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Master BR DialgaChomp


Aspiring Trainer
3-1 Dialga G Lvl. X
2-2 Garchomp C Lvl. X
2-1 Uxie Lvl. X
1 Chatot MD
1 Dragonite FB
1 Crobat G
1 Bronzong G
1 Unknown Q
1 Toxicroak G Promo
1 Smeargle
T/S/S: 27
4 Cyrus Conspiricy
4 Powerspray
4 Poketurn
3 Energy Gain
3 Professor Oaks New Theory
3 Pokemon Collecter
3 Bebes Search
2 SP Radar
1 Luxury Ball
1 Aarons Collection

Energy: 14
4 Special Metal
3 Double Colorless Energy
3 Call
2 Warp
1 Metal
1 Psycic

Strategy: Get Dialga Out then warp ENergy for Garchomp. Bring Garchomp up lvl up and heal all pokemon. Then use lvl max 2 lvl up uxie on the bench.
1 Level Max

Just no. Either run 0 Level Max, or run 4 Level Max. It's for the sake of consistency. In most cases, you will not need to run any Level Max...

3 uxie is bench clutter, especially with 3 pont. drop one for a smeargle, they're amazing in sp. no skuntank? what's your out vs. vilegar?
I would suggest dropping Chatot MD (Chances are you won't start with it and if you don't start with it, but start with something to search for it then you probably don't need to use it) and Smeargle (UD) because Smeargle has to be active to use and seeing as how you can only retreat once per turn he has to remain active for the next turn unless you waste a Poketurn to pick up your active with him sitting on the bench. In summary I would suggest...

-1 Chatot MD
-1 Smeargle UD
-2 Special Metal (DCE is needed more than special metal in this deck)

+1 Metal (you currently only have two basic energies searchable with Cyrus's Conspiracy)
+2 Energy Exchanger (Exchanger your basic energy for a special energy)
+1 SP Radar (3 is VERY helpful in the long run)

P.S. you could also do -1 Power Spray for +1 Energy Gain, but that is more of a personal preference than a necessity.
uh, what? no. the idea with smeargle is to obviously put an unown Q on it and to promote him every time during the game that you would poketurn your active/have something get knocked out. getting a free supporter a few turns a game is HUGE in sp, especially in the mirror match. if you're playing this list without a smeargle against one that is utilizing it, you're already going to be at a great disadvantage.

OP: i just realized you're only playing 2 basic energy, which really is a bad idea. energy lines are iffy in dialga... but being able to optimize a maximum of 2 of your cyruses per game seems like a bad idea.
that is why i play PONT so if i need omething hopefully ill get it if not then i have smeargle and i can attach unknown q 2 it. I ve play tested this dek a lot and its fine. Plus who really gives 2 s***s about BR's its just for fun on my 2nd battle road im playing a starter dek so chill.
I have never seen Smeargle put into a single competitive SP deck and by the time I usually have something knocked out in my Luxchomp deck I am already completely set-up and may just play a supporter for the sake of playing a supporter. So, yes Smeargle can be good early game, but if you want him for that you might as well run Sableye (SF) and use impersonate so that you get to use your supporter and not your opponents. Now I get that if you are lucky and manage to use your opponents cyrus and your own early game it would be great and mid game it might be decent (depending on how set-up you are), however late game you shouldn't need it.

P.S. Unown Q is better put to use on Uxie Lv. X and Dialga G.