Silhouette Gloom of the Sundown Lands
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The card I chose to build around was Luxray BRS.
I named this card in the same spirit of the Special Delivery or Pokemon on the Ball cards, which has artwork of Pokemon doing cool things, and attacks that reference those cool things.
This Mimikyu's cool thing is sewing. You can see it's been busy sewing different patches into its cloak. How awesome and worthy of 50 points!
Luxray is bad mostly because its damage output relies on the opponent's attachments, and it gets considerably weaker after a kill. Seamstress Mimikyu helps solve that problem by forcing your opponent to add two Energy cards to their Active. At worst, this increases Luxray's damage output by 100, making it much easier for it to get a KO; at best, you can pull up double Energy cards like Rapid Strike Energy or Double Turbo Energy for even more value. As a Pokemon without a Rule Box, this power can be recycled multiple times per turn with Scoop Up Net (or can be used by dropping more), allowing you to more consistently do damage to your opponent. As a minor bonus, Seamstress Mimikyu also gives you a Bench sitter to dump Flash Impact's damage onto - it can conveniently take 3 hits thanks to its 70 HP. This way you don't have to put it on Shinx or Manaphy or Crobat V or whatever other support dudes you have.
Seamstress Mimikyu needs its own attack, of course. While you don't want to start with this thing, the truth is that sometimes you will, so instead of a generic Call for Family attack, or a damaging attack that will never actually kill anything and wouldn't be very meaningful, I decided to go with a deck rearranging attack, with a tiny twist to make it unique. The attack is generic enough that all decks can get use out of it. Being able to rearrange the other cards on top helps other decks in general but Luxray decks in specific since if you find the Top Entry Luxio in those 5 cards, you can put it on top and prepare it for entry on your following turn. It's a small boost in consistency, but it's still a very welcome one as getting Stage 2s out has always been annoying. Additionally, as a Stage 2 deck that inevitably will be running Rare Candy, being able to pull it from your deck if you find it in those top 5 cards is pretty handy.
Following the sewing theme, embellishing in sewing is the act of adding things to fabric to increase its value, but not actually improving its function. I think that's a rather fitting name for the act of dumping excess Energy onto your opponent's Pokemon solely for your own benefit. The attack name is meant to evoke the image of looking through a pile of threads for the right color and saving the rest for later, in the same way you might take a different card from your top 5 depending on the situation.
HP and bottom stats are standard. Despite the fun naming and attack themes, the flavor text is unfortunately left unchanged from normal cards, so I left that alone as well. Messing with the foil was Omega's idea. I like it a lot better than the actual SWSH foil effect, it seems much more balanced this way. Lastly, I increased the width of the attack and Ability names using Tapu Lele CRZ as a reference (I originally had borrowed its attack for this card). It looks much better now.
Actually lastly, and I don't know how I avoided this specifically until I went to get references for this attack, but Embellish's effect is almost identical to that of Orbeetle LOR's Jamming Attachment Ability. While you can only get 2 compared to Orbeetle's 3 Energy, and while Orbeetle lets you spread the Energy around, I honestly don't see a reason why this Ability couldn't be on a Basic. Hell, this card existing could also make Orbeetle better too. Guess I'm glad I switched the attack up because having a similar Ability already kinda rubs me the wrong way. There were big problems with all three of the cards I got, and the artwork kind of inspired me, making me think of Mimikyu forcefully stitching Energy to the opponent's Pokemon for no reason other than the fact that it wanted to make it look pretty. :>
Embellish: Togepi ASR, Orbeetle LOR
Thread Selecting: Colress's Experiment, Hatterene V CRZ