• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Magnezone/Raichu deck (states,juniors any)


Aspiring Trainer
I just made this deck yesterday!
Pokemon 20
1 raichu lv.x
2 raichu (prime)
1 raichu HGSS
1 pikacu wold champion box
3 pikachu HGSS
1 magnezone (prime)
1 magnezone SF
2 magneton T
2 magnemite T
2 Uxie LA
1 azelf LA
3 pachirisu COL

T/S/S 21
3 pokemon comm
3 rare candy
2 fisherman
3 super scoop up
2 pokemon collector
2 P.O.N.T
3 bebes search
2 twins
1 palmers contribution

Energys 19
15 {L}
4 rescue energy

So basically try to get out raichu x as soon as possible with magnezon SF, trainers, and supporters. Once raichu x is out with raichu (prime) use pachirisu poke- power and raichu (prime) poke-power to switch energys. Then because of raichu x poke-body I can use voltage shoot on a benched pokemon like azelf for the K.O then use mega thunder bolt for the possible K.O. That would be two prizes in one turn. Also use super scoop up to scoop up raichu x to keep doing link lightning. Please tell me if there's anything I should change for this deck.
RE: Magnechu deck

-3 Super Scoop Up
-1 Twins
-1 Raichu HGSS
+1 Raichu Lv. X
+ 2 Seeker
+ 2 Warp Point
Seekers are a little more consistent.
RE: Magnechu deck

Okay I remade it
Pokemon 19
2 raichu lv.x
2 raichu (prime)
1 pikachu wold champion box
2 pikachu HGSS
1 magnezone (prime)
1 magnezone SF
2 magneton T
2 magnemite T
2 Uxie LA
1 azelf LA
3 pachirisu COL

T/S/S 22
2 pokemon comm
3 rare candy
2 expert belt
4 fisherman
2 seeker
3 pokemon collector
1 P.O.N.T
3 bebes search
1 twins
1 palmers contribution
1 conductive quarry

Energys 19
15 lightning
4 rescue energy
You need to put an updated deck in the first post of the thread.

dmaster out.