• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

Marowak (Help Along w/ Freeze)


aka GdoubleEK
No matter what comes out,
I will always have a place in my heart and a deck that involves Cubone.
I was wondering if anyone has any advice or updates that I should consider
when Freeze comes out in improving this deck? Or even something that I
may have overlooked with the current cards out there... Any help would be
appreciated, Thanks!

Basically, a lot of the decks around here are heavily loaded up on Darkrai EX
and Blastoise/Keldeo. I try to get a Maro and Zap set up and the rest are
just on the bench for their abilities to reflip coins or gather energy. Victini's
there to let me reflip if I run into bad luck on Maros Bonemerang and Zaps
Thundering Hurricane.

02 Victini NVI 14
03 Cubone TM
03 Marowak TM
02 Zapados NxD
03 Tynamo NVI 38
03 Eelektrik NVI
01 Smeargle CL
01 Mewtwo EX

04 Professor Oak's New Theory
04 Junk Arm
03 Juniper
03 N
03 Level Ball
03 Pokemon Catcher
02 Dual Ball
02 Random Reciever
02 Lost Remover
02 Switch
01 Eviolite
01 Super Rod

09 Lightning Energy
04 Double Colorless
RE: Marowak ((Help along w/Freeze))

alex said:
Could you please add a strategy?

In general,
Get out a Maro as quick as I can and use Victini
for addition Coin Flip chances with Bonemerang.

Alot of the decks around here run Darkrai Ex's.
I try to 1 HitKO them with that combo.

The other guys are really to build up Zapados
and hopefully get luck with 4x coin flip for 100-200
SheNinja said:
How do you use Victini if you don't play it?

Unless I have been playing wrong,
he is only out there on the bench for his ability to reflip the coins
on Marowaks or Zapados attacks should I run into some bad
Oh now you added it. When I posted in wasn't in the OP. And why Eels? They will be uneeded, the only attacker in the deck should be Cubone with an Eviolite attached, 4 Marowak in discard, and Defenders sprinkled in. It makes the deck enjoyable to play. It also gets the cards in the deck easier to find and less clutter, so therefore more consistent.
Now I know Cubone can be a real tank with all the
negative damage reduction, but he is really viable
to take down the newers decks with all the EX and
combos out there?

I was having an easier time trying for 1hko with Maro.
'Bone is an amazing tank. "negative damage reduction"? That would mean adding damage...
SheNinja said:
'Bone is an amazing tank. "negative damage reduction"? That would mean adding damage...

In a different game it makes sense!
but I guess in Pokemon you can't bring peoples armors below 0...

You can tell which games people play by the lingo and the
terminology they use~

Along with the "negative damage reduction" mix up ^.^
you should have also added the "he is" should have been "Is he"