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Magnegatr (Masters, Any tourny)

Eh, I may just put in a Palmer's or two. I'm probably not going to run Bench Shield, since it only really helps against sniping and I'm more worried about it being active, then attacked.
And @thefleeee, you're Magikarp Bait. So there. xD to be honest, I don't know what I was thinking. It doesn't matter, though. Plus, I'll probably still be playing this deck when I'm in Masters anyways... :p
I'm only Magikarp bait cuz I just set up my account a few days ago. I actually won 3rd in the state championships. I'll admit bench shield sucks but I'd still put another magnemite in. Just to be safe I wasn't thinking very well when I said you needed uxie but it wouldn't hurt.
I was just joking about the whole Magikarp Bait thing, btw :p You know you can change the text where it says that, though, right?
I think a Palmer's Contribution would do more than another Magnemite. Most of the time one won't be KO'd without a Magnezone on it, so it would be a dead card (and it decreases the chance of starting with Spiritomb). Palmer's contribution can help get Totodiles, Magnemites, and needed energy back from the discard, so I may include that.
Updated! I need another Resue Energy. What should I take out for it, though...?
I'd prefer to have 5, since I'm only running 2 IQ now. I've found that my hand gets really clogged with so many supporters/energy, so I've added some more stuff to get cards I need.
I tested without Spiritomb. It didn't go so well, so I'm keeping those (good Communications bait, too).
Decided to add in 1 Uxie for very early-game. I kind of want a Seeker, but I already have no space and almost too many supporters.
DCE is an awesome card in most decks, but in this deck, it really doesn't help. Feraligatr Prime only uses water energy, and Magnezone Prime needs one {L} and one colorless. And Scizorliscious said this earlier, but you are doing 50 for each energy CARD, not energy. I think Rainbow Energy would be better in this case.
Can you tech in a kingdra prime? It will definitely help get those 110 health KO's, and can potentially get a early game knockout. If you did I'd recommend 1-1-1 because you have spiritomb as a starter.
-1 water
+1 Fisherman

You can grab four energies right back if anyone is knocked out. I know those energies are going to the lost zone but still. You may attack with GATr and if he is taken out four energies go with him.
Agreed. I built this deck for fun, but it failed badly against Luxchomp and Vilegar, and I was surprised how fast you run out of energy, so don't take energy out of your decklist unless you have to.
@ LuxTwo collector's on their first turn..bebe's on their second turn. I did that today at cities for dialga g x

on topic:

I run candies instead of spiritombs in mine..

also ERL magnezone with manetric PT and blissey pt is better overall. Someone I know runs that and they top 8'ed and 4'ed at a few cities already with it