Finished Mafia LVI : Revolt at the Zoo -- GAME OVER!

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Hrm... Welp. Can't argue with those results.
So all that is left is for @Vom to reveal his role (and explain some of his reads) and for @Nyaro to come out and talk.
D3 Vote Count #1
Professor_Jplap: 2 (L-4)| Blinkehyo [#495-#510], Zone Q11 [#513], MegaPod_781 [#519]
MegaPod_781: 1 | Blinkehyo [#510]

No vote: GekkisaiDaiNi, mordacazir, Nyora, Professor_Jplap, Total_Epicness, VioletValkyrie, Vom

Majority: 6 votes
Hours remaining: ~59 hrs [countdown]
Past vote counts: n/a
Note: This vote count does not show any decreased or increased vote weights, if any.
##VOTE: Professor_jplap

For more than likely being the vote eater, inactivity, and his random vote on TE Day 2.

FoS on Blink if he flips town.

Morda is my second best guess right now.
You are not answering my question though. Were you jailed N1 or N2 by NP?
night one. Otherwise how would my ability work last night. I thought that would be obvious

Then it must've been tampered somehow. NP went to kill Mariano. I was watching NP, but got redirected.
Why would NP kill Mariano? Aiming for a lurker or something? And what got redirected? Your watch or the kill?

You said that these people are Nyora and NP. Wouldn't this mean that NP jailed Nyora?
I actually just realized this now that you mention it
Penguin acted on Total Epicness, but his abilities may have been redirected to others instead of their targets.
He's got two abilities, so its possible he only went to jail TE and ended up targeting Nyora. It is peculiar that we got different results on him.

My problem is that MegaPod visited someone you "visited". (Yes. Who this one is, is also temporarily a secret.) Which means that Mega cannot be the killer! He could be scum (though unlikely, seeing from the D1 wagon), but he cannot be the N2 killer
The hell? Then why did you come out of the gate demanding that we claim? Especially if Mega "cant be the killer"

Everything you do makes so little sense that it's unwinding every bit of hope that i have in you being town

"Someone was stuck in their enclosure."
"Someone locked someone in their enclosure."
You said that these people are Nyora and NP. Wouldn't this mean that NP jailed Nyora?
I would say that, but perhaps he was redirected. Like i said, i didnt target TE, so there's no reason for me to get the
"Someone locked someone in their enclosure."
Result. Besides, we dont even know if Nyora was locked up or not

On night one i was told that i was locked up. So im sure that they would know if they were too
Professor_Jplap is at L-2. (Two votes until majority.) This does not consider vote weighting.
Well if Nyora flips town then anyone who was trying to push her will look even more suspicious than they already did so at least we get something out of it?
night one. Otherwise how would my ability work last night. I thought that would be obvious
Eh. I had hoped that you might've slipped had you been scum.
Why would NP kill Mariano? Aiming for a lurker or something? And what got redirected? Your watch or the kill?
-> Because he agreed with me that Mariano was acting susp Yesterday.
-> My watch got redirected. I aimed at NP and got Nyora instead. (She is the "secret" by the way.) The same happened with Megapod.
I actually just realized this now that you mention it
Penguin acted on Total Epicness, but his abilities may have been redirected to others instead of their targets.
He's got two abilities, so its possible he only went to jail TE and ended up targeting Nyora. It is peculiar that we got different results on him.
But that would mean that there were to redirects. One which redirects all aim to NP into Nyora, and other which redirected NP's jail from TE to Nyora!? --but then I would've seen NP in my results, and I only got you and Megapod!
The hell? Then why did you come out of the gate demanding that we claim? Especially if Mega "cant be the killer
Because I want all the information. I am a control/information freak. If I don't know what happens, I freak out.
Also, what does this have to do with "especially if Mega can't be the killer"?
Everything you do makes so little sense that it's unwinding every bit of hope that i have in you being town
Ha. Ha. Ha.
You are not the first, nor will you be the last.
Honest word, this happens so often.
I would say that, but perhaps he was redirected. Like i said, i didnt target TE, so there's no reason for me to get the
"Someone locked someone in their enclosure."
Result. Besides, we dont even know if Nyora was locked up or not
I don't understand this anymore.

