Contest March 2024 CaC: Kalos Pokédex (Stay Tuned for Results!)

Art by mcgmark!
Gogoat – [G] – HP100
Stage 1 – Evolves from Skiddo

NO. 0673 Mount Pokémon HT: 5’7” WT: 200.6 lbs.

[G] Scout Ahead
Draw cards until you have 6 cards in your hand. If you drew any cards that evolve from your Pokémon, you may put them onto those Pokémon to evolve them. If you drew any basic [G] Energy cards in this way, you may attach them to your Pokémon in any way you like.

[G][C][C] Bright Horns 110
If you put a Basic Pokémon from your hand onto your Bench during this turn, this attack costs [C][C] less.

Weakness: Fire (x2)
Retreat: [C] [C]
It was raised in a forest under the care of a stark white tree. It's traveled many miles, but it always comes home.
I wanted to challenge myself to make a support card with 2 attacks this CaC, and when I saw this amazing art of Gogoat, I knew I'd found the Pokémon I wanted to make for my image fake! I chose to make this card in Omnium because I love how Omnium full-arts look - the transparent borders are just so tasty. Gogoat doesn't really have much of an identity in the TCG - there aren't any cards with notable effects, and it feels more like padding than anything made with the intent to be used competitively. My solution to give it a support effect was to pull from a number of support effects, namely Reuniclus TEF, Gardenia, Vileplume 151, and Cleffa OBF to help accelerate high-Energy attack costs and get out the numerous Stage 1 and 2 ex cards (Meowscarada, Venusaur, and Torterra come to mind). The second attack is supposed to shine when you're setting up to play, too - the almost-free attack whenever you play a basic lets you take prizes before your opponent can finish their setup, though it won't do much once they've got their big-HP ex mon out.

This card is meant to have some lore to it, actually! The Gogoat on this card is meant to have grown up under the Xerneas tree, so it has a lot of ties to it. Its whole theme is growth, energy, and life - it evolves your pokemon like Xerneas in Super PMD, it gets stronger when new Pokémon are played (as if they were born), and its second attack has the same name as Xerneas Prism Star! I'm not sure the theme comes through very well, but it tickles my brain and makes me happy!

Vivillon ex – [C] – HP270
Stage 2 – Evolves from Spewpa

Ability: A Piece of Home
You may attach a Stadium card to this Pokémon as a Pokémon Tool. Use the effect of that Stadium as the effect of this Ability. If Vivillon ex loses this Ability, discard any Stadium cards attached to it.

[C][C] Bluster Blow 130
You may discard a Stadium in play. If this Pokémon has a Stadium attached, you may play it.

Weakness: Lightning (x2)
Resistance: Fighting (-20)
Retreat: -
Pokémon ex rule: When your Pokémon ex is Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.

Vivillon is such an interesting Pokémon with its gimmick of differing scales depending on where it's caught, and I feel like it doesn't get nearly enough love in the TCG or the games. It feels like such a quintessential Kalos mon, and I really wanted to redeem it. Instead of playing off of the existing identity that Vivillon has in the TCG (which feels a little vague, really, especially since it doesn't have that many cards), I decided to design my effect based on its different patterns. Its ability lets you attach a Stadium card to Vivillon like a Tool, and as long as Vivillon keeps its Ability, it'll provide the effect of the Stadium. This basically lets you play a second Stadium that's much harder to remove from play! This is balanced by Vivillon being a Stage 2 and a 2-prizer with relatively little HP for what it is - you can stack Stadiums with multiple Vivillon, but then you give up bench space for a 2-prizer that can be Bossed out and killed pretty easily. The attack is kind of a quick utility that you won't use very often - you can replace the Stadium in play with the one Vivillon has attached to it so if it survives the turn, you can replace the Stadium on it.

