• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

MagnePhlosion (Magnezone/Typhlosion)


Respect My Authoritah!!!!!
{R} & {L}
Let me know what u think...


3-2-3 Typhlosion Prime
3-2-3 Magnezone Prime
3 Reshiram
3 Zekrom


4 Rare Candy
3 Communication
2 Catcher
2 Junk Arm
2 Switch
2 Collector
2 Interviewer
1 Burned Tower

8 Fire Energy
6 Electric Energy

I know it needs work but its pretty dang good if i say so myself lol
This deck seems very interesting, but here is what i would change:

-1 Interviewer's(this deck doesn't really need 2)
-1 Burned Tower(With Typhlosion Prime you probably don't need this)
-1 DCE(you probably will focus on trying to use other attacks so you can take out one of these)

+1 Jun Arm(you need this to get back useful trainers)
+1 PONT(There's not a lot of draw in htis deck so 3 will probably be good)
+1 Collector(This card should be 3 because you want to try to start off with a collector)

Hope i Helped!!! =)
Hey i just made some changes now that Ive looked at it
tell me what you think...

- 1-1-1 Magnezone Prime
- 1 Rare Candy
- 1 Burned Tower
- 1 DCE

+ 3 Rescue Energy
+ 1 Junk Arm
+ 1 PONT
+ 1 Collector
solprps said:
Hey i just made some changes now that Ive looked at it
tell me what you think...

- 1-1-1 Magnezone Prime
- 1 Rare Candy
- 1 Burned Tower
- 1 DCE

+ 3 Rescue Energy
+ 1 Junk Arm
+ 1 PONT
+ 1 Collector

Yeah i think your new changes will probably help out with your deck.
^NOOOOO!!!!! >.< if anything make your magnazone like like a 4-3-4 for fastest set up possible and you rare candy. do this for now -1 burned tower and -2 interviers=-3 for +2 PONT and +1 collector. I will probly come back and give some more advice in the future.
Well i barely ever use Magnezone as an attacker
i do seem to set up pretty fast already even against my friends vileplume deck
i mean the whole deck does revolve around Typhlosion and Reshiram/Zekrom
since i put the Magnezone in there, even with the 3-2-3, i dont get him out that often
keep the suggestions coming though ill listen to just bout any idea thanks
I think u should
-1 Burned Tower
-2 Interviewers Questions

+3 Twins

espeacially with 2 stage 2's you have to build up
Oh, well you called your deck magnaphlotion so i though resh and zek for more back up attackers and magnazone was the main guy. i see what your doing now.