Major Changes Coming to 'Fates Collide' Prereleases!

moltres is another promo I believe, also since they are packaged with the rest of the boosters I believe you can use the promos in deck construction this time.
I don't think you can use the promos. They're using the same format as MTG and you could never use the promos from those.
Hmm, I'm not sure what I like about there being two less boosters to make your decks with. And now that some evo sets have been revealed, I feel like for a lot of people decks are going to be similar depending on which of the four evolution sets you pull. I found that the creative aspect there was perhaps one of the most fun.
Do you get to choose which deck you get or is it just randomized? If so I will probably choose the Zygarde because of the carbink, but I might change my mind when the others are revealed.
Promos look pretty cool! Wow, I don't know about how it would play in the pre-release tournament, but I want that Zygarde pack for the Safeguard Carbinks (if those are the ones it comes with) and the Delphox, which could actually be playable.

...Wait, that line is in both? Huh? Will everyone be getting and playing Delphox lines? Time to metagame... BUILDING A WATER DECK.

Also, only 4 combination of draw supporters & pokeballs? And it's Tierno and Shauna?! Come on.

Have a picture of the deck box?
WPM said:
At the end of the tournament, each player will also get three additional booster packs from Fates Collide, although it is up to the discretion of the tournament organizer how to award them (they may distribute all of them to the top finishers rather than giving three to everyone).

Um.... no. I'm not paying $35 for the chance to get 7 packs. Especially not in a prerelease tourney which is basically a lottery to begin with because you have to use random cards from your pulls. If this is the case for my pre-release ... I'm going home.
i looked it up and was wondering if you had to play in the tournament or can you just get the cards?
Promos look pretty cool! Wow, I don't know about how it would play in the pre-release tournament, but I want that Zygarde pack for the Safeguard Carbinks (if those are the ones it comes with) and the Delphox, which could actually be playable.

...Wait, that line is in both? Huh? Will everyone be getting and playing Delphox lines? Time to metagame... BUILDING A WATER DECK.

Also, only 4 combination of draw supporters & pokeballs? And it's Tierno and Shauna?! Come on.

Have a picture of the deck box?
Nope it's the energy keeper one but the good one is only a common in the set