Thematically, this card is supposed to represent how Vivillon come from different places and change based on their environments - each Vivillon ex can do something different because it was raised in the environment of the Stadium attached to it! In a region with as many varying environments as Kalos and a theme of beauty, a colorful Pokémon representing different places seemed to carry the theme this CaC well.
I came here to write an apology but I see it's not closed yet..? Maybe I can make it! It should take a couple of hours ?
I feel like she's a bit scuffed. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with how this came out, but I think more work could've been done with the holosheet & keeping coherency on the card. But alas, this is my first SV fake, and my first time working with ex blanks, so I don't have the infrastructure of my several years of SM faking PSDs behind it. In addition to all of that, this is the first time I've worked on a big fake like this without having an in-person card to reference, so I mostly had to run by online pics. The effects were very fun to work with though! Next time I am hoping to get a more true-to-SV form fake... but as it stood, I purchased the pack from asche this morning not using DA and he had to sleep, so I didn't have immediate access to it. I sorta fenagled together a working fake with what I had downloaded prior. There's two holofoils here: @Nekoban Ryo's Classic Star Foil, alongside his 2015 Refractor I upscaled & denoised with waifu2x. I messed around with the font name a lot, so the "Eternal Flower" bit is smaller than the typical name subtext, and obviously it's horizontally compressed. Overall, I made a lot of hacky decisions to get this card rolling but I like how it came out! I am happy to be faking again, this was soooo much fun.
It's worth mentioning how I got this render off the ground too! The Floette is the Scarlet & Violet model downloaded off of The Models Resource that I recolored. The flower is the XY model with upscaled & added texture via Photoshop filters to make it look closer to the updated SV model. All of that was MMDified with MMDTools on Blender, and then promptly posed & rendered with MMD Raycast 1.5.0! (i used to use 1.3.0, but I took the chance to update!).
Also this is my first render & fake on my new PC, which is a huge deal! Thank God the flash drive for transferring my files shipped in time otherwise I wouldn't have been able to get this out. The workflow is like 5x faster than my old laptop, it's great.
And I think we can safely call it a wrap now! Stay tuned for results at the end of the month!
From the lack of results, I think it's safe to say that judging has been difficult this time round. Until we get the results, we can't start a new contest.
It's halfway thru may and we still don't have the theme. Is everything ok at home
I'm guessing Jabber hasn't had time to finish the results and doesn't want to start the next CaC until the results are out. Maybe the contest will run from the middle of May to the middle of June this time?
I'm guessing Jabber hasn't had time to finish the results and doesn't want to start the next CaC until the results are out. Maybe the contest will run from the middle of May to the middle of June this time?
At this point just start it in June. Trying to do Middle to Middle is just weird cus then it's like is it 14th 15th 16th?
At this point just start it in June. Trying to do Middle to Middle is just weird cus then it's like is it 14th 15th 16th?
Approximately the middle of May would be more accurate. At this point, it would be nice if we could start the CaC the day the results are out and continue for 31 days, but you're right, just starting in June would probably be simpler.
Yikes. We're already two days from August. @PMJ , any idea what happened? Did Jabberwock channel his inner Lewis Carol monster and get put down or something?
Life happens, man. I haven't heard anything about a cac for August; it's probably a safe bet that it's not happening. If that changes, we'll let you know.

As for why I haven't posted the text scores yet in an attempt at shaming jabs to post image scores..... I got nothing. The truth is, I'm burned out from judging, and cac as a whole, and I know jabs has been feeling it too - he's been holding image steady longer than I've been running text. When cac does resume, I won't be participating in any capacity, at least for the foreseeable future. I do have a few scores done, so I'll try to get the others done today. As far as image goes, you'll just have to be patient and wait. They'll go up when they go up.
Life happens, man. I haven't heard anything about a cac for August; it's probably a safe bet that it's not happening. If that changes, we'll let you know.

As for why I haven't posted the text scores yet in an attempt at shaming jabs to post image scores.... I got nothing. The truth is, I'm burned out from judging, and cac as a whole, and I know jabs has been feeling it too - he's been holding image steady longer than I've been running text. When cac does resume, I won't be participating in any capacity, at least for the foreseeable future. I do have a few scores done, so I'll try to get the others done today. As far as image goes, you'll just have to be patient and wait. They'll go up when they go up.
I figured it was possible that you and Jabber might just be burned out. I wish you could have opened an inquiry for the next generation of judges a month or two ago, but as you said, life happens.
Text-Based Results

burnout + depression + oh shit it's the last day of April goddamn October and I still haven't done this yet = let's get this over with.

