Since the theme of this CaC is gen 4, I am using wording from D/P era of cards. I tried to adjust the power creep (or the lack of it) to this era as well.
For the first attack, I use Sableye (Stormfront #48/100) as reference, but as far as I know, real cards don't search your
opponent's deck. In exchange for having no energy cost, this attack requires a coin flip so that it's not too broken.
The second attack requires Darkness energy cost because in the mainstream video games, Thief is a Dark type attack. The effect is also inspired by video games, and it has synergy with the first attack! The phrase "Search your opponent's discard pile for a Supporter card" can be found on cards like Gardevoir (Secret Wonders #7/132). In a previous CaC contest, a judge said that taking a card from opponent is a no-go in the TCG. Therefore, this attack returns the stolen card after your next turn (whether you've played it or not).
I feel like the first two attacks by themselves don't deal strong enough damage, so I've added a third attack with a unique effect. UTC is the current local time and the PokeDex flavor text at the bottom comes from Pokemon Diamond.
I hope you like this card (I know I do
