Wi-Fi Trades MC's haves n' wants *Revamped*

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Magus' Child

Kuja's love Child
Brand new FC - Child at 1248 0698 2769

I nickname almost all my shinys with few exceptions and if I don't rename your pokemon it's respective evolution it'll always have the name of it's baby form.

Special note; whoever asked me to get a modest zapdos with 31's in SPATK and Speed, I now have him, kindly pm me
Please stop asking me to check your lists people, I'm really only after my listed wants! As for asking what I have other than what's on this list, I have more than 300 unlisted shinys and events. So kindly tell me if there's anything in particular you're after; I may have it. Also, I will not trade pokemon for items please stop asking people
*I am now done Platinum again, and have all the following legendaries I can SR for. Those not listed I'm SRing for myself. I do not use RNG. I will NOT SR for shinies*
This is a first come first serve offer.

Haves for trade:
Timid suicune with excellent iv's
Bold suicune with not so great iv's
Raikou 10th Anniversary Hardy
Entei Bashful
Zapdos Articuno and Moltres I caught on Platinum nicknameable (Dunno how I managed it, but they were all caught on route 202) *Uncloned*
Timid latias 29, 3, 29, 29, 31, 31
This Registeel
Adamant groudon
Quirky kyogre Japanese
Quiet Hitmontop
Rash Giratina
Jolly mewtwo
Timid natural cure staryu level 1 Hatched myself

Events for trade:
This Wishmaker Jirachi
Worlds 09 Weavile
Hayley's Naive mew
Sassy MYSTRY mew
Touched quiet 10th Anniversary Celebi (level 73)
Adamant Coliseum celebi UT
Lax movie arceus
Touched Ranger riolu (level 31)
UT XD Hydro Cannon Totodile (level 5)
TRU Regigigas Hasty
TRU Dragonite Mild
JPN movie Regigigas lonely *uncloned*
Pikachu colored pichu x2
Gamestop pichu
Have others I can clone, ask.

Shinings and events I caught myself -
Shining Mild level 3 UT Nidoran female. Chained, caught in greatball. Is nicknamed; you'll need to tell me what you want her named, even if only Nidoqueen.
Also this girl is a bit special as she's not been caught on the game I typically trade on, aka the friendcode in my signature. If you trade for her, ask for
my alternate FC. I'd prefer a non cloned pokemon for her as I will not be cloning this girl.
Surfing pikachu nicknameable; on the same game as the nidoran female. Pikachu is brave.

Shinings for trade, all are UT and SHINY not trading for items at the moment:
Putting more shinys on offer for my wants including those that aren't and won't be cloned!
Normal -
Female adamant eevee
Timid wish eevee male
Nidoran male rash (Uncloned)
Hasty abra (Uncloned)
Adamant dratini with dragon dance
Careful shinx
Jolly magnemite
Relaxed UT level 51 pidgey
Hasty xatu
Careful ditto (Uncloned)
Bashful ditto
Modest banette touched at level 40
Jolly UT Growlithe
Female naughty torkoal (Uncloned)
Docile psyduck
Brave spinda
Adamant horsea Touched at level 10 was hatched probably raised in daycare or rare candied
Sassy aron female (Uncloned)
Calm chansey touched at level 23
Bashful charmander with outrage
Careful murkrow
Docile totodile
Brave gastrodon
Docile Gible
Rash turtwig
Hasty torchic
Hasty chingling
Jolly flygon (Touched at level 83, unsure if she has been ev'd)
Bold roserade
Careful vulpix
Careful beldum
Naive noctowl
Hardy tangela *Uncloned*
Bold sableye
Careful delcatty
Bashful miltank
Lonely glalie
Sassy tentacruel
Bashful ralts
Naughty yanma
Sassy magikarp
People that ignore my bold rules will be ignored and if you persist in pestering me I'll report you!
Modest latios
Naughty Cresselia
Impish zapdos
Relaxed groudon
Modest newmoon island darkrai
Mild UT Azelf (Pokerus) Has 31 in SPATK and 17 Speed
Modest UT Uxie
Bashful phione
Serious UT Moltres
Mild UT Rayquaza
Hardy palkia Japanese
Careful Latias
Calm Hoenn Ho-oh
Calm UT Giratina
Sassy mesprit
Quiet mew (Unsure on legitness but looks okay)
Brave raikou (Might be a hack, unsure)
Modest Flower Paradise Shaymin
Naive regigigas touched at level 76 Caught in snowpoint temple
Calm Regice
Gentle regirock
Naughty Articuno
Ask for other shinys, I have more. Some are multiples but have different natures. For instance, I also have a naughty shiny latias and gentle giratina. Just ask.