The only time editing your post would be a good idea is if you had more than 2 points' worth of mistakes and you fixed them with your edit.

Delphox / HP 160 / [R]

Stage Two – Evolves from Braixen

No. 0655 Fox Pokémon / H: 4’11’’ / W: 86.0 lbs

Ability: Soul-Searing Recreation

Once during your turn (before your attack), you may flip one coin for every Prize Card your opponent has taken. For every heads, you may choose between dealing 20 damage to the Defending Pokémon or healing 20 damage each of your Benched Pokémon.

[R][R][C] Heart-Razing Flame: 60+

This attack deals 60 damage plus 10 damage for every Prize Card your opponent has taken. If your opponent has taken at least one Prize Card, your opponent’s Active Pokémon is now Burned.

Weakness: [D] x2 / Resistance: [G] -20 / RC: [C][C]

It’s said that this very Delphox was an accomplice to one distraught mage’s attempts to bring back her dearest from death.

My Thoughts
Weird Ability. Weak attack. Rolling the dice to add an extra 20-100 damage to your attack is cool I guess, but the attack is still really weak. It's good that you used a database to learn how to correctly name the card - now extend that to make sure you have the correct wording for the era you're faking in. Do that and you will consistently score 45+ every month.

Wording errors:
- Stage 2, not Stage Two [-1 point]
- Don't put .0 in the weight [-1 point]
- Fire Pokemon aren't weak to Dark or resistant to Grass. [-2 points]
Soul-Searing Recreation
- (before your attack) isn't used anymore [-1 point]
- always use numerals, but when you are flipping 1 coin you flip a coin instead of 1 coin. [-1.5 points]
- don't capitalize card, ever [-1 point]
- use Pelipper PAL as a reference on how to word your choices correctly [-1 point]
- for each heads, not every [-1 point]
- "dealing" is not an official term [-1 point]
- abilities don't do damage anymore. You can put damage counters on your opponent's Active Pokemon, not the Defending Pokemon. [-2 points]
Heart-Razing Flame
- This attack does [-1 point]
- for each Prize card [-2 points]

Creativity/Originality: 15/20
(Lore doesn't get you extra points, unfortunately.)
Wording: 0/15
(All of these mistakes are preventable with a little effort.)
Believability/Playability: 12/15
(It's too weak to stand on its own until the very end of the game and even then it is literally up to coin flips whether or not you get any use out of it.)
Total: 27/50
Xerneas, Yveltal, & Zygarde GX
Stage: Basic (TAG TEAM)
Type: Normal
HP: 300

Ability: Law & Order
As long as this Pokémon is in the active spot, whenever your opponent plays a Supporter card from their hand, prevent all effects of that card done to all of your Benched Pokémon that aren't a Pokemon GX or Pokemon EX.

Attack 1: Life From Death
Attack Cost: [P] [D] [F]
Damage: 160-
You may choose to heal all damage from 1 of your Benched Pokémon. If you do, this attack does 120 less damage.

GX Attack: Circle Of Life GX
Attack Cost: [P] [D] [F] +
Damage 250
If this Pokémon has at least 3 extra energy attached to it, (in addition to this attacks cost) Put all Pokémon in each player's Discard Pile into the Lost Zone. (You can't use more than 1 GX attack in a game)

Weakness: [F]
Resistance: N/A
Retreat: [C] [C] [C]

When your TAG TEAM is Knocked Out, your opponent takes three Prize cards.
My Thoughts
Being able to stop Guzma is cool, but requiring it to be Active is not. Life From Death could be interesting if there were an easy way to power up a second one of these. As for Cirrcle of Life GX, eh. Probably wouldn't use it. Especially since it wipes your own discard pile as well.

