Friend Code: in sig
Time Zone:gmt but tbh I'm up all hours
Times Available: ^
-level 1s: squirtle with dragon pulse aura phere water pulse ice beam, all starters, karrablast, shelmet, kriketot, cubone, natu, skitty, rotom, drowzee, seel, shellos(both colours), white flabebe, sigilyph, tyrunt, koffing, girafarig, oddish, cottonee, wurmple, glameow, baltoy, unburden purrloin, buneary, minccino, gligar, tynamo,doduo, litwick, cacnea, munna, rattata, vullaby, tailow, numel, patrat, castform, darumaka, misdreavus, shinx, porygon, voltorb, venonat, lotad, ekans, elygem, stantler, petilil, grimer, whismur, elektrike, starly, larvesta, surskit.
-others: phione, machoke, kadabra, boldore
-also have these pokes from fs with their HA: ninetales, ditto, shelgon, kecleon, zebstrika, riolu, dedenne, manectric, dragonair, frogadier, gogoat, venomoth, larvesta, electabuzz, azumarill, mienfoo and whirlipede
Services Offered:
tradebacks, help with GTS (both advice and search assists), both shelmet and karablast trades 4 accelgor & excalavier ^_^ with tb if requested
I have and can catch on request the following pokes in friend safari which have useful H.A: fletchinder, octillery, eevee, diggersby, xatu, gyrados, hawlucha, breloom, braixen, quilladin, charmeleon, ivysaur, wartortle, sigilyph, loudred, lampent, phantump, spiritomb, helioptile, minccino, shuckle, quagsire, bibarel, togepi, liepard, tyrogue, shuppet, emolga, munna, lapras, tropius and volbeat.
I'm also able to breed, these pokes 4 trade: igglybuff, cleffa, flabebe(all colours), es dratini, chatot, rufflet, seedot, feebas, abra, minun, plusle, sr larvitar, outrage charmander, t/i/f fang/sucker punch mawile, iron head/outrage gible, sr ferroseed, hammer arm slakoth, wish eevee, recover sableye, hjk tyrogue, bb murkrow, omanyte, kabuto, aerodactyl, shielgon, tirtouga, archen, borealis, bouffalant, frillish, typole, klink.
can catch any other version x exclusive pokemon for trade
-nothing at all, xD I got the celebi and manaphy I wanted and have almost 3 full vivillon collections now, very happy so will accept requests for any of the above and trade my spare stock away for goldeens and spindas
Time Zone:gmt but tbh I'm up all hours
Times Available: ^
-level 1s: squirtle with dragon pulse aura phere water pulse ice beam, all starters, karrablast, shelmet, kriketot, cubone, natu, skitty, rotom, drowzee, seel, shellos(both colours), white flabebe, sigilyph, tyrunt, koffing, girafarig, oddish, cottonee, wurmple, glameow, baltoy, unburden purrloin, buneary, minccino, gligar, tynamo,doduo, litwick, cacnea, munna, rattata, vullaby, tailow, numel, patrat, castform, darumaka, misdreavus, shinx, porygon, voltorb, venonat, lotad, ekans, elygem, stantler, petilil, grimer, whismur, elektrike, starly, larvesta, surskit.
-others: phione, machoke, kadabra, boldore
-also have these pokes from fs with their HA: ninetales, ditto, shelgon, kecleon, zebstrika, riolu, dedenne, manectric, dragonair, frogadier, gogoat, venomoth, larvesta, electabuzz, azumarill, mienfoo and whirlipede
Services Offered:
tradebacks, help with GTS (both advice and search assists), both shelmet and karablast trades 4 accelgor & excalavier ^_^ with tb if requested
I have and can catch on request the following pokes in friend safari which have useful H.A: fletchinder, octillery, eevee, diggersby, xatu, gyrados, hawlucha, breloom, braixen, quilladin, charmeleon, ivysaur, wartortle, sigilyph, loudred, lampent, phantump, spiritomb, helioptile, minccino, shuckle, quagsire, bibarel, togepi, liepard, tyrogue, shuppet, emolga, munna, lapras, tropius and volbeat.
I'm also able to breed, these pokes 4 trade: igglybuff, cleffa, flabebe(all colours), es dratini, chatot, rufflet, seedot, feebas, abra, minun, plusle, sr larvitar, outrage charmander, t/i/f fang/sucker punch mawile, iron head/outrage gible, sr ferroseed, hammer arm slakoth, wish eevee, recover sableye, hjk tyrogue, bb murkrow, omanyte, kabuto, aerodactyl, shielgon, tirtouga, archen, borealis, bouffalant, frillish, typole, klink.
can catch any other version x exclusive pokemon for trade
-nothing at all, xD I got the celebi and manaphy I wanted and have almost 3 full vivillon collections now, very happy so will accept requests for any of the above and trade my spare stock away for goldeens and spindas