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agreed, plus I feel like we will be getting a bit of overlap for trainer's Pokemon and megas? maybe a mega metagross that works with Steven or the likeSteven’s Metagross ex can be paired with non-Steven’s Pokémon, meaning you could theoretically keep updating it with new Pokémon for the next three years and survive power creep. It’s already getting paired with Lillie’s Clefairy ex in Japan. Now, I feel like Erika’s Clefairy ex’s will probably be $10 or more for a while in the US, but if you’re trying to be budget-conscious, maybe you could buy a couple more Metagross ex on eBay or TCGPLAYER to help you set them up more easily and/or add a Prismatic Evolutions Regigigas to help you in certain matchups?
Marnie may or may not be better out of the box, but Steven has more room for growth and will probably have a longer lifespan.