I'm curious as to the evidence of this price.

This picture shows that there are 2 Boxes in a case and the case retails at 99.98
I'm curious as to the evidence of this price.
This picture shows that there are 2 Boxes in a case and the case retails at 99.98
Well, for a collector of FA Supporters, $100 doesn't seem too bad for some solid cards. Maybe one box and a few code cards from eBay?
Let me ask a question, would you prefer this N over the Noble Victories one in your decks? Which one looks better to you?
my bad lol forgot to put the 1it says 1 box is 99.99, master case is 2 for 199.98
Dang tough decision on if i buy 4 boxes or just buy 1 and then buy 3 of the new full art N as singles guess it will depend on which 2 packs the include
Well, I think that's a little melodramatic. Releasing alternate arts of cards doesn't change the game. A RA Decidueye-GX has the same attacks as a FA Decidueye-GX, so it's not like they're forcing you to buy a box set to get a more playable card. This isn't a game-changer, just some cool but expensive full-arts. Settle down.
o ive got a great idea you can just leave pokemon tcg community and take your toxic negativity with you. just dont buy it if you dont like it, collectors and people who like to have max rarity will love this. a company can be as greedy as they want until they start expecting people to spend more on stuff that people need to play but if they want to make people spend 80 dollars on a box with a ton of great looking cards that are optional more power to them it works with car companys and it works with card companys so of course there gonna keep doing it
Well this is the dumbest thing I've read in a while.
I understand saying this about the Charizard and Ho-oh boxes, but this box is purely a set of cards that have already been released with all of their artwork. These are purely new card artworks.
The reason the cards retain their original set number is so that competitive players are NOT forced into buying expensive new full arts.
Having more options of artworks is good for the consumer and for the manufacturer.
Thumbs down
and here i thought these cards are gonna be reprinted.
seriously what is wrong with tcg? alternate art thing is really not worth it. what happened to those days when we got reprints of all great bw cards in black white legendary treasures? japan made a best of xy expansion making cards valuable and legal for standards, people who are from rural places outside us and uk playing tcgo, not being able to buy original products they go after cheap cards and reprints would make them play with their old cards.
seriously tcg has become greedy for money
IF you're just collecting then why does it matter what set the cards are considered to be from? If you're hobby is just spending money on owning pieces of cardboard then it doesn't matterYou don't have the mind set of a collector. Try spending your life and hard earned money actually getting every card before talking about stuff you don't understand.
Sorry I meant Shaymin not HsyaminUhh if N is promo,it will be worth really that much?($100),or Hsyamin,probalby 50-60 dollars for taht,I mean its relly good for$100 the whole box,but the alternate shouldn't be the good cards.
So Shaymin EX becomes Standard legal again?
Also, not familiar with the area of the Japanese versions. Could someone let me know what all the trainers are? I can figure out some, but now all.