Masquerain SV

Masquerain LV.36 - Grass - HP80
Stage 1 - Evolves from Surskit

Poke-Body: Intimidating Pattern
As long as this Pokemon is your Active Pokemon, any damage done by your opponent’s Pokemon’s attacks is reduced by 20.

[G] Extra Absorption: 30 damage. Draw 2 cards from your deck.

Weakness: Lightning (+20)
Resistance: Fighting (-20)
Retreat Cost: 0
Set Number: 12

Nothing special. it should last at least a turn, but isn't going to do any damage. It might of gotten some play if it was a basic. Otherwise, it doesn't seem like a tech, draw support, or main attacker.
It's pretty good. I guess it's a good card, but it doesn't fit in any deck, and it isn't much a deck of it's own.
Hmm, Expert Belt, Nidoqueen RR, and Blissey PL is all I see. Perhaps Manectric and Poke Healer are a must, as well as Cherrim SF and AA/Buck's/PlusPower/Crobat G/Poke Turn/Leftovers. That's all I see. It could be a fun deck...but no more than that.

dmaster out.
whats the point of drawing cards if you're just going to be attacking with an 80 HP/30 damage output a turn card?

Hi my name is Beedrill and I do 4x as much damage as you for the same cost.
try cherium from AoA, is so amazing with this, reduce 20 with body, plus 10 for each cherum + alot of heals/ shamin X, wld be lol, i might play it
I believe I made a thread on this about a month ago.
Play it with Pluspower and a combination of the Cherrims.
You could even try buffer piece from AoA.
Sorry to bump this old thread, but I was about to start a new one about Masquerain anyway.

It may be a "meh" card for you advanced players, with your decks full of miraculous combos and such, but for a newbie like me, Masquerain SV is beyond awesome.

I will be getting more premade decks and boosters soon, but I recently just bought an Ignition and an Overflow deck, just to play with my girlfriend, and she can't win a single match because of my two Masquerains. I can frequently play Masquerain in the beginning of the match, when she doesn't have any powerhouse offensive ready, so the Poké-Body makes it almost invincible until she can power up and play Milotic or Roserade C (which she often can't do immediately).

All the while I have a consistent output of 30 damage (consistent is the word here) and can draw two cards per round, meaning that while she scrambles to find energies, I will have everything I need in my hand until the end of the match. Usually by the time she beats my Masquerain, I already have a fully energised Arcanine/Camerupt/Venusaur.

She usually can't draw more than two prizes before I win the match. And she can play.

With its Poké-body, zero retreat cost, draw 2 cards attack effect and low attack cost, IMO Masquerain is clearly unbalanced as far as "noob decks" are concerned.
Except-that the card isn't that good. If I may speak on behalf for us "advanced" players, I would like to point out that it is not that good. For a newbie player, not that good. Flygon is as good to a newbie as it is to a world champ, a good card. Masquerian is NOT that good, to EITHER a newbie OR a world champ. Of course your going to beat your girlfriends precon, cause-well-its a precon. This card really made its showing at prereleases, being as it was VERY difficult to defeat, and it WAS your draw power. Otherwise, not that good.
Seth1789110 said:
Except-that the card isn't that good. If I may speak on behalf for us "advanced" players, I would like to point out that it is not that good. For a newbie player, not that good. Flygon is as good to a newbie as it is to a world champ, a good card. Masquerian is NOT that good, to EITHER a newbie OR a world champ. Of course your going to beat your girlfriends precon, cause-well-its a precon. This card really made its showing at prereleases, being as it was VERY difficult to defeat, and it WAS your draw power. Otherwise, not that good.

What does "precon" mean? I'm sorry, I'm new here and still struggling with all the lingo. I wish you guys knew how intimidating it can be for a new player to read most of the threads around here. I'm not shy to ask, but I would bet that most people just get scared and leave.

Back to the point, I think I get your point. A good card is a good card and a mediocre card is a mediocre card, period. No matter if you're a noob or a world champ. I get it. I agree. But there's no discussion to me about the fact that this single pokemon throws the balance out of the window in a friendly match between Ignition and Overflow themed decks. I know you guys couldn't care less about these "precons", but as decks from the same expansion, one could not be faulted to assume they should be balanced to each other.
I'd expect for newbie players masquerain would be good. Seeming how newbie players don't have claydol, Uxie or anything it would provide pretty decent draw power.
Smeow said:
I'd expect for newbie players masquerain would be good. Seeming how newbie players don't have claydol, Uxie or anything it would provide pretty decent draw power.

League promos.

As I said before, it just isn't THAT good. At a prerelease, its a monster, but in real life its eh.
Not everyone can attend a league.

Masquerain is okay. But IMO Furret is much better. Same stage, +10HP, and a free attack that gets the same amount of cards, but they are your choice. Furret can also work for activating Upper Energy
it honestly, isn't that bad of a pretty decent in decks like Shaymin/Yanmega, or anything else that is more grass built than anything...but for any other decks, I wouldn't recommend it
It's an ok card to use if you're struggling to get Claydol/Uxie and such but if you're not running a {G} deck then it isn't worth running. You would be better off replacing Masquerain with Draw supporters like Proffesor Oaks Vist and such. Those provide alot more speed and don't waste space on the bench or give you opponent a free prize.