marching band/orchestra members?

I play the trumpet in my school's Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band. I love band :] Concert tonight, and since I got my braces off less than a week ago, it's a good thing I don't have any solos lol.

Band = life :D
InfinityFangX said:
you haven't met my orchestra teacher from when i was in 11th grade,

were talking Demon possessed, rude, and words that I am not allowed to say on this forum.

This teacher makes me so sick. To the point that I would rather ditch her class than go in ther for 5 minutes of misery with her.

and i'm not just saying this, I had fun all the other years in orchestra except for this one. Everyone hated her, actually I think she quit after that year because she realized how horrible she was at life.

omg I can write an essay on why I hate her so much.

The teacher has a lot to do with the orchestra. A bad leader makes bad instrument players.

seriously the last memories of my junior year was this annoying, rude lady who needed serious help.

well thats all, i'm gonna poof away now. :]

I never understood the logic behind hiring strict Art/Music/Gym/other extra curricular teachers. I would of quit Orchestra my now if it weren't of been for my teacher at least being light hearted once in a while. Usually when I get mad when we get a new, hard song, I think about quiting. Most people already quit. It's the fact that I have fun a little bit during class that keeps me in. If the teacher was strict, barely anyone would stay in.
I never understood the logic behind hiring strict Art/Music/Gym/other extra curricular teachers. I would of quit Orchestra my now if it weren't of been for my teacher at least being light hearted once in a while. Usually when I get mad when we get a new, hard song, I think about quiting. Most people already quit. It's the fact that I have fun a little bit during class that keeps me in. If the teacher was strict, barely anyone would stay in.

well she wasn't really strict, I had a strict teacher my freshman year and that was somewhat bearable, *not really* lol

No, I'm talking straight up *words that cant be said on pokebeach*

I remember one morning she said this to us...
"It makes me sick coming to class each morning to teach you guys"
everyone was just like .....wut???....

and another time she said..

"You guys are such a mediocre class"
and then I responded with..
"Thats because we have a mediocre teacher teaching us"
and then she hated me for the rest of the year :D

ahh.. orchestra.... good times... good times. <--------------no not really.
r3skyline said:
lol, wind vs brass...classic wars..

neway, i was in symphonic band, jazz band, full orchestra. i played tenor trombone and bass trombone in jazz/full orch.

weve won many awards and trophies and whatnot...meh.

its alright. lol

You mean... wind/brass vs. Strings?

Anyways, MylesPrower, I apologize if I offended you. The thing is, different techniques are more difficult to acheive on different instruments. As you said, tone quality is hard to acheive on wind instruments. But the thing is, it is the same level of difficulty on string instruments because of the many factors playing into it, such as intonation, bow pressure, bow speed, bow placement, etc. Actually, you have changed my views to think now that both types of instruments are equally challenging, and neither more "sophisticated" than the other. The only reason I thought differently before was because of the band students at my school, who give everyone the "wind-instruments-sound-better" nonsense. They don't necessarily, and strings don't necessarily sound better than winds. It really depends on who is playing, and the level they are at.
Oh, no worries, there's no offense taken. I tend to jump on the 'strings requiring more skill' notion a little too hard. GraysonViolin did the same thing a year ago and I gave him an equally long statement. :p

Anyway, I agree that both strings and winds are equally difficult. Now percussion... well.

r3skyline said:
MylesPrower said:
You've gotta realize that it's much harder to double tongue on in-mouth instruments.
i play alto sax as well including soprano

And you can do it fine on those, too? That's a technique that's been baffling quality players for decades. Maybe you've just got the gift. :O
MylesPrower said:
Oh, no worries, there's no offense taken. I tend to jump on the 'strings requiring more skill' notion a little too hard. GraysonViolin did the same thing a year ago and I gave him an equally long statement. :p

Anyway, I agree that both strings and winds are equally difficult. Now percussion... well.
i play alto sax as well including soprano
And you can do it fine on those, too? That's a technique that's been baffling quality players for decades. Maybe you've just got the gift. :O
always been talented. but i quit tho. haha
42 chocolate said:
but I play very advanced music, such as Boccherini and Hayden.
LOL. Advanced music? Play Paginini, Sarasate, and Ravel, and THEN come see me. Don't think you're above the average, cause that's not going to apply in the world.

I play the violin myself, but my sister is more professionalized in it (and I mean, DANG, she can play). Despite me being a great pianist, my orchestra is too crummy to play any good piano concerto pieces... >_<

Then again, solo all the way. :D
I play percussion! I'm in 7th grade but I play at a high school level. Last year I got in Interlochen and got invited back! (Happiness) Just this week I got three ones at a solo and ensemble performance! I played Hungarian Dace #5 on the marimba, a timpani piece, and two snare drum solos.