d master342 said:I have Palkia G Lv.X. Want 1x Uxie and 2x Claydol. CML/LMK.
dmaster out.
No thank you.kashmaster said:CML for the 2-2 line of claydol and 2 uxie. I can trade 3-1 palkia G lv X for 2 uxie or a 2-1 line of claydol LMK, CML or counter offer thanks. I also have luxray gl so LMK
Medaforcer said:I'd be willing to part with a Luxray GL for something. <: )
CFOURCOLTSFAN said:I have a 2-1 Palkia G LV.X line, and a luxray GL.
I am interested in
1 baltoy
2 Claydol
1 JPN Uxie
1 English Uxie
Do you have
Rocket's Mewtwo EX
Rocket's Mewtwo Best of Game(all types)
Mewtwo DS(both RH and non-RH)
Shining Mewtwo 1st edition and regular
karimsoliman94 said:2 RH Claydol
2 RH Baltoy
check me for them and also check if you have any of my wants is so can u tell me what u have and what u want for them
qnetykz said:hmmm...interested in these:
Claydol (GE) x2 (2RH)
Baltoy (GE) x2 (2RH)
Uxie (LA) x2 (2RH)
I have these that I am willing to trade:
Palkia G Lv. X
Luxray GL Lv. X
Palkia G (PT) x3
Luxray GL (RR)
more interested in the Claydol, than I am the Uxie...u can also CML for anything else you might need
mattwasx said:CML I need Uxie, also if you have any other cards I need please post.
PokeKid Brandon said:2-1 Palkia G Lv.X (1 Palkia G RH) For 1 Uxie Regular HOLO english 1 Stark mountain, 3 Roseannes and a Lucians? LMK or counter as I would maybe just do the palkia for the uxie if I really had to.
MAYBE PM meMudkip said:My-
1-1 Palkia G Lv.X
1-1 Luxray GL Lv.X
2 Claydol RH
LMK or counter.
karimsoliman94 said:2 RH Claydol
2 RH Baltoy
check me for them and also check if you have any of my wants is so can u tell me what u have and what u want for them
nabby101 said:CML for Uxie LA x2
Jackolas said:Gallade 4 Lv. X for 2 Uxie LA
Uxie for Palkia G X? LMKd master342 said:I have Palkia G Lv.X. Want 1x Uxie and 2x Claydol. CML/LMK.
dmaster out.
Nothing sorryButtsurfer said:d master342 said:I have Palkia G Lv.X. Want 1x Uxie and 2x Claydol. CML/LMK.
dmaster out.
I have Lv. X Rhyperior. Would you happen to have any of the following?
Giovanni's Nidoking
Nidoking (Base Set)
Erika's Venusaur
Magnezone (Stormfront No. 5/Metal)
Gallade (Secret Wonders)
Tyranitar (Mysterious Treasures Holo)
Feraligatr (Mysterious Treasures)
Electivire (Diamond and Pearl)
Meganium (Mysterious Treasures)
Leafeon (Magestic Dawn Holo)
Typhlosion (Mysterious Treasures and Neo Genesis)
Bellossom (Neo Genesis and Unseen Forces)
Shiftry (Hidden Legends and Diamond and Pearl Holo)
LMK if there's anything also on my list you are interested in. Thanks.
Nothing really if thats all i need from you.Juliacoolo said:I need 1 uxie.
I have a luxray RH, and a palkia G. LMK what we can do.
I can tradeRFP said:RULES:
IMA send first.
You is gonna send second
don't flame or troll
3 English Uxie LA
1 Japanese Uxie LA
2 RH Uxie LA
2 RH Claydol
2 RH Baltoy
Every card if you need it jusk ask, and I have it. ( I SWEAR )
3-1 Palkia G Lv.X
1-1 Luxray GL Lv.X
I need these for worlds.