2-2 Steelix prime ( all unleashed) onix 1x 57/95/1x56/95
3-3 Scizor prime (all undaunted) syther 2x 36/90 1x 65/90
1-1 blissey prime (hgss)
2-1-2 klingklang (b&w)
1 cleffa (call of legends)
1 skarmory (call of legends)
1-1 dodrio
~T/S/S-~21 ~
4 pokemon communication
2 rare candy
2 switch
2 super scoop up
1 energy retrieval
1 interviewers Question
2 pokemon collector
3 professor oak's new theory
2 copycat
2 professor juniper
~Energy- 18~
10 metal energy
4 special metal energy
4 double colorless energy
get klingklang up as soon as possible then get scizor 2 atack and charge steelix (free 2 move energy around when using blissey's nurse poke power
dodrio makes scizor have free retreat cost (lowest hp so you want 2 retreat it
and able 2 get steelix back witht he double collorless energy
i need loads of help i want this deck 2 work perfect
(its al about scizor
~i need help please advice me ^^~
2-2 Steelix prime ( all unleashed) onix 1x 57/95/1x56/95
3-3 Scizor prime (all undaunted) syther 2x 36/90 1x 65/90
1-1 blissey prime (hgss)
2-1-2 klingklang (b&w)
1 cleffa (call of legends)
1 skarmory (call of legends)
1-1 dodrio
~T/S/S-~21 ~
4 pokemon communication
2 rare candy
2 switch
2 super scoop up
1 energy retrieval
1 interviewers Question
2 pokemon collector
3 professor oak's new theory
2 copycat
2 professor juniper
~Energy- 18~
10 metal energy
4 special metal energy
4 double colorless energy
get klingklang up as soon as possible then get scizor 2 atack and charge steelix (free 2 move energy around when using blissey's nurse poke power
dodrio makes scizor have free retreat cost (lowest hp so you want 2 retreat it
and able 2 get steelix back witht he double collorless energy
i need loads of help i want this deck 2 work perfect
(its al about scizor
~i need help please advice me ^^~