Can you get any of the cards in any number box - we only have box 1 in my regionOpened like 25 and didnt get a drampa
Yeah its just the stickers and mat thing that are different for each box the packs are all the same!Can you get any of the cards in any number box - we only have box 1 in my region
there are pics in a FB group my cousin is in he showed me the pick someone already bought a case of toy 1 and toy 2 and listed for 650 toy 1 500 toy 2 or 1000 for both smhCan we just buy the packs by themselves?
Nah. These have been trivial to get ahold of. There's nothing of value in here. Not to a scalper anyway.Yay another thing for scalpers to ruin for everyone
Also, and this may be controversial, some adults like Pokemon.Genuinely why do you care so much? Adults buy happy meals if they’re hungry but don’t want a lot of food anyway, so why does it matter?
A single justification (not that it's needed): a non-collector adult might be trying to surprise their kid(s) or they are otherwise unavailable. Also, the entire hobby is designed for kids, let's not delude ourselves here.i disagree mc donalds toys should be for kids with a happy meal.
There is no reason that can justify a adult buying a happy meal for himself or the cards that belong in it. Do we not have enough Pokemon cards? Or do we really need the reprint of a card we don't care about with a special foil? No we don't it's for kids don't ruin everything for them.
The average age of somebody who plays the Pokemon video games was over 18, over a decade ago. I'd argue more adults like Pokemon than kids at this point.Also, and this may be controversial, some adults like Pokemon.
This should be a sign to print a new one actually, because believe it or not that’s the only basic ray they’ve released since guardians rising in 2017 lol. all the others have been Vs or special mechanics, which they don’t reprint for mcdonalds cards afaik
I work at a Mcd's and i can confirm that yes you can... depending on location, for you see all the Mcd's i work for make it so that you can only get 1 extra but nothing else so we can control the amount of supply that is availableCan we just buy the packs by themselves?