Level 100 -
Glaceon male shiny level 100 Jolly 27, 24, 25, 11, 4, 24 ev'd 252 HP 252 Defense ask for more info. Ev'd myself
Latios regular color non ev'd *uncloned* *Wanna get rid of this will take 6 items for*
Latias regular color unsure if ev'd *Wanna get rid of this will take 6 items for*
Rayquaza shiny level 100 non ev'd
Lugia Japanese lonely unsure if ev'd ask for more info has some ribbons
Female adamant non shiny tyranitar ev'd in attack and speed attack is over 400
Japanese Ursaring non shiny non ev'd *Uncloned*
Typhlosion shiny ev'd in SPATK and Speed Timid nature
Timid WISHMKR Jirachi ev'd in HP and Speed
Non ev'd speed form shiny deoxys Bashful
Gallade shiny ev'd. I forget in what stats. Ask.

Item haves:
Lucky egg
Soul dew
Shards of any color
Lucky punch
Dubious disc
All power items
Metal coat
Dusk stones
Shiny stones
All tms including explosion and I clone these so you can have multiples
I also have many other items, like Razor fang.

I will do tradebacks. I have mew, manaphy, jirachi, celebi, the four regis, and others. I will NOT trade shinys for these pokemon people. Please stop asking! If you want a permanent trade choose an item or tm from my haves, or a select few of my non shiny haves.

Shiny wants, everything on this list MUST be legit AND shiny people:
When I say uncloned, nature, iv's and ut do not matter as long as it's below level 90ish. And for uncloned I prefer you to be the original trainer.
More wants added!
Any Distant land shinys except togetic, salamence, bold suicune, modest entei, or careful raikou. Still want the three dogs but not those natures.
Calm pachirisu with good iv's in SPDEF and HP or Speed (any two of the 3) and pickup (flexible on the ability)
Timid or modest Pachirisu with good iv's in SPATK and Speed and pickup (flexible on the ability)
Modest or timid mesprit with good iv's in SPATK and Speed
Jolly glameow or purugly with good iv's in Attack and Speed and own tempo
Female hoothoot nature/ivs unimportant but must be UT and prefer chained
Uncloned untouched lugia *Have uncloned but he's level 100 so I can't ev him*
English HG/SS suicune preferably uncloned
Dog collection stuff:
Kanto suicune (Due to confusion, want the FireRed suicune in shiny not distant land)
Kanto entei (Same as above suicune)
Uncloned suicune (any)
HG/SS Entei, Raikou, ho-oh, and lugia Japanese
I'm not looking for anything else at the moment. I no longer require nicknames. I'm trying to start a collection of Safari Zone shinys.

Safari zone shiny wants:
These can be cloned.
These must be from the Safari zone!

Non shiny wants:
Legit Extremespeed zigzagoon (Can be touched/evolved into linoone as long as it's below level 50 and legit, I think mine is hacked)
A good natured pokewalker surfing pikachu with spatk and speed not in the negative
RE: MC's haves n wants *Have TRU Shaymin*

what do you want for the Giratina? I can get someone to cloe it for you. CMT. I also have a feraligator.
RE: MC's haves n wants *Have TRU Shaymin*

Blackcharizard1456: Can you provide a link?

x war x: I'll only trade mesprit if it can be cloned. Can you link me to your haves?
RE: MC's haves n wants *Have TRU Shaymin*

I have the Swagger tm, but I can't wifi where I am

I can also clone that TRU shay.
RE: MC's haves n wants *Have TRU Shaymin*

Shaymew: Okay, well LMK

x war x: Sorry, I looked and I don't see any shinings, and that's what I'd want for my mesprit.
RE: MC's haves n' wants *Have legit shiny milotic*

I hope it's okay to up this since I majorly updated the list.
RE: MC's haves n' wants *Have legit shiny milotic*

My ADAMANT Dratini for that Shiny Milotic?
RE: MC's haves n' wants *Have legit shiny milotic*

Light Venusaur: Well, if dratini can be nicknamed you have yourself a deal!

Charging_Chimchar: Mmmk, and what did you want from me...?
RE: MC's haves n' wants *Have legit shiny milotic*

do u have an electivire? i like shiny absol and shiny milotic

oh sorry, i have these
RE: MC's haves n' wants *Have legit shiny milotic*

Superwolfe: Heya~! Are the pokes you're offering shiny? Also, no sorries I don't have vire.
RE: MC's haves n' wants *Have legit shiny milotic*

Well, do you have other wants? I can trade you absol for sure...can shinx be nicknamed?
RE: MC's haves n' wants *Have legit shiny milotic*

why wouldnt it be? could u add something else?
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