• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Magnazone Emboar (HGSS-On)



2-2-2 emboar (15 tepig, 18 pignite, 20 emboar)
3-2-3 magnazone prime
1-1 RDL
2 reshiram
1 cleffa
1 tyrouge
total: 20

4 Rare Candy
4 Pokemon communication
4 Judge
3 collector
3 junk arm
3 sages training
2 fisherman
1 flower shop lady
1 twins
total: 25

10 {R}
5 {L}
total: 15

total: 60

Regular Magneboar deck, start off with tyrouge to donk cleffas use pokemon collector to get you basics out and use rare candy to evolve them quickly and start using emboar to get energie to magnazone attack heavily and use reshiram for back-up and RDL for those last 2 prize cards
RE: Magnaboar Emboar Viliplume (HGSS-On)

3 Stage 2's.. just isn't gonna work. I'm sorry.

But, i'd play a 3-2-3 Magnezone, and 2-2-2 Emboar, so that if you get out an early Plume, you can still get out your Zones and Emboar.
RE: Magnaboar Emboar Viliplume (HGSS-On)

Please add the deck's strategy into the first post.
RE: Magnaboar Emboar Viliplume (HGSS-On)

I think it will be a tad on the slow side and im not sure junk arm is the greatest choice if your gonna try to trainer lock, thats just my opinion.
I would go
-2-1-2 vileplume
+1 magneton
+1 pignite
+1 reshiram
+1 cleffa
+1 collector