You claimed:
You got a result of NP acted on TE.
You got a result of Nyora getting enclosured.
You got a result of NP getting someone enclosured.

...unless enclosured =/= jailed, then your result is incorrect. The only way this would be "fixed" is if there is a redirector, but then our argument would go back to square one.
Yeah im gonna have to drop, dumb of me to think I had time to read even 1 post here.
I cannot ask this in any "more kind" way: Please ask for a sub, or get modkilled.

At the very least, tell me your alignment, what your ability does and whether you received any messages from bbninjas at all.
Well if Nyora flips town then anyone who was trying to push her will look even more suspicious than they already did so at least we get something out of it?
I will be very honest with you.
If Nyora is unable to play, and there is no sub, then I would prefer to get myself suspicous and try to eliminate her ASAP.

I still want roles from Violet, Vom and Mord-- actually, we already know what Morda's is. ...I want Violet's and Vom's ability, and if neither lf them claim redirector, then push them both up Tomorrow and lynch them ASAP.
I did get my vote eaten but that’s it unless my vote being eaten is the effect of being jailed
It is not, I was asking to confirm/deny Blink's results.
Elaborate. I see zero reasons to believe that Blink is town so far. The same applies to you by the way.
Well, he's been forthcoming so far, but based on TE not getting jailed by NP this might change. Then again, I don't see why he would lie about something that could be confirmed so easily.
Incorrect. Kiiruma's argument does not say that they are necessarily scum. His argument was based on DFL's activity, which is a meta reasoning. WHICH IS WEAK!!
I'm not saying they're scum. I'm saying they have an ability that could be dangerous if they are scum.
1. What do you mean PoE says otherwise?
I mean not everyone can be town, and there are too many people who read town more than him atm.
2. Where is your read on Violet? You were attacking her SO much Yesterday. Why is she not on your PoE list now?
SO much? It was ONE post. Granted, it was a long post, but I did say I was satisfied with her response, didn't I? The whole point of that post wasn't to start a wagon, I just wanted her to react. And she IS on the list, btw, in fact she's one of the people that make me doubt MegaPod.
What the hell... That ain't true at all.
It isn't. NP jailed me yesterday. So...what's up with that,@Blinkehyo ?
Tell me now: What is your ability and give me your will/journal. Blink's results are obviously bogus, which means that you did something last night. What is it!?
Yes. She is. She could be dangerous. I mean she's dropping now so she's not anymore, but since she's dropping she's prob town and that means this could be the last day we have.
NP went to kill Mariano. I was watching NP, but got redirected.
NP kill Mariano?...what? How on earth would he do that? Unless I missed something his role has no way of killing anyone.
I-- GRR...! I will not reveal any more until @Vom and @MegaPod_781 reveals what they have done last Night.
I did nothing last night, I got jailed.
So all that is left is for @Vom to reveal his role (and explain some of his reads
I'm not gonna tell you my role, but I'm happy to explain whatever reads you want me to clarify.
I still want roles from Violet, Vom and Mord-- actually, we already know what Morda's is. ...I want Violet's and Vom's ability, and if neither lf them claim redirector, then push them both up Tomorrow and lynch them ASAP.
I will say this, though - I am not a redirector.
I still want roles from Violet, Vom and Mord-- actually, we already know what Morda's is. ...I want Violet's and Vom's ability, and if neither lf them claim redirector, then push them both up Tomorrow and lynch them ASAP.

I'm able to force one person to act on another, I'm guessing that's somewhat related to being a redirector? If tigger hadn't been modkilled I wanted morda to act on him to get more information on him to see if his lynch tomorrow was a good idea or not.
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