Finished Mafia LV : Let's Go (Kanto)

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You do not have to worry about your Hypno and Jolteon any more!
Mm... Well then. I think scum is going to win this game faster than whoever has Vaporeon from Brock gets the now-available Flareon and the just-released Jolteon.
Too bad that most of us (or at least me) will never see what the Pokemons' second ability does.
...wait a minute. Someone took a Gengar and it is now released!? Am I the target again!?
Am I going to be forced to vote whoever scum is voting!?
More news~!
Nobody ever even "touched" the following Pokemons:
Aerodactyl, AlolanExeggutor, Charizard, Cloyster, Ditto, Dodrio, Dragonite, Dugtrio, Electabuzz, Electrode, Farfetch'd, Golbat, Hitmonchan, Machamp, Magmar, Magneton, MegaAerodactyl, MegaCharizardX, MegaMewtwoY, Missing No. #, Nidoqueen, Pidgeot, Poliwrath, Primape, Rapidash, Raticate, Seadra, Slowbro, Venomoth, Venusaur and Zapdos!
To these Pokemons, I can only give my sympathy. May you be chosen Today and have a partner Tonight.

The following Pokemons got removed by the D2 Event without anyone "touching" them:
AlolanDugtrio, AlolanRaichu, Clefable, Kingler, MegaBeedril, MegaGengar, MegaKangaskhan, MegaMewtwoX, MegaVenusaur, Tentacruel, and Vileplume!
To these Pokemons, I can only say... RIP. Got made literally for nothing. Especially since "Ancient Selection" will never happen now that we're in Lylo.
So now I am left with Vom, Kiiruma, morda, and Luis.
Whoops. I have completely forgotten about you DFL. If you are scum, then you are pretty much in for an easy win, because I totally have no reads on you.
I mean, both town and scum were pretty much dead D2 until the extension happened. All town needs to do is screw things up all over again by not talking, and you're all pretty much good to go.
Well then 50% chance! Let's see whether I get scum or not!
But... Now it has become 40%, huh...
Welp. I will get Kiiruma first then.
Also, there is basically nobody who can convince scum to vote No Lynch to prolong the game anyways, so let's not even start thinking about it and start the discussion.
Mm... Getting read by Celever only... sure is lonely. --oh well. I will leave for a couple of hours then, and see how (or rather "whether") you guys will talk.
Oh? Do tell. Did you guys come up with anything at all?
Quite literally none at all. I asked for both of us to reveal our Pokemons' names, and names only... but he refused even that. It was a trust issue, and his timing to go offline was simply bad.
Why would you assume they were good in the first place?
We started with 11 Players. I am town, but other town don't know that. There are two scum, but there was no information at early D1. Suppose I say I aimed at Water Type Pokemons, then my paranoia tells me that people will go put Water Type Pokemons on their list to ensure that I can't get what I want.
But even this... has become useless. Apparently, what I feared only counts when two Pokemons were put on the same Rank of the two Wanted Lists. In other words, all my effort to disable Grass-Type Pokemons N1 has been for nothing.
Looks like it'll be just the two of us for a while.
Yep, and I don't even know your alignment... this is sad. By the way, what Pokemon did you use and who did you use it on?
By the way, are you not going to react to my other posts?
Who is alive? I think we shouldn't give up here
...Kiiruma, I don't know what's up with you, but I really don't like you this game.
First you skipped my post D2 (see Post #301), and now you skip my posts again. I already listed people who are still alive, and I even already vote on you, yet you don't react to it at all.

In fact, nobody reacts to my posts at all.
Also, 6 people are alive now so 7 pokemon should've been released. So someone used a Pokemon which wouldn't be released from their trainer. I claim to be that trainer, so I haven't used Gengar here.
I just looked at alive people in the OP. I also did try to vote Celever. My top town right now is DFL
Also, 6 people are alive now so 7 pokemon should've been released. So someone used a Pokemom which wouldn't be released from their trainer. I claim to be that trainer, so I haven't used Gengar here.
So you are saying that you now have your exclusive Pokemon? Would you mind to tell me which Pokemon it is? You have 5 minutes.
@Dusk Form Lycanroc whose vote are you controlling? If you trust me and I trust you then we right now can decide who gets lynched sorta.
Does it even matter? He either changes his vote or not, but until then whoever his target is will vote me. If DFL is scum, then scum would basically have pocketed three votes on me. All scum!DFL needs is just one more town, and town loses. So the strategy should be... for anyone else to not vote at me. ...funny. I feel scummy talking like this.
Heya Vom. How are things going for you? Good or bad? Probably good, right? Alright.
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