Main Page

I wanted to put a link to this site on my webpage, but when I click Link to Us it just pulls up the homepage again
Just wondering, is the Card Search working or not? If not, when do you think it might start to work?
Empoleon LV.X picture say the Supreme Command is a PokeBody, not a Pokepower like it really is. Thanks!
Noticed some cards on the site were missing (Cystal Guardian's Castaway and Dragon Frontier's Boost Energy)
the top banner looks a lot better, now all that needs to be done is get rid of the mesprit and add a shinx :)
I Found the Regigiagas Sky Forme go to this site
there not there yet, pations and the force will come....
All the pictures on the forums just have the name of the image it then takes a while to load them but there is a possibility that it's my Internet, also great job on that new design that you did a while back it really blew me away!
Why are so many of the buttons on the left and right sides, not working? Example: "Featured Articles" under "strategy"
i think this is an excellent site. I have a site and i get most of my info from pokebeach. i was wondering if pokebeach could advertise my site because i advertise theirs many times a day. i really wanted to know if i could become apart of the pokebeach news team.

Advertising your site in your sig is enough, thanks. - PMJ
Whenever I click on any of the selections under WotC Promos and Nintendo Promos, they just bring me back to the main page.I've tried other browsers, and to my luck, all have failed. It has been like this for a while now.
That's because most of the pages were deleted in the major crash.
WPM hasn't been able to type them out again.