Wording errors:
- 3 Prize cards, not three [-1 point]
Law & Order
- Active Spot wasn't used in this era. [-1 point]
- "that aren't a Pokemon GX" should not have "a" there [-1 point]
- Both Pokemon-GX and Pokemon-EX should be hyphenated [-1.5 points]
Life From Death
- just say "You may heal" [-1 point]
- Attack cost Energy order is incorrect; correct order is GRWLPFDMYNC. [-1.5 points]
Circle of Life GX
- always capitalize Energy [-1 point]
- your comma should be after the parentheses, not before [-1 point]
- missing apostrophe in "attack's cost" [-1 point]
- no need to captalize put, or discard pile [-2 points]
- cards go in the Lost Zone, not into it [-1 point]
- missing period after "in a game" [-1 point]

Creativity/Originality: 16/20
(Points for seeing an issue and taking steps to solve it.)
Wording: 1/15
(Better luck next time.)
Believability/Playability: 12/15
(These three Pokemon would not realistically share a card as they do not share a type. You're welcome to do whatever you like, of course, but this is where you get dinged for being unrealistic. Additionally, no amount of headcanon is gonna make it okay to make Xerneas represented by Psychic in this era; Fairy Energy should have been used no matter how much you think otherwise.)
Total: 29/50
Xerneas ex 220hp Fairy type

Ability: as often as you like during your turn, you may discard card from your hand, and then discard one of your benched Pokémon. (you can’t use this ability if you have no cards in your hand.)

CCC: Beam of Illumination: 350-
This attacked is 30 less damage for each of your benched Pokémon

Weakness: Darkness
My Thoughts
Hey, welcome to cac. It's always good to see new faces.

As this is not a complete entry, I'm not going to formally judge this. I'll give you some feedback, though. Make sure you look at real cards. is a great resource. As far as the card itself goes, I can see that you've got some synergy in mind, which is always a great place to start. Beam of Illumination might actually be perfect, although I wouldn't make the attack Colorless. Also, be careful mixing eras - your card is an ex (SV era) but is Fairy type (SM era).

I'd also suggest joining our Discord if you want some help wth cac, or if you just want to chat about faking in general. As Jaxolotl said, we were all there once, and we're always happy to grow the community.
Clawitzer ex– [W] – HP260

Stage 1 – Evolves from Clauncher

Ability: Brigade Shooter

Attacks used by this Pokémon cost [C] less for each of your Benched Pokémon that has the Swim Freely attack.

[W][C][C][C] Slipstream Blast

You may put any amount of [W] Energy from your Pokémon that have the Swim Freely attack into your hand. Then, for each card you put in your hand in this way, choose 1 of your opponent’s Pokémon and do 50 damage to it. (You can choose the same Pokémon more than once.) This damage isn’t affected by Weakness or Resistance.

Weakness: Lightning (x2)


Retreat: [C] [C]

Pokémon ex rule: When your Pokémon ex is Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.
My Thoughts
Swim Freely is cool as hell and woefully underutilized. It kinda seems like a worse Chien-Pao or Gholdengo on paper, but being able to spread out your damage is pretty cool. I worry about Finneon actually breaking this card. While the strategy itself is a bit weak to Iono since your Energy go back into your hand, bringing this card out after going in with a Seadra or Seaking can set you up to pull all those Energy back with some Superior Energy Retrieval and use them all to spread 500 damage across the field. And if they don't disrupt you, you get to rain hell next turn. It's a hell of a way to close out a game.

Wording errors:
- None. Great work.

Creativity/Originality: 18/20
(I really like this as a way to give Swim Freely a powerful attacker.)
Wording: 15/15
(Winner winner chicken dinner)
Believability/Playability: 14/15
(As neat as this design is, you have too much text on your card, about a line's worth. Still a very solid entry.)
Total: 47/50
Gogoat ex - HP 270 - W
Stage 1 - Evolves from Skiddoo TERA
As long as this Pokémon is on your Bench, prevent all damage done to this Pokémon by attacks (both yours and your opponent's).
View attachment 19080

Ability: Ride Support
You can only use this Ability if you played a Supporter card from your hand during this turn. Once during your turn, you may draw 3 cards. You can't use more than 1 Ride Support Ability during your turn.

[G][C] Meadow Surge 140
Look at the top 7 cards of your deck and attach any number of Basic Energy cards you find there to your Benched Pokémon in any way you like. Shuffle the other cards back into your deck. If there is a Stadium card in play, look at the top 10 cards of your deck instead.

