Make a Lv X!

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dang, somone beat me to dunsparce, then I guess delibird X.
Pokebody: whenever delibird is damaged by an attack you may draw a card.
Pokepower: Special Present. anounce either trainer pokemon or energy and draw till you get one (shuffle the remaining cards back into your deck).
See I just made a lame card totally useful
Slowking and Slowbro LV.X's would be completely excellent. They'd have to compliment each other, and have to have playable normal forms, but I want another good Slowking card so bad!!
Wailord LvX


TCG Design: Pokebeach
Image: Photobucket
Software: Photoshop CS3

- I just invented the Illustrator and improved the design of Wailord to make it more 3D-ish

It's quite hard to find the exact Font for the card.
Brokenest card ever.

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