^And I have to respectively disagree with you as well. Keep in mind that if you aren't running Kingdra Prime in TyRam, Reshiram cannot OHKO Gothitelle with Reuniclus in play (unless you use Outrage with 110 damage), which will happen with a T2 Gothitelle. I understand that if they do not set it up in time, then TyRam wins, but if they get Gothitelle T2, they can leave it there to stall while building one on the bench and setting up Reuniclus so they can't Catcher up your Solosis/Duosion. I'd say the matchup with TyRam is 60/40 (Gothitelle has a slight advantage with eliminating Pluspower); whoever sets up faster wins.
Very nice written article indeed. This deck has sparked interest in my brother, and he really wants to play it, so I'll be trying to get the cards for him. I don't entirely agree with Electrode, but I see how it works. I don't personally see a need for an engine of energy attachment, but the Electrode/Twins combo is very nice. The Dragons make a nice damage sponge here, and can abuse that damage with Outrage. Good job nonetheless.
Very nice written article indeed. This deck has sparked interest in my brother, and he really wants to play it, so I'll be trying to get the cards for him. I don't entirely agree with Electrode, but I see how it works. I don't personally see a need for an engine of energy attachment, but the Electrode/Twins combo is very nice. The Dragons make a nice damage sponge here, and can abuse that damage with Outrage. Good job nonetheless.