[L] x2
Pokémon ex rule: When your Pokémon ex is knocked out, your opponent takes 2 prize cards.
My Thoughts
An incredible support card that will be used for its Ability far more than its attack. Drawing 3 every turn for basically free is so powerful. It turns all your Supporters into draw options, making all your Supporters 10x stronger. It pretty much removes the opportunity cost of choosing a card that doesn't draw you cards.

Meadow Surge is a bit too strong, I think, especially given that Ride Support is so great. I'd tone the damage down a bit, maybe to 120 or even 100. Getting to attach all Basic Energy from the top 10 cards every turn is pretty wild.

Wording errors:
- Skiddo is misspelled [-1 point]
- capitalize Knocked Out in all cases [-2 points]
- capitalize Prize in all cases [-1 point]
Ride Assist
- You can use this card only... [-1 point]
- You can't use ... each turn. [-1 point] (Squawkabilly ex does not work as a reference here because it can only be used on a single turn. You need the more general wording.)
Meadow Surge
- If there is a Stadium in play... [-1 point]

Creativity/Originality: 16/20
(Gogoat is a support Pokemon, we get it.)
Wording: 8/15
(Gotta stay vigilant with those wording errors...)
Believability/Playability: 15/15
(Yeah this would definitely see play)
Editing penalty: -2
Total: 37/50
Mega Medicham HP: 220 [F]
Mega Evolution: Mega Evolves from Medicham


Bond Phenomena: This Pokémon can use any attack or Ability of the Pokémon it Mega Evolved from.

Ability: Sixth Sense Reaction
As long as this Pokémon is in the Active Spot, each time your opponent retreats or switches out their Active Pokémon, you may flip a coin. If heads, choose 1 of your opponent's new Active Pokémon's attacks. For the rest of your opponent's turn, that Pokémon can't use that attack.

[C][C][C] Pressure Point Strike 120
The Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. If this Pokémon has any damage counters on it, this attack does nothing.

Weakness: [P] x2
Retreat: [C]

Mega Evolution Rule: When you play a Supporter card from your hand during your turn, you may put this Pokémon from your hand or discard pile onto 1 of your Pokémon this card can Mega Evolve from. You can't have more than 1 Mega Evolution Pokémon in your deck.
My Thoughts
I would like this more if there were better Medicham to evolve from. They're all awful, and a stiff breeze renders this card worthless, so having a good Medicham to fall back on is especially important. Sixth Sense Reaction isn't good enough to warrant Mega Medicham's use, even though it's a broken Ability. I get the idea behind the combo with Pressure Point Strike, but eventually you are either gonna go up against something with two attacks or flip tails on the Ability.

Assuming you can get in clean, Pressure Point Strike can be menacing, especially if you can pull it off for free. Get the lock to stick and you're on your way, but you have absolutely no back up plan. Being able to infinitely recycle it kinda makes the one-per-deck rule a lot less significant, but again, with no good Medicham to use, I wouldn't bother trying to make this work anyway. 220 HP on a single-Prize Pokemon sounds good until you realize it's a Stage 2 you can't even Candy into. It's just one (pressure point) strike after the other against this thing. Bad news.

Wording errors:
- The Mega Evolution rule is way too long and would never reasonably fit on a card. Text faking doesn't mean you have infinite space. [-2 points]
Sixth Sense Reaction
- ...choose 1 of the new Active Pokémon's attacks. [-1 point]
Pressure Point Strike
- Your opponent's Active Pokémon is now Paralyzed. [-2 points]

Creativity/Originality: 17/20
(Point for single-Prize Mega Evolutions - you're a faker after my own heart. The one-per-deck limit is meaningless, unfortunately.)
Wording: 10/15
(Not egregious errors, but they hurt a lot all the same.)
Believability/Playability: 11/15
(With no good, solid Medicham to fall back on and a bad attack of its own, this card is fated to life in the binder.)
Total: 38/50
Reuniclus – Psychic – HP 140
Stage 2 - Evolves from Duosion

NO. 579 Multiplying Pokémon HT: 3’3” WT: 44.3 lbs.

Ability: Manipulative Power
Once during your turn, if this Pokémon is on your Bench, you may put 4 damage counters on this Pokémon and switch it with your Active Pokémon. If you do, switch 1 of your opponent’s Benched Pokémon with their Active Pokémon. You can't use more than 1 Manipulative Power Ability in a turn.

