity (or to be specific, their lack of opportunity to make good posts) led to them being mislynch bait, and was kinda the laziest way to make reads (with the possible exception of thinking Nick being saved from a lynch meant he was scum when a mislynch there wouldn't even end the game so scum wouldn't ever just out their member like that). Meanwhile, players mentioned ideas like lynching the indie claim for lying to everybody and suggesting really anti-town plays to Violet and causing useless chaos, and then decided for no apparent reason that was a bad idea so they should just lynch the inactives. At times, people simply dismissed scummy behavior and moved their reads to be what they'd want, not what is true (this is exemplified by multiple comments from players saying they would be most OK losing to FK and roz). We had so many times where town were having good moments, but instead of forming a core or working together for a PoE, they just reevaluated and lost all of their progress. Some townies were onto all of the scum or had information to bring them down. But instead of teamworking, they just discounted past days and let apathy rule.
It felt almost as though any event that occurred 2 days earlier was just suddenly forgotten. Did anybody remember that Vi shot Math and Zone was shot by him D2? That seemed like some pretty good evidence for them being townies, especially considering the fact they also left votes on Math for most of D3. But suddenly all was forgotten and Vi got pressured into suicide bombing Zone. BB was confirmed to have tracked Math to the nightkill. Was he cleared for this? Meanwhile, Eevee voted for Math to win the suicide bomb and then lost his progression there. Did anybody note that? The most potent VCA wasn't anonymous voting WIFOM, it was using concrete evidence from earlier in the game. Proceed with those aforementioned three clear and you have that two of Drac/Nick/FK/Eevee are scum with one mislynch left. That's a winnable situation. But instead, nobody even saw those votes (if somebody had seen them and just doubted in that as good evidence, that would be acceptable, but the fact they were missed completely is ridiculous when people complained so much about hammers not existing and then didn't use the time they got granted). Nobody looked through ISOs to see progression. And at the end of the day, town squandered any advantage they might have, a whole 1500+ posts of content.
That being said, thank you to everybody for being kind, polite, and amazing people who made this a very fun game to spectate (and tear my hair out in the process

), and please don't take anything said here too harshly because I could tell almost everybody was giving the game their all (as evidenced by the fact that you thankfully never gave me any trouble from an inactivity perspective) and it's really hard to play mafia (especially as a newbie like so many of you were) so thank you so much for giving that effort.
-Setup generally fine, but needed a lot more clarity and potential situations resolved
-Game Updates hit-or-miss
-Different lynch options potentially interesting ideas for future on here; bastard and nightless also worth considering
-Hosting required more time than I could give it, which led to mistakes
-Scum played with great teamwork and great individual performances
-Town made surface-level reads instead of digging into motivation
-Town didn't reread/build PoE/core up and cooperate