• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

Masters speed machamp enti and raikou legend Br's


Aspiring Trainer
Poekmon 16
4-3-3-1 machamp sf
3 chatot md
2 raikou and enti legend top and bottom

Trainers supporters and stadiums 31

2 dual ball
2 volkners philosphey
4 rare candy
2 pokemon reversal
1 luxury ball
4 professor oaks new theory
4 sooper scoop up
3 broken time space
1 pokemon rescue
1 premire ball
1 palmers contrubtion
3 bebe's serch
1 vs seeker
1 great ball
1 professer elm's training method

energy 13

5 fighting
3 rainbow energy
2 dce
1 lightning
2 fire energy
If your goal is to donk or start wiping your oppenets field as soon as possible you need to add....
+2 professor elms training method (help you get machoke and machamp)
+2 pokemon collector ( help you get uxies and machop(if started with chatot))
+2 uxie (helps draw power)
+4 fighting energy (just to make sure you can attack immedianty)
+3 pokemon communication (to help you get machoke and machamp)
+0-1-1 machamp (If you get broken time-space you need more of a chance to draw machoke and machamp)
+1 broken time space (help you set up fast)

Take out because of needed and for space.....
-2 raikou legend
-2 fire energy
-3 rainbow
-1 lightning energy
-1 great ball
-2 dual ball
-1 vs seeker
-2 volkners philosophy
-1 pokemon rescue
-1 bebes search
Well one of my goal's are to donk them but even know you did it dosent mean its over and i can still donk them of course. Raikou and enti can deliver the final blow you can just knock out like two or three pokemon with machamp and then use enti and raikou's thunder fall to win the game some time's and i dont think pokemon collector would be a good idea for this deck because how little basic pokemon there are in this deck. But i might take out pokemon rescue for profeser elms but maybe bebe's serch would be better because you can put back a trainer card with it if your going aginst a vioplume deck.