[P][C] Psychic Slug 100+
If this Pokémon has at least 8 damage counters on it, this attack does 130 more damage.

Weakness: Dark (x2)
Resistance: Fighting (-30)
Retreat: [C] [C]
It's said that drinking the liquid surrounding Reuniclus grants wisdom. Problem is, the liquid is highly toxic to anything besides Reuniclus itself.
My Thoughts
Insanely powerful. Switch is still a strong utility option when used with this card, so don't count it out. Being able to gust out some low-HP V and slaughter them with a one-Prizer is so good. I like that you need to stack 8 damage counters on it before you become a nuke, but you can easily just Switch to your main attacker to pick off whoever you just gusted in and save it for later. It's the right balance of utility and power. Great work. There is one minor thing but I'll get to that later.

Wording errors:
- Technically, the type is Darkness, not Dark. No points off - just a reminder. [-0 points]
Manipulative Power
- You can't use more than 1 ... each turn. [-1 point]

Creativity/Originality: 18/20
(It's primarily a utility option, but can be a nuke in the late game if you can make it last long enough. It's not overpowered and I think some decks might even slot in a 1-0-1 line for the free gust.)
Wording: 14/15
Believability/Playability: 14/15
(Reuniclus maxed out at 120 HP in SWSH (even as of Stellar Crown, it hasn't gone past 120), so a point off for believability. Other than that, though, a fine card all around.)
Total: 46/50
Quilladin - HP 90
Stage 1 - Evolves from Chespin

[C] Hehe I'm In Danger 20

[R][W][F] Explosive Diarrhea 100

Weakness: [R] x2
My Thoughts
This is not a complete entry, so I can't judge it. Sorry!
Vivillon ex – [C] – HP270
Stage 2 – Evolves from Spewpa

Ability: A Piece of Home
You may attach a Stadium card to this Pokémon as a Pokémon Tool. Use the effect of that Stadium as the effect of this Ability. If Vivillon ex loses this Ability, discard any Stadium cards attached to it.

[C][C] Bluster Blow 130
You may discard a Stadium in play. If this Pokémon has a Stadium attached, you may play it.

Weakness: Lightning (x2)
Resistance: Fighting (-20)
Retreat: -
Pokémon ex rule: When your Pokémon ex is Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.
My Thoughts
doof my guy this is probably one of the coolest cards I have seen in a long time and I'm glad that I'm going out judging this as my last card. There are so many good Stadiums you can stack - Artazon, Collapsed Stadium, Town Store? Lost City??? Even Mesagoza, a notoriously bad Stadium, suddenly becomes halfway decent? I'm down. A Piece of Home also fits in perfectly with the silly and fun Ability and attack names that SV has featured from time to time.

Bluster Blow is the perfect utility attack for a card like this. Reject your opponent's Stadium and replace it with your own, freeing yourself up to absorb another Stadium. I don't see a reason to make this stronger than Pidgeot ex, though, especially since you also get the extra effect of replacing the Stadium with a presumably more favorable one. I'll accept the -10 HP as payment for the extra damage, though.

Colorless Flying-types have my heart, it has free retreat, and to top it all off, you can get this train a-moving literally on any turn thanks to Scatterbug SVI and Spewpa SVI. Good stuff. Fantastic card.

Wording errors:
A Piece of Home
- How often can I use this Ability? [-1 point]
- If it loses this Ability [-1 point]

Creativity/Originality: 20/20
(This is stellar work. Choosing Vivillon on its own isn't enough to earn high marks, but the way you've incorporated the regional aspect of Vivillon and creative use of Stadiums pushes this card above and beyond. Hell yeah man.)
Wording: 13/15
(I really wanted to give you the 50, but an error's an error...)
Believability/Playability: 15/15
(No problems here)
Total: 48/50

3rd Place: LightningSpence836’s Reuniclus, with 46/50 points.
2nd Place: Midarlarsupl’s Clawitzer ex, with 47/50 points.
1st Place: doofisconfused’s Vivillon ex, with 48/50 points.