May Cameo?

Pelipper Rocks

I also love Drifblim!
Do you think May will make an appearance in season 10?

I think that if she does, her Eevee will evolve into one of the new eeveelutions. Probably glaceon since Ash and co. have already passed through Eterna.
I think it will be Espeon or Umberon since she would be in Johto, but she would amke a great Contest rival for Dawn...
Well, maybe,like you saw Misty and Tracey again. But May really wasn't that connected to anyone.
It will probobly appen like that one episode where misty came andhere togepi evolved into togetic. same thing with eevee
I am not sure. I think it is quite likely but as somebody said I think it is Max who is most likely to come back. Even though May is in Johto I think her eevee will evolve into one of the new ones so that is gets featured in the anime (if she comes back).
There was a rumor, and I say RUMOR, don't know if it's true that while Ash is battling a trainer, there's a cut scene and it shows May and May's Eevee evolving, but the cut back before we can find out, but I don't true
i think that evee will evolve into a vapereon or a glacieon because u can't really imagine may with any other evve evovations, can u?
It's possible, I mean we've had a fair share of unexpected cameos in Diamond and Pearl so why not?

Personally though, I think if anybody, Misty will be one of the coming cameos, as we still haven't seen whatever it is her voice actress said she recorded (or at least I think we haven't seen it)
I say she'll ge ta Leafeon or Glaceon because it's a new Pokemon and it's like why Aipom might evolve to Ambipom.
May wont come back in season 10, but perhaps in season 14, after sinnoh. Seasons 11, 12 and 13 will cover sinnoh too. But I reckon they will meat again later, but not yet. She only just left!
Yeh, but Brock's cool! How can Tracey replace Brock's "attempt" to get a girl. Lol, I remember that girl that asked him to marry her, he was so scared.
Gamefreak734 said:
I think brock should leave and tracy come back, hes only been in 1 season.

And 1 season was enough. Brock is one of the main characters and I dont think he will be leaving anytime soon. Besides Tracy is at Oak's lab helping out Oak. May might come back but I some how doubt it. If we see May again I think it would be in Johto or she will be and the grand festival in Sinnoh. One of those two make the most since. But if we see May in Johto that would probally mean that Ash and Brock, and maybe Dawn would be there which might be hinting to A g/s remake:).