Ruling Mawille Turnaround Standby


Aspiring Trainer
The Mawile from Supreme Victors has an attack called Turnaround Standby the attack reads: During your next turn any damage done by Mawille's Swallow or Bite to your opponents active Pokémon is increased by 40 (before applying weakness and resistance)

Does this mean when my opponents active Pokémon retreats, the attacks wont be boosted anymore?
Yes, but it says to your opponent's active pokemon, not the defending pokemon.
Basicly what it means is if they came out with a card that made normal damage snipe-able, it would only apply for the opponent's active pokemon. (I have no clue why they say stuff like that in card text tho lol)
The Compendium said:
Effects on the attacking Pokemon are applied before weakness and resistance. Effects on the defending Pokemon are applied after weakness and resistance. (Jan 15, 2009 PUI Rules Team)

According to the Compendium Brandon would be correct, since I have no idea about what ThePokemonProfessor just said is supposed to mean. Unless they errata the Mawile to make the damage addition to happen after W/R, the effect will be on Mawile. If they errata it with this change, then the defending pokemon would have the effect.

So no the effect wouldn't null if the defending pokemon was benched/put out of play/etc...