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Masters: Ben& Jerry's (Vanilluxe)


Team Blitzkrieg FTW!!!
4-2-4-Vanilluxe lline
2-1-2 Vileplume
2 Fliptini
1 Cleffa
1 Pichu
2 victini(v-create)

Pokemon: 21

4 pokemon collectors
3 twins
3 poke' com
3 sages training
2 prof Juniper
3 rare candy
2 N (full art)

T/S/S: 27

Energy: 12
{W}: 7
Rescue{C}: 3
{R}: 2

the main idea around this deck is to lock down your opponent with vileplume and paralyze them with vanilluxe. By running a thick supporter line and twins like you are pretty sure to get what you need with those cards. Also if your flips do not go the way you want them to just use victini's ability victory start to re-flip for vanilluxe's attack. Also, V-Create Victini is used as a metal counter against pokemon like coballion and scizor who threaten Vanilluxe.
If your planning on retreating alot then you might want to make it a 2-2 dodrio, other than that the deck looks pretty set. I would also recomend removing the random N or taking something out to put in more.
thanks, the reason for the 1-1 dodrio is because it is the only one i have. i've been at city tournaments all weekend and never once bothered to trade for more dodrio and doduo lol. Anyways, what i've noticed mostly is that four twins is quite cumbersome in the little bit of testing i have done with this deck. Just today i came up with the idea of adding V-create Victini into the list as a counter to pokemon like Cobalion, Scizor, and pretty much any steel type in the meta-game. What I would take out not entirely sure yet possibly one/two Twins along with N, but I guess I will have to take a good hard look at the deck. Any and all suggestions would be and will be appreciated
If you are going to put in a counter for coballion/durant/scizor or what ever else use reshiram. In my list i run a 2 reshiram 3 dce and i never actually have run into the instance were i start off with a reshiram.. Mind you I have only played like 20 games or so, but its bound to happen
to tell the truth the victini with v-create wont come in handy enough. You should probably change vileplume line to 3-2-2 vileplume, 1 bellosom. Other than that you can add in trainers/supporters with the left over space to try and make the deck mor consistant. Hope this helps.
that was my initial plan, but i only have two oddish and one gloom in my